Chapter 1
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"This is surreal" Jake pushed the key into the front door lock of their new house.
"Come on then!" Ella said as she pushed the door open and then followed him in.
"It's bigger than I rem—" Jake started as he looked around before meeting Ella's gaze. She was staring at him intensely. "You okay?" he asked, confused.
Ella with all her strength grabbed Jake by his upper arms and pushed him towards the wall. She didn't need all her strength really because despite his 6 ft stature, he was thin and slightly toned which made him light. He hit the wall with a little more force than she intended.
"I've been waiting for this moment Jake" Ella began in a commanding tone, "You've impressed me very much. A decent pay rise, a mortgage, you've gotten yourself in shape too!"
Jake couldn't muster any words. Here he was in their new home with his girlfriend who for the whole 4 years he'd known her had never raised her voice, let alone pinned him to a wall. "Th-thank you…"
"Uh, uh" Ella put a finger over his mouth before continuing; "but… I've never had the chance to… give back…" she walked back a step, letting Jake relax his arms as he remained leaning against the wall. Ella looked him up and down before settling her eyes on his shirt. "Your fitness routine is clearly working. Maybe too well."
"Wha—" Jake cocked his head confused.
"I like your dedication to this" she ran her hand down his supple chest, "but I want you to stop. Actually, not just stop. I want you to… go the other way… I want you to grow."
"Like… get…" he stammered,
"Bigger. Yes." Ella lifted the side of Jake's shirt and barely managed to pinch the very slight softness around his waist. "I figured now we have our own place and you have no roommates to compete with or be judged by… you can relax. You've done so much. Now just quit your runs and gym and let me look after you…"
"Ella, we've literally just walked into our new house, we've not even got the furniture in, and the first thing you do is whatever this… is. Let's talk about it later." Jake moved from the wall but Ella stopped him.
"Listen to me. I put real effort into looking this hot for you—"
"I run every day, go to the gym, eat well… it's not like I'm making no effort" Jake retorted.
"Yes, and I told you that's very impressive, all I'm asking you to do is relax. You've worked really hard, now I'm taking control."
"Taking control? What does that mean?"
Ella led Jake into what would be the dining room and sat him down on the floor. "Wait here, I'll be back in a minute."
In no time she returned with the housewarming gift their parents had given them; two boxes of food to tide them over for the week whilst they moved in.
Ella pulled a ready cooked pizza from the top box and put it down in front of Jake.
"What the fuck Ella"
"I said eat." she said forcefully.
Jake was very hungry so despite being confused and rattled, he took a slice and ate it. He looked up at Ella who was now smiling. "Are you gonna have some?" He mouthed.
"Don't worry about me. Come on, you have a pizza to finish."
"To finish!?"
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
5 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years
Hot and well written.