Office Benefits

  By DentF  

Chapter 1 - The Company's Founding Anniversary

The Company was holding a special celebration for the anniversary of its founding, a well-anticipated, annual event that signaled smaller workload with a given half day, and cake all around the office to satiate the sweet-toothes of the hard-working employees. Everyone would eagerly dig into the cake, then take the next 2 hours hardly working until the shortened shift was ended, and then off to home for a well-needed rest.

Lily sighed heavily as she slowly typed away into a spreadsheet, watching the letter appear in one cell, then tabbing to the next cell to fill in congruent data, copying and pasting functions from other spreadsheets from past work, all the while teetering on a sugar crash from 3 party cakes. A promise she had made to herself earlier was not to overdo it on the carbs considering a generous-as-always gift from a saint of a colleague that prowls around her office: a package of 6 cinnamon rolls filled covered with the most decadent butter cream that glittered in the light, along with a smuggled half-gallon of milk to balance out the simple sugars her digestive system would be collecting.

Naturally, a growing girl would dig in and savor a couple for the next day. But Lily's especially gravid figure, though deceptively alluding to a second mouth to feed, nevertheless would convince any unsuspecting outsider that this woman was on her final stretch towards motherhood, and as any good mother would do, would feed until she eventually gave birth to a new set of stretch marks. Any pinkies curled for any dietary promises she made would quickly un-curl upon witness of a most sinful ice cream cake, its sides sweating in the office lights, prompting Lily's maternal appetite to kick in, one cake after another plopping on a dirtier and dirtier plate.

As the next wave of fatigue hit, a spare hand rose from Lily's keyboard to comfort her bloated midsection, prodding lightly on the skin tight undergarment that so desperately needed to be removed under less formal circumstances. The attire fitted currently could barely be said to be even up to standard, not because of the lackluster quality of the clothing, but since the subject wearing them was perhaps 2 to 3 sizes too big for them. The white blouse was drawn tightly over her heavy stomach, the bottom of her top garment tucked into her constricting skirt, causing the white fabric to stretch taut over her generous love handles. The striped button up skirt was a particular suspect to the lower grade of her attire, the sutured buttons were being pulled tightly by the fibers of each button hole into a creased teardrop, with each elongated hole pressing against a mound of overfilling fat that gave a hint at the deeply inflamed stretch marks that the clothing hid. Her fattened fingers pushed into the spot where her belly and thighs met to feel the weight of her work, the resistant fabric slowly giving way inward as the hem of her skirt drew up equally against the friction of her legs, revealing pink rings on each of her supple thighs. Her lack of self-esteem, in the face of upholding company standards no matter what, but more concerning the same gift-giving colleague and her orders for wear, prevented her fingers from releasing her own bindings, and those same orders stopped her from getting more fitting attire (besides the embarrassment of going to management to upsize once again).

“Looks like someone had their fill,” Carol said sarcastically. Standing in Lily’s doorway with a one hand on her hip, was a woman of an envious quality to most men and women alike, a buxom tiger-of-a-lady, a toned waist hidden underneath her uniform and bridging the gap of her hourglass figure. She made an effort to accentuate her figure by wearing a small enough dress to draw the attention of many of the employees around the office, reveling in the jealousy and lust she summoned from those around her. She bestowed a similar attitude to her friend, at first, back when she was at a similar weight. Back when Carol accidentally discovered a hidden desire from Lily; back when they made a one-sided “contractual” agreement. She knew how to push, and burst, Lily’s buttons; her other hand carried a large piece of cake from the party. “I take it you took leisure in my morning treats too?”

Lily sighed, bouncing her belly playfully, a twinkle in Carol’s eye appearing for the briefest of moments, as a shark sensing the blood of a seal trickling in the water. Lily remembered the half-dozen batch of gooey cinnamon rolls that was waiting for her at the desk this morning. A now common morning ritual of finding a set of pastries waiting to be devoured, at first a cheeky gift, now a mandatory confection to indulge in. “Y-yeah. But I forgot…about the party today. You — uhh — you really shouldn’t have brought them for today.”

“Perhaps I shouldn’t have. Maybe you do deserve a break.” With a brief pause, lowering her head in the form of shame, conveying a message of admission that she may have taken her desires too far. What tease she played! Carol smirked with a sly comeback. “But…you seem to have a little room left in you. I would say you seem fine, perhaps even eager for more, no?”, she accused, looking down to Lily’s paunch.

Lily, mid-jiggle, stopped immediately, knowing she had been caught partially empty, Carol’s pessimistic half-empty attitude certainly would irritate her desire to fill the empty space that she thought was left in her growing girl.

Carol continued: “Ha. I know how you get on full stomach”, she said, approaching slowly, “so dazy eyed and distracted, but you still seem fine now. My, your capacity sure has grown, no? How many sweets have you had today? Tell the old you about your palette, and she’d start running from fate. Literally! I doubt you could even get up to attempt a morning jog now.”

Lily, sensing danger, pushed on her arm rests, but felt a gravitational resistance on her way up, the half-inch she managed to move causing the loose fat on her paunch to sway and a small burp to escape her lips. She breathed out in an impending defeat.

“See? No need to run from fate. Easier to sit.” Carol got on her knees and lowered her chair, guaranteeing Lily’s capture. The chair-bound pig closed her eyes in eager anticipation as always.

“Easier to give in, no? Let’s not resist. Open up now.” The spork mushed into the cake and scooped up a chunk of calories, and made their way up, a droplet of melted ice cream splatting on the floor. Lily’s mouth parted open enough for her deposit, and the spoon slipped right in. The lips relaxed back into position and Carol pulled out the spork, stripped clean.

Carol massaged the side of Lily’s girth, her fingertips working together to shift the fat and relieve some room for her pet’s capacity, who struggled to let out a muffled sigh as she closed her eyes from another sugar shock. “Good girl. Just relax now. I know you’re so full from today’s binging, I really do. But you’re a growing girl, and a growing girl needs to eat her fill. Here…second bite.” A second, larger bite approached and was cleaned just as well as the first one, a mannered moan vibrating out from Lily’s cheeks as the cake melted in her mouth. Carol stood up and walked over to Lily’s stash, picking up the half-drank half-gallon of milk. She raised the open carton to her project’s lips, which pursed around the opening in desperation. “Here’s some milk, all part of a cow’s balanced diet”, slowly tipping up the carton as the milk filled up some of the remaining free spots in her stomach and balancing out against the mounds of sugar-filled sweets that had settled. Echoed moans exited as milk entered, with a messy trickle escaping the side of her lips and poured down her neck and into her fattened cleavage.

The carton parted from Lily’s lips as she quietly gasped and rubbed her stomach carefully. “No more—urp—please…. Any more…and…my dress will break.”

“Oh? Are you holding back then?” Carol, in excitement to see her plans come to fruition, started excitedly slapping the piggy’s stretched out stomach to get it to wobble, with great success at the cost of Lily’s comfort. “The whole purpose for your small dress is for it to snap, little piggy. Don’t you get it?”

“But…it’s —urp—so embarrassing….”

“Piggies don’t get embarrassed silly, they take joy waddling around stuffed all day, and take pride in ripping their clothes from their gluttony.”

Lily blushed at the thought of her freely hanging gut waving back and forth in the office as she snacked on a king size chocolate bar, or crashing onto a reinforced chair and eating openly without care of being caught. She hung her head back and continued to protest. “The HR manager keeps giving me weird looks…I can’t stand her.”

“She is judgemental; she doesn’t understand, does she? Maybe I’ll see about making her your ‘partner’....” Lily’s ears perked up at this proposition, but Carol continued. “Nevertheless, a month is an awfully long time for you to not go unripped, it’s like you’re not making progress. Just let go, piggy.”

Lily hesitated, looking down at her distended gut as it quivered in her dress, the thoughts of embarrassment being entirely enticing, to lack the care and allow another to take control, but she still held onto the little dignity she had left from her prior life. Carol had to take extra care in order to convince her, but nothing she couldn’t handle, with a girl with such low self-esteem. Getting up nice and close to Lily, who stared in bewilderment by her gluttony, she whispered: “It’s okay to let go and give in. You can’t fight it forever. Just…relax….”

Carol bent over and caressed her piggy’s belly, as she finally capitulated and let out a large breath, her gut spurring forward and inflating her dress. The top two buttons quaked at the pressure they experienced, the fibers binding them to the cloth splayed apart as the top button, then shortly afterwards, the bottom button popped right off and clattered to the floor. Her overtightened shirt springed up while her skirt parted open to unleash her liberated fat as it jiggled out and morphed into her chunky thighs. A sea of deeply red stretch marks on top of a pregnant-looking belly that finally could be allowed to breathe, but more importantly, be given the extra capacity to feed even more. Lily almost looked purple with how she blushed, but succumbing to her pestering desire resounded with a loud burp and a cheerful moan as final placed both chubby sets of fingers into the sides of her midsection, finally able to revel in her product. The newfound emptiness produced by her relaxation, you could say, confused her senses as a flooding desire to stuff perpetuated her mind, as if to reward her for finally ripping another uniform.

“Very good piggy,” Carol congratulated with a couple of heart-felt taps to the still-soft summit of her gut, each tap threatening to engulf her fingers. “Oh! Why, it looks like you need a new dress. Better head up to HR, considering how embarrassing you look right now. You need another uniform to fill out.”

Lily grunted at this kurt request, but, with the help of Carol, stood up, wobbling as her gut swayed her forward. By putting her arms out to her side, she was able to stabilize, and begin to bring her shirt back down.

“Uh uh,” Carol said, quickly shutting Lily down. “Good piggies walk around free-hanging. Besides, the HR lady has to see firsthand what’s coming to her.”

Lily burped mindlessly, and began shuffling to her office door, before one final request from Carol. “We’ll finish that cake when you get back, but here’s something to keep you occupied.” Carol, comically enough, reached into her cleavage and pulled out, just as in Lily’s imaginations, a king size chocolate bar. “And it better be gone when you get back.” Lily’s eyes lit up at the plan for return, before taking and ripping open the chocolate bar. She proceeded out her office waddled down the hallway, with a cake-smeared grimace as she continued to eat, her scarred belly swaying down the aisle of cubicles towards the HR office. She burped as she took a whole bite from the bar, placing a hand on her distended stomach instinctually as if to both relieve the tightness as well as to draw attention to her form.

The shock on the HR lady’s face when Lily’s profound gluttonous figure will certainly be priceless.
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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