Chapter 1 - Approaching Her Target
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At lunch, T decided to eat in the office cafeteria instead of eating her healthier packed lunch as she normally did. She grabbed two slices of pizza, made a nice salad, and looked for a place to sit. She saw G eating alone. He had a small salad and a cup of water. To tease him, she grabbed two chocolate milks and sat across from him at his otherwise empty table. G was a heavy-set dude. His ample butt spilled a little over the sides of his seat, and his body rippled a bit when he jolted up from his dazed state upon the realization that the, in his eyes, hottest woman in the office just sat down with him. He could feel everyone’s gaze on him as the contrast between her slim frame and his oversized one made him even fatter in the eyes of all his coworkers.
T looked around to try to see what G was glancing off to the side at. Nobody at any other table seemed to notice the mismatched pair. She wanted to make a change to that mismatch, and she wanted to do something that would draw their attention. “Why aren’t you eating much? You can’t possibly get in a good workout on just that,” she teased.
“I- I’m trying to lose weight. I don’t like how I look. I don’t like how I feel. Everyone just sees me as the fat dude in the office.” G was visibly upset.
“I don’t see you that way. Sure, you’ve done a bit more dirty bulking that the average athlete does, but I see a cute guy who is on the verge of being in the best shape of his life.” T even surprised herself. She wasn’t planning on pouring out her intentions so quickly, but she also didn’t expect his self-image to be the first thing he mentioned to her.
G grew more upset. “Please don’t tease me. I don’t know who put you up to this, but it’s not funny. I really am trying to get into better shape, and I don’t need someone messing with me right now.”
“I mean it. I want to help you get into the best shape of your life. You’ve always been so nice to me, and I really do think you’re cute. I don’t want to see you torture yourself by starving. I used to work at the gym in college. I am sure I can help you reach your goals, but I want you to help me reach mine in exchange.” A viscous fire burned in her eyes. “For every pound you lose, I want you to feed me to the point that I gain it.” She bit into her greasy pizza as she looked across at a stammering G.
Contemporary Fiction
Fit to Fat
13 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year