Reasons to Be Thank-full

Chapter 1

Colin lumbered slowly down the thin steps of the Greyhound bus and out into the snow. He felt his sides graze the handles as the bus driver thanked him for his patronage. Colin felt his belt dig deeply into his lower belly, and his jeans creak with stiffness as he operated his legs. His thighs were pressed tightly against the lightwash seams of the skinnies; small poufs of fat popped out in the stylish ripped knees. He felt his red bubble winter jacket ride up as he stretched after his 4 hour bus ride; it exposed his soft beer belly to the cold. Snow flakes kissed the pale and stretch-marked skin.

The tall, 25 year old man stood on the high street of Lane County. He had grown up in this post-card town, right on a shoreline to the Atlantic. Even in winter, he could smell the ocean. His dark, short hair was cropped under his winter hat; his thick scruff ran down his neck and cloaked his rounded chin. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, Colin checked his phone.

Dad: Snow has shut down traffic apparently, will be late. Let me know when you arrive. - Dad

Colin laughed his dad signing off his text and replied.

Colin: Here now. How long you thinking?

Dad is typing...

Dad: 45 mins easily. Sorry bud.

Colin: No worries. Gonna grab a pint and get out of the snow.

Colin looked around and meandered towards the warm lights of Dominion, the local Irish pub. He found a booth and sat facing the TV. Colin would watch any sport that aired on ESPN, as long as there was a beer in front of him.

Shedding his coat and dumping his chilled, wet bag, Colin tugged his medium graphic tee down as he sat. His soft pecs and rounded gut was stretching the material way past its capacity.

When Colin had left Lane County for school 5 years ago, he was a skinny, lanky freshman. His dark hair and beard at a young age gave him an appearance of being much older, but his lean youthful physique made him seem like a baby. At university, Colin had discovered beer and pizza and the freedom to consume whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Between second and third year, Colin seemed to mature into an older physique - about 40lbs of thickness found its way onto his body over the course of his schooling. He quickly evened out, and started running and playing sports whenever he could. At about 210lbs, he was in no way fat - just thicker, more manly.

After graduating and getting a grunt job in construction (just to pay rent and get by), Colin quickly settled into a new life. He had money, an apartment, and freedom to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He had ended his serious university relationship when he decided to move into the city - more opportunities to be had there. In the first year, he partied and clubbed and ate out and hooked up and went to sports games and indulged in every possible whim.

But with that, comes consequences. Colin noticed his weight gain and his size increase, but frankly didn't care. He was drunk so often, and hungry all the time. He was still pulling girls he wanted and could afford to eat out whenever he chose. After his first year of living in the city, Colin had expanded another 20lbs. It seemed to stick to his ribs and torso more than anywhere else. A thick dad bod of beer and fried foods - he hid his double chin with a neatly groomed beard. When he had visited home last Christmas, no one had commented on his weight gain. All his mom had said to him was, "You are looking so grown up."

Colin became addicted to living this way. Stopping for a slice of pizza became stopping for two. He would eat and walk from the subway to his apartment, and recently, the slices were not making it to the front door. At work, he would pack two or three sandwiches for himself and at quitting time, him and the boys would crack open a few beers right at 5:01pm. He'd get a buzz, stumble home and eat a portion of shawarma intended to feed two.

In the summer time, he realized he could no longer fit into his warm weather wardrobe. Shorts constricted his thighs and stopped at his ass. His shirts still fit, but his belly plopped out as soon as he lifted his arms. His barrelling chest was clearly visible and his man boobs were beginning to stick out in ways he had never experienced before. His belly was semi-hard, but the fast food was catching up and softening his torso at an alarming rate.

As Colin sat in the booth, he zoned out watching the hockey game. The cute, thin waisted waitress caught his eye. He flirted with his dark eyes and ordered a pint of their daily draught. He kept his eyes on her swaying hips as she walked away. She giggled when he quipped with her, and held his gaze.

It was good to know he had somewhere to come over the holidays to blow off steam.

When the waitress - Stacey, as it turns out - returned minutes later, the beer was gone. Colin was ravenous, having only packed some energy bars and a bag of Cheetos for the bus ride. He ordered another beer and contemplated...he knew his mom would have dinner waiting at home. But maybe just a snack to hold him over.

"And actually, " Colin started in his husky voice, "Can I grab a pound of the honey garlic?"

Stacey nodded, flashing her pearly whites. As she started to walk away, Colin felt it surge up in him:

"Actually, two pounds. One of honey garlic, one gar-par. And maybe later, I can get about 110lbs of whatever it is you're serving me in that skirt?"

Stacey's mouth dropped and he saw her eyes glaze over. She definitely was turned on.

"I'm not going to guess what kind of poundage you are packing there, big boy...but I'll think about your width and lengths, for sure."

She strutted away, making a show of her bubble butt. Colin was now hungry for more than just food.

Two pints became three, and when Stacey brought out his food, she dropped a poutine in front of him too.

"On the house." A napkin with her phone number was tucked under neath the hot food.

Colin inhaled the table, barely taking his eyes off the monitor and the sexy server. He undid his belt as he polished off the wings and tucked into the poutine. His phone buzzed, not quite as buzzed as him though:

Dad: 5 away! Finally lol.

Colin shovelled down the rest of his food and left Stacey a generous tip. He chugged his beer and let a burp rip as he threw on his coat. He waved at Stacey with the napkin in his hand. She looked surprised.

"Going so soon?"

"I'll be back, don't you worry."

"Good. Hope you're hungry again soon." She touched his arm and squeezed.

Stepping out into the winter cold, Colin felt his hard on pressed against his tight jeans. His belly was now impossibly swollen and he left his winter jacket open. A sliver of his 242lb body was visible between his pants and shirt.

Colin spotted his dad's car and walked over, dropping into the passenger seat. His dad reached over and gave him a strong one armed hug. As he leaned back, Colin watched his father register his son's appearance. His eyes flickered to his rounded belly and back up to his swollen face.

"Good to have you home, buddy. Let's get you to your mom...she's been working on dinner all day."
9 chapters, created 4 years , updated 2 years
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Hugefatman 2 years
A pretty decent story here however the description of Colin being a “big man” at 242lbs is ridiculous unless he is only 4’ tall. He should be a 500lb’er to make it work correctly as described.
Riverbaz9 3 years
Loving it. I really want to know more about what his dad really thinks of his fattening son.
Chubbychica 3 years
Great story so far…looking forward to Stacey seeing him in person though…she’s going to be so hot for Colin when she sees his gain from those 1-2 short weeks.
Allaboutbigb... 3 years
I love this story, hope you can continue it
Growingyoung 4 years
Love the story! Can't wait for Colin to grow into a full blown feedee while parents look on in horror
ChubbyBrunch... 4 years
I’m really hoping that Stacey puts on weight on accident from spending to much time with him and being at a restaurant!
Bbman30 4 years
I like the girl’s comments at the end, can’t wait to see what Stacy has to say about him