Chapter 1 - “was that your girlfriend?”
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“What am I going to do with all this left over food Josh?” Carla said. “I guess I’ll take it.” Josh said reluctantly. This was the third time this week he had taken Carla’s leftovers. “You really shouldn’t order so much food if you aren’t going to eat it.” Josh said. “Then what would you eat?” Carla said laughing. Carla was a woman in her late 30s, but looked like she was in her 20’s. She was curvy in all the right places and made sure everyone knew it. But her body wasn’t the only thing that attracted people to Carla. Her personality was electrifying. She made everyone in the room feel her presence, but it wasn’t in the way you’d think. She wasn’t loud, she wasn’t boisterous, she was just bubbly and flirty and all of her male co-workers loved it.
Josh sat tucked at his desk, reading the graphs on the screen looking for a case to investigate, eating while he did. Carla approached, “You’re almost done with the leftover food I see.” she said. “Yep, it was actually a little more than last time.” Josh said, taking another forkful of his hearty meal. “I can’t imagine why, I didn’t order anything extra.” Carla said. “Oh, I almost forgot why I came over here.” She puts a cheese cake container down on the desk. “I forgot I ordered this cheesecake too, I can’t eat it. I’m stuffed, but I know you’ve got room.” Carla said patting Josh on the stomach. Josh couldn’t explain it, but he couldn’t resist what Carla said. “Don’t worry, i’ll find space for it in here.” Josh said, patting his stomach. “That’s my Joshy” she said, with a grin. She gently squeezed his shoulder as she walked by. Josh cracked open the cheesecake and caught a glimpse of her wonderfully pear shaped ass as she walked down the aisle.
Later that night.
It was time for a shift change. Josh had been focused on work the past couple hours, but not without a few candy filled interruptions from Carla. Josh, pretty full from the food earlier in the day looked over at Carla and saw that she looked slightly down. He walked over. “You ok?” He said. “I’m ok, It’s just...nevermind.” She said. “What?” Josh asked. “I don’t want to impose.” Carla said. “I’m sure it's not that big a deal, whats up Carla?” he said. “You think you could give me a ride home tonight? I swear it would only be this once. My cars in the shop right now and my sister got called into the hospital, so now unfortunately I’m rideless.” she said. Josh paused, “Shit, what would Katie think. Me giving a female coworker a ride home in the middle of the night. She does need a ride though. I’m sure she’ll understand.” Josh perked back up, “Of course.” he said. “You are a life saver Josh, thank you so much.” She said giving him a big friendly hug. Josh couldn’t help but smell her wonderful perfume. “I am starving though.” She said. “Can we stop somewhere to eat on the way to my house.” She continued. “Yea, that’s fine. I have to make a call really quick.” Josh said, stepping away.
Actually, I'll be like 20 minutes late. I’m giving Carla from work a ride to her house. It’s not far from us.
Yea, that's her. She’s in her late 30s.
Yea, Carla is like a big sister to me. I’ll be home as soon as I drop her off.
Love you babe.
Josh hung up the phone and headed back over to Carla. “Was that your girlfriend?” Carla asked. “Yep, just checking in with her.” Josh said. “Aww look at you being a good boyfriend. Tell her she’s got nothing to worry about. I’d never hear the end of it from my son.” Carla said.
14 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years