Short gaining stories

Chapter 1 - sgs: hubris

* {scroll down to the barrier thing for the actual gains if you want.}

The gentle cacophony of insects humming in the summer evening keeps your mind otherwise occupied as your friend continues her already LENGTHY explanation of some sort of science BS. The sun was creeping below the treeline outside, casting the basement the three of you were in cool shadows. She was, without a doubt, a classic nerd; From the cute circular glasses that framed her pale, freckled face to the somehow impossibly expensive chemical lab her father somehow 'gave' her. Yeah, her family was.. kinda weird. Chemistry happened to be one of her SPECIAL interests, and it happened to be one that you understood NOTHING about.

Had it not been for the gentle flutter of your heart at the sight of her grinning to herself while prodding some kind of.. glass tube thingie, you probably wouldn't tolerate it! Especially given the fact that you're not exactly the most.. knowledgeable guy around. Good thing you've got good looks, right?

Her scientific jargon thickens to points unknown as she would furrow her brows in concentration, kneeling over to look at a flask of.. water. She was speaking so fast your EYES were glazing over- Shoot, your BRAIN was glazing over. A quick glance over to your best friend would display a similar stupefied expression, which prompts a smirk on your behalf. Idiot. His dark brows were cocked upwards in mild shock, lips slightly parted as if to try and prepare to get a word in edge-wise. Unfortunately, she was quite good at holding people hostage in conversation. Sigh. She was so cute, though..

Something slams into your calf with a force to be reckoned with, jerking you away from her gorgeous icy blonde locks with a fury previously unknown to man. Your friend just kicked the HELL out of you! Brows knitted, you'd shoot him a look that could probably kill to which he'd respond with that classic cool smirk of his. 'WHAT' You'd mouth silently, lips curling into a scowl. The asshole only responds with another playful shove- You suppose he's bored. Fine! Two can play at that game! You curl your hand into a vengeful fist and send it hurling towards his upper arm, the force of which was,, admittedly overkill.

This is especially evident when he deftly swerves back and your fist clumsily smashes into fragile glass.

Her soft cry sends a pang through your chest as an entire table is reduced to a mess of shattered glass and various fluids, "WH- Bro!!! Look what you DID!" You'd cry in mock anguish at your own mistake, quickly retracting your hand as the flesh would prickle at the contact of god knows what. He looks less than amused.

"Me? Dude, what the hell is wrong with you."

His tone, cool as ever, prompts the faintest burning of your cheeks as humiliation would settle across your form. With a soft sigh, he'd gently push you aside and begin consoling the frantic girl next to him; "Oh gosh- Nooooo! It's- Aw... Geez... It's all over the floor now! I was working on that for weeks.." The way her tone dipped into utter dejection made your heart sink into your stomach. As the two worked silently to contain the mess of shattered glass and dripping fluids, you would begin stewing on all of the negative emotions welling up inside. No, this wasn't your fault! It was his! Your hands clench into fists, brows knitting as you'd glower at him from where you idly stood- Like a child being shoved to the timeout chair.

"...Shoot.. Let me get something to contain this- Better safe than sorry, I guess..." Her voice was nothing more than a sad sigh, which enraged you more! How could he do that? HE just HAD to mess with you!

"Yea. Sorry, I guess someone didn't learn how to not act like a barbarian." His tone cut through your ego like a hot knife, the classic cool guy smirk didnt help either. Your face flushes in a haphazard mixture of emotion as she'd silently trot up the stairs to retrieve whatever the hell.

The tension was palpable.

That is, of course, until you bellow out a good few rage-fueled curses, hands moving to gesture DRAMATICALLY at the mess to blame him further. The movement, however, prompts an abrupt eruption of pain to envelop your hand; Globs of crimson splatter against the glass coated cement below. Ow?!

"Oh damn- Dude, are you okay? Shit.." His expression, despite looking fully prepared to dish a lethal diss your way, would be consumed with concern as he finds himself closer to you to survey the damage. You stammer out a weak 'Get OFF' before your own gaze lowers to your bloodied hand; It looks like you gashed yourself pretty good.. Damn it! "Great.. Look, man, just.." The disappointment in his sigh alone is enough to make you bristle, "Just simmer down, okay? Let me get some bandages or.. yea." His amber gaze leaves your person, departing along with the rest of him as he too would trot up the stairs.

"..Can't even fuckin' exist, man.."

Despite him being reasonably far, his tone was audible and before you could even LASH OUT, he was gone. God DAMN it! Yet again, you were left with a confusing slurry of emotions; most of which was shame but to you shame and rage were the same damn thing! Fuck him. Fuck this stupid chemistry set! Fuck this stupid basement! If it weren't for HIM and his stupid smirk and the stupid GLASS, you'd be chilling with her and having a great time!!

Your mind absently thinks back to the look of utter sadness reflected in her soft green eyes. Fuck! Your body tenses, fists furling into rage fueled bullets as it finally consumes you: He had humiliated you for the LAST time! Just earlier he clowned on you for not knowing what the fuck 'Eitch Two-Oh' was! And the worst part was that she LAUGHED about it!!

--- *heres where the plot actually happens lmao*--

With an inarticulate roar of rage, you send your fists SLAMMING into the nearby table of similarly delicate instruments; Glass splinters and crackles under your raw knuckles as you'd slam your woes away. Your hands were ON FIRE by now, burning as if you had, you know, accidentally exposed them to some sort of dangerous chemical! Fuck.. The rage simmers to a mere afterthought as you'd survey your hands that wept with blood.. Ow. OW. Below you, the table was an absolute WRECKAGE; Multiple hues of fluid gushes forward onto the table, splattering to the floor along with your own blood. Pain throbs in your hand as you'd silently begin looking about for a rag, eyebrows furrowed in utter frustration as the glass you broke crunched under the soles of your shoes.

***ing table.

Another flush of anger prompts you to lash out again, one last KICK to the leg of the table in front of you. The movement is enough to swivel your body, foot sliding against the collection of various fluid below ans sennding you ABSOLUTELY crashing to the floor with a hoarse scream. Your back slams against the WET, SHARP floor with a THUD, body sliding under the table at JUSt the perfect angle for your HEAD to get positioned under the waterfall of chemicals from above. It happens so fast that you open your mouth into a pained grimace, the surprisingly viscous fluid from above forcing its way through parted teeth and settling upon your tongue.


Instinctively, you try to writhe away only to pause as your brain detects the most delectable sweetness that would smooth over your tastebuds. It was like the nectar of the gods, glowing with such a radiant deliciousness that your entire body throbs with pleasure at the mere TASTE. What the... fuck?! Eyes wide, you'd maneuver yourself to the side to process what just happened, hand gently raising to your lips to allow your tongue to flick at the residual fluid on the tips of your fingers.. The immediate contact sends an explosion of flavor consuming your tongue, prompting an involuntary moan. It was the SINGLE most delicious thing you had ever tasted- No, ANYONE had ever tasted EVER.. What did she say earlier? something about... Glue-Kos???

Before your brain can even process the fact that this could potentially be dangerous, you find yourself suckling at your fingers as if your life depended on it; form twisting onto your hands and knees as your body is consumed with sheer flavor ecstasy. My God! It was so.. addicting, you just couldn't stop yourself- It was like your body had gone into complete autopilot, and all you had to do was watch while your gluttony took over. Your hands desperately took to cupping together and scooping more fluid up, shoveling it into your watering mouth as if you hadn't drank for weeks. You needed more. All of the previous rage and turmoil melted from your mind in lieu of this delicious substance. Not even a solitary thought was spared on her behalf as youd lower yourself to your belly, groveling to the floor as you'd feverishly scoop it into your gaping maw.

You wanted more, and by god, you were going to lick the floor spotless to achieve it.

By now, your thoughts had been consumed entirely by the primal urge to consume. All senses were dedicated to slurping up as much as you could, and unfortunately, you weren't able to discern the low grumbling deep within your gut. It was like the heavenly glow of pleasure that enveloped your form like a blanket would seep deeper, straigjt down to your core where it would penetrate and drive you to craving more despite the gallons being vaccumed up by your needy lips. Your eyes, pupils nearly consuming the whole iris, were glued onto the floor- mildly disappointed by the increasing splotches of clean concrete where you had lapped up the saccharine fluid. No! Your body involuntarily groans for more, breaking into a cold sweat as you would struggle to consume it any faster.

It was beginning to turn into a hot chill, like your innards were becoming molten but not uncomfortably so. It was pleasant, like being surrounded by a warm blanket. Your gut gurgles lowly, flesh stretching taut as your stomach reaches max capacity. Tight, hard abs would miraculously soften into gentle curves underneath your soaked t-shirt, pants straining under the sudden influx of pressure as your form would rapidly expand. You didn't care, all you wanted was more.

Your form shifted into that which one would describe as 'bottom heavy', trembling thighs cushioning themselves with each desperate gulp. It wasnt long before they would strain against the fabric of your jeans, the waist of which struggled to account for your rapidly expanding curves and the profound curvature of your ass which was hardly contained as is. Each subtle movement brought forth more of a wobble than the last, eith your massive derrière being the primary target. It wasnt long before your previously fit form was struggling to be contained within your drenched clothes, soft curves overflowed over the waist of your jeans which pinched into your now meaty lovehandles with a vengeance.

As you'd writhe across the floor to gain access to more, your thighs grew closer and closer until they practically smothered each other; the seams of your poor jeans strained against each pound of pure fat that would envelop your body. Your bottom weighed down upon you, the sheer weight of which was amplified by the second. By now, the rest of your body was being affected as well: Your upper arms had been completely consumed in softness, the thickness of which was beginning to strain against the cuffs of your shirt which was now riding up your growing stomach which hung lower than ever. Your now ample breasts thickened, filling your shirt with ease as it struggled to not split from the growing strain. Finally, with one particularly intense wobble forward, your massive ass would sway with enough momentum to finally pop the seams of your jeans and allow for more room. The waist was now painfully uncomfortable, your overflowing stomach and waist were steadily filling them beyond capacity until it too would finally snap.

The sudden release of your body from the confines of the jeans would prompt another pleasured hum as the gentle curves of your body would expand beyond that of typical obesity with no more restraints. If one had looked before it snapped, it would be akin to an overstuffed sausage. It wasn't long before your shirt would follow suit, your pear-shaped form thickening at every angle until your flesh shreds apart every piece of fabric with ease. Your breasts and stomach press against the slick floor, the sheer pressure forces itself to spread horizontally along with your massive hips and ass which quickly fill the space underneath the table. At this point, your arms surround themselves with so much plush fat that you find yourself having difficulty shoveling more into your blubbery mouth.


For a brief moment, you snap out of the haze just long enough to try and pick yourself up to drink the rest off of the top of the table- Where you would expect your arms to lift with ease, youre met with unyielding resistance. Huh? You try to glance over only to see nothing but a wall of plush flesh that surrounds your head like a tire. You desperately try to writhe forward, body surging back and forth which only proves to display your whale-like form rippling like a tub of jello. The momentum prompts your cushion sized cheeks to sway back and forth, slamming against the legs of the table with enough force to cause the entire thing to quiver along with the sea of flushed, naked flesh that is now you.

Even still, you can feel yourself expanding, this time you feel your edges pressing against the legs of the table around you. Unyielding flesh strains against it, billowing outwards with ease until the whole table top is held up solely by the girth of your now mattress sized derrière. Your arms and legs had been consumed by rolls of plush fat that threaten to render your fingers and toes completely useless.

Even so, as glass crashes around your blissful form, you found yourself cradled by the serene warmth that enveloped you like a gentle tide. You had never felt so.. peaceful, and calm.

You had never felt more hungry.

From the top of the stairs, a soft gasp is heard. Despite the complete and utter humiliation that was bound to descend upon you like a hawk, you couldnt help but to smile at the thought of what was inevitably his shocked expression.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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