Subject: Addressing Your Recent Weight Gain

  By KallieT  

Chapter 1

Hello Emma,

As the associate director of the Kensington State University athletic department, I'm obligated to reach out to you concerning you and your team's behavior at last night's annual sports banquet. You caused quite a disruption, and the operating director, treasurer, and other members of the Kensington State University athletic department met this morning to discuss your future with the Kensington State volleyball team as well as appropriate punishments for the very inappropriate incident that unfortunately occurred.

Please know that our own interpersonal issues, particularly your qualms with the percentage of the athletics department's budgets that is slated to our championship-winning football team, have had no impact on any decision made by the board.

With all due respect, as a leader of our student-athletes there is a certain standard that you are expected to adhere to in terms of your own personal health and fitness. It has become overwhelmingly clear with just a brief visual inspection of your figure that that standard has not been upheld to any degree. Due to the incident, the athletic department board chose to review game footage from some of your matches this season, and we were surprised and disappointed to say the least.

Our approximations based on comparisons to game footage from last season estimate that you have gained no less than 50 pounds, and that amount of fat accumulation in such a short period of time is not only a hindrance to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to your role, it is also a very negative example to set for your student-athletes, who both look up to you and emulate your behavior.

This imitation is evident in an assessment of your student's health statistics as well, and every member of your volleyball team, starting or otherwise, ended the season a minimum of 25 pounds heavier than they began it, obviously a factor that made it very difficult for your team to see success within its season. Just last year you brought your girls to the semi-finals, and this year, based on game footage that we reviewed, your girls were exhausted by the second match of each game, leading to abysmal win rates and overall negative outcomes for both the students and the Kensington State university athletic department brand image.

We are known for our student's prowess and skill, not their size, and frankly having a team that is now entirely comprised of girls who distinctly fall into the category of overweight or obese does not reflect Kensington State.

This brings me to the incident from last night. As you know, our annual sports banquet should be a time for all of our students to be able to reflect on a great season and enjoy themselves with their peers. Your students, however, shifted the environment of the event and drew focus in a way that detracted from the celebration of our athletic department's achievements this season. Your students took far more than their fair share at the buffet, and they were likely motivated to do so by you, as I noted that you made four separate trips and brought back very full plates each time. Again, your body, while entirely your own concern, is a reflection of the standards we have here at Kensington State. The fact that you choose to indulge to that degree, a degree I can frankly only call gluttonous, is a major concern. Additionally, it reflects a lack of proper judgment given the fact that the dress you choose to wear was clearly far better suited for a woman of a less hefty stature, perhaps a woman of the size that you used to be.

When your dress burst open, exposing your body to the entire banquet, it was obvious that you’ve been neglecting your own health and fitness to an egregious degree based on the size and rounded protrusion of your midsection. While I understand it may have been embarrassing to hear students call out ‘Look how fat coach Emma got’ you must admit that their surprise was more than warranted.

At that point, your actions became unacceptable. Your meltdown bordered on hysterical, and the board has agreed there should be consequences for the false allegations you made.

For you to accuse me of fattening up your team on purpose simply because you criticized the budget breakdown and suggested the football team's funding should be reduced is absolutely ridiculous. I simply suggested that your team take on a sponsorship and provided you with the contact information of an acquaintance I have at Bulk-bar. The fact that you failed to perform any follow-up research on Bulk-bar and its intended uses does not fall on the shoulders of myself or any other member of the athletic department's staff.

Your assertion that I made you fat on purpose, got your team addicted to Bulk-bars which increased their appetite, and did so simply to prevent your team from succeeding this season and detracting funds from my team is completely unfounded and in no way based on reality. The fact that you chose to make that scene at that point, monologuing about how I sabotaged your weight with your dress burst open and your entire body jiggling very inappropriately in front of the students, reflects supremely poor judgment on your part.

Then, of course, comes the matter of the defamations you proceeded to post on social media following the event. Your claim that I called you and your team “a bunch of chubby little porkers who can barely run up the court without waddling” is entirely unsubstantiated. The board also reviewed your Facebook post in which you make the boldface claim that I engaged in inappropriate physical contact with you in which you wrote:

“Coach Liam relentlessly teased myself and the members of our team for our weight gain. He grabbed my stomach and told me my gut was getting out of control, then smacked it and said jiggle piggy, jiggle. He even teased my team captain, telling poor Samantha that she was getting a double chin and asking her if she could even still jump with ‘all that flab she was trying to stuff into that tiny little dress.’ Coach Liam is a terrible person who sabotaged my team just to get more football funding. He did all of this on purpose just to make me look bad.”

Frankly Emma, the situation looks bad enough all on its own. You have no proof of anything you’ve claimed, therefore the board has chosen to side with the football team and provide a portion of your funding to our department for the upcoming season.

While I'm sorry things didn't go as you hoped, perhaps this would be a good time to focus on reining in your clearly increased appetite and getting your weight back under control, if only to avoid another instance of your body tearing through your clothes simply because of the volume of food you’ve consumed.

If you’re concerned about you and your team's dependence on Bulk-bars, perhaps you should’ve done a proper investigation of the product and discovered its habit-forming properties. Regardless, research indicates that the additional mass accumulation will likely go on for some time. I hope you and your girls aren't too big for the uniforms next year. That would be quite a shame.

Lastly, I’ve been made aware that you have a private Facebook account where a few months you issued a post that read:

“I’m getting way too big to coach properly. I need to get all this weight gain under control but I just can't stop stuffing my face, I'm starving all the time and it's like I need more and more food just to fill me up. I swear it's those bars that Liam gave the team, but it's like I just can't stop eating them. If I can't get myself and the girls off Bulk-bars, we're all gonna explode.”

This post was used as evidence by the board to determine that you were well aware of the impact of the Bulk-bars and yet continued to eat them and provide them to your students because of your personal addiction to the bars and other types of obviously high-calorie food. Therefore, it is your fault that your students put on so much weight, your fault that you personally got, as you said “way too big to coach properly”, and your responsibility to remedy both situations.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please be aware that in order to sign your employment contract for next season, you’ll need to agree to let the associate director of the athletic department (myself) weigh you on a regular basis.

In the meantime, perhaps purchase larger clothes.

Have a great summer and don't forget to control that appetite of yours,

-Coach Liam Greningwill
| Kensington State University Head Football Coach
| Associate Director- Kensington State University Athletic Department
| “Make every day a day in which you gave your all to meet your goals”

*Thanks for reading! You can check out my profile to find more, I make a ton of gainer POVs and they're really fun to write!*
1 chapter, created 1 month , updated 1 month
6   3   1489


Stevita 1 month
Great plot twist and fun story!
Fanedfox 1 month
Coach Liam, virtually admits in his “letter” that he sabotaged the volleyball team by introducing Coach Emma to the bars and sponsor. He is a total asshole. That being said a great antagonist.
KallieT 1 month
Thank you so much! and you're so right lol, if I was coach Emma I'd take that letter straight to the board lmao!