Taking After Amy

  By Ekios  

Chapter 1

I let out a dainty belch and giggled. I'd just stuffed myself with more than 2000 calories of McDonald's. I leaned back in my car seat, massaging my belly, feeling how the binge had swelled my flat stomach into something unfamiliar.

I couldn't stop thinking of my new co-worker Amy, how her big, wide bum pressed through the armrest gaps in her office chair. How her belly spread thick and heavy into her lap and how far it stuck out before her as she slowly waddled around the office.

Is this what Amy does?

Was this how Amy eats?

It excited me to think that I might have eaten like that fat goddess, who must outweigh my 110lbs body four times over.

I'd just started a new job and after a lifetime of keeping fit and trim, I had suddenly developed a crazy obsession with the fattest woman I'd ever seen in my life.

I scrunched up the wrappers and thrust them into my handbag where my husband wouldn't see them. That health freak would never understand. He was probably on one of his stupid runs right now.

The next day, as I entered the office, I surreptitiously looked around for Amy. There she was! Ohhh and she was bending over, looking for something in a filing cabinet. Her enormous backside was like a vision of heaven. Rolls of her back fat were visible through her tight t-shirt. My heart quickened at the sight of her.

Suddenly, my head snapped up, and I realized that Amy had just greeted me.

"Morning," I said, embarrassed that I'd been staring. "Hey, I was just popping to the coffee machine, you want anything?"

"Ooh, could you grab me a blueberry muffin?" she said. "I'll get my card out."

"It's on me," I said, smiling. "Be right back!"

My heart pounded. Amy had talked to me. And she liked blueberry muffins. I made sure to get one for myself too.

I gave Amy her treat and began eating my muffin, watching her intently. She bit down, sending a shower of crumbs across her desk. My eyes widened as I watched her take another enormous bite, her flabby double chin wobbling as she chewed. My own mouth was chewing, mirroring her motions, and I felt a warmth spreading in my tummy, a tingling feeling between my legs. Amy was so big and so beautiful. I was entranced by her eating, and when she'd finished her muffin and began licking the remnants from her fingers, I knew I was becoming wet.

"Mmm, thanks Lucy!" Amy said. "Hey, you want to join us for lunch today? Me and the girls are going to try out that new Thai place across the road."

"Yes!" I said, almost too quickly. "That would be lovely!"

"See you then," Amy said, giving me a friendly wink.

I couldn't believe it. The most beautiful woman in the world wanted to eat lunch with me! I smiled all the way to the bathroom where I locked myself in a cubicle, took off my panties, and brought myself to a swift and shameful orgasm.

After that, I couldn't concentrate on any work. My eyes were fixated on Amy's body all morning. I loved the way she leaned back in her chair and let out a belch when she'd finished a snack. I loved the way the ample flesh on her arms jiggled and the way her huge tits squashed together when she stood up to grab a document from the printer. When it was time for lunch, I was almost shaking with anticipation.

It was a bright, warm day and my co-workers were laughing and chatting as we made our way across the road. As we walked, I was hypnotised by the rubbing of Amy's thunder thighs as she waddled and the way her enormous belly hung out in front of her, bouncing in time with her footsteps.

Once inside, we chose a table near the back. I watched carefully as my colleagues ordered. They each got a small salad. I knew that Amy was going to order the biggest thing on the menu. I ordered the same.

The food was delicious. I ate and ate, not caring about how I looked to the others, and not caring how full I was becoming. I couldn't help noticing how much Amy was eating, though. I watched as her chubby fingers lifted bite after bite to her lips, which were glistening with grease. As we ate, she kept talking, not stopping even to chew her food properly. I watched as she licked the remnants of food from her plate and I was sure I could hear a soft burble coming from her gurgling, overfed belly.

My increasingly uncomfortable midsection brought me back to reality. I had to let my tightening belt out a couple of notches to give myself some breathing room.

Finally, she sat back, letting out a groan and a muffled burp. I saw her belly swelling out even further from the sheer volume of food she'd consumed. "Ohh," she said. "That was so good."

I nodded, my own over-stuffed belly sloshing as I shifted in my seat.

"You two have sure got appetites," one of the other women remarked.

"Sure have," Amy replied, looking directly at me.
35 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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B1b1b1 1 year
I really like this one. Will you finish it?
LewdBehavior 1 year
Really loved You’ve got Emilied. Will you be posting that again?
4funnow 1 year
Like the new turn and how Lauren desires are appearing
Syntactical 1 year
Oh, a new ending? Interesting...

Hope we see Lauren grow massively fat. Her cheating on Ben can't go "unpunished"! Let her hate gaining every single pound, and still be unable to stop eating so much!
Abyssal Mind 1 year
I'm glad this was re-uploaded, I'm currently around ch. 17 and it's getting good.