Chapter 1 - Backstory
Well how I got on this cruise is a sad story. My parents had 3 daughters. Lisa(me),Rachel and , Haley. This is in order from youngest to oldest. Haley, quickly became popular because she was rich. But one day she was carrying around a gucci handbag. A robber saw it, shot her and took the handbag. Haley would recover. Just to get shot again because she got in a drunk argument. Rachel and me knew what would happen if we took Haleys path. So we instead were quietly rich. We were pretty blondes, so we got some extent of popular but not too much.My parents retired while we were in college and bought a big house with almost all of there money. Little did we know they had no insurance. A gang who had moved to the area robbed my parents house. Then a rival gang blew the house up with my parents and the other gang in it.
My parents lost everything and me and Rachel only inherited... cruise tickets. Fucking cruise tickets. So in 6 months I would be going on a cruise.
But those 6 months passed really quick.
Soon it was only 1 month out. Rachel came over to drive with me to the cruise. But I couldn’t help notice a VBO she had in the shirt she was wearing. I teased her about it but quickly realized she was sensitive about the topic. I felt bad and got her some chocolates. And then realized they would be perceived the wrong way. So I just told her sorry. She accepted, then we played dress up. To decide the outfits we would be wearing for the cruise. I bought a button down shirt and kakis to come in and out with. Jean shorts, crop tops shirts and regular jeans for the rest. She was sort of the same. Then, we prepared for the long road there. Buying a ton of chips and soda. We were each bloated about every hour.
We stopped in denver , to check out are hotel and rest. But we were each embarrassed as are belly pushed against are buttons. Then the next morning we were bloated again with the complementary breakfast. But we were sure we were still are 5 foot 120 lb selves.
Then we drove to L.A, were bloated with some tacos. And checked into are rooms.
Everything was 10 ft from your rooms. They had live shows, but it would be broadcasted on your screens so you would stay in. There was a hot tub i your room. A small pool below but it was very shallow. And a dining hall on the top floor, but instead of going there. You could order a meal through a touch screen, and have it delivered. And it was all inclusive so you could pig out AMAP. As much as possible. I was happy evspecially since I had 2 weeks off from my office job. And by the end of the 1st day everyone on my floor looked bloated as fuck. The meals were so rich and delicious. There would be more to come.
Hehe lol
10 chapters, created 5 years
, updated 5 years