Whatever It Takes for Popularity...

  By Bellybeep1000  Premium

Chapter 1

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Danniele and adriane were the top tier at mcallister high school. They were hot, curvy, and rich a seniors and 18.Although they were about the same as Sally and Sarah. At the end of this school year whoever was most voted would get a photoshoot with a instagram influnecer with over 3 million followers. As Danniele and adriane had always wanted to become models, they dieted harder then they had ever dieted before, but by January it looked like everyone loved sally and Sarah more who were both 18. So they had to come up with sabotage
(ill be using different povs throughout the story, but I will say so at the top)
(sally pov:)
I woke up to Sarah yelling at me to hurry the fuck up. I raced out of bed put on a skirt and grabbed my makeup to do in the car ride, but not forgetting the brownies. We had been using brownies to bribe people into giving us more popularity.

after getting to school we got a suprise visit from danniele and adriane.
"what do you whores want?" I leaned against my locker
"whoa. We come in peace."
"yeah Right, how stupid do you think I am?"
"listen sally. because of your bribing the schools sports have gone severly down"
"and why should I care, my dad can just pay to fix the school."
"nope. They are going to write us down for a health code violation. So you guys need to eat these kale chips in front of everyone"
"fuck. Fine."
I walked with Sarah over to the middle of the hallway. Doing my best not to scrunch up my face me and Sally finished the chips, but I still felt hungry. Which was weird since I never ate breakfast. Not thinking anything of it I just grabbed 3 twix bars, one for now, 2 for lunch.

shit. I finished the twix bars. What the fuck is wrong with me. I met up to walk to lunch with Sara, but I noticed she had like 30 wrappers in her pocket, and her small belly was pushing against her form fitting shirt.
"Sara, what the fuck, what have you done to yourself. Dont worry about it, I forgot its finally taco day."
"Yessss! Taco day"
(the best food at our school all year)
We walked into line. Picking up 2 tacos for each of us. Although we usually got one, we were hungry.
we split up to go to different lines of food and tables to hopefully talking people into supporting our campaign to get the photoshoot, so I had to pick up some food at each. Each table had a different dessert, and each line a different cusine. By the end I had picked up: orange chicken, pasta bowl, 5 different types of cookies, and 2 more tacos. I had never eaten like this, and I didnt usually. So I skipped reccess to go to the weight room, but I was stuffed and maybe only burned 300 cals.
I then met up with sally, who looked very bloated and we went to class.

After finishing school we met up with danielle and adrianne again. Which was embarrasing since Sally had used her pig day and was about to pop her jeans button. (every day we would do one dare each. To signify we were in this to win it. So would they).
"what is it bitch"
"I dare sally to drink a sip of water" Adrianne smirked
sure enough, pop! Her stomach was fully visible. Embarrased she ran to the car.
"adrianne I dare u to let me post on your twitter"
then I was dared to send proof of me eating 4 more bags of kale chips that they sent me. Easy!
8 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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