The Football Athlete

Chapter 1: la rencontre

Danm I saw this beautiful athlete one time, he was really muscular and toned, I saw him in a match last year and I was really impressed by how fast he was running.
(Was thinking Miimii while reading the news about some football stuff). She went to a supermarket and there was many shop’s, one of them was Burger King (one of her favourite). She went in and ordered then went with her food outside in the other side of the fast food.
While eating she noticed someone… he looked like the athlete she had seen last year but it was impossible that it was him because the guy she was seeing was like 60kg bigger than the one she saw last year .., she thought maybe it’s just someone who look like him. But she don’t know why she has some suspicious thinking and went to him to ask « are Arnell, the best quarterback of the oatersphill’ ? » and after a loud burp he said «  oh errr yeah… ». Danm look how fat he is now (though Mimi) while seeing how her belly was poking out his top.
She decided to sit in front of him and help him relax and talk a bit … it was nice they keep talking like that while eating, oh errr while he was eating. While he had finish his plate he let out some good burps and his belly rumbled … he started to get red and then Mimi said oh you can have my burger if you want haha I wasn’t that hungry. He said really uncomfortably « no …no I don’t … want it » (while watching the burger and licking his lips). Mimi gave it to him and without thinking he just grabbed it and bite it then tried to say sorry and that she must thinking he was really greedy.
Mimi just said « haha I can understand, big boy needs to eat more than other people » (while looking at his belly bulging out of his Jean and then smile).
He ate all of the burger and drank a big coke plus a milkshake and then Mimi proposed a little walk knowing that after all the food you had eat it would be a big hard for him . She smirked and told him that she knew a good donuts shop but they had to walk a bit … he told be « but maybe I already ate … too much », she just said come on you don’t want a donuts with some Nutella in it and cream on the top?. His eyes lighted up and he said that he wanted to have a just a little one? It can’t hurt.
He had a bit of a hard time getting up and pulling down his shirt to cover the squishier part of his belly, the lower one.
They started to walk and she was just shocked by how slow he was walking now and how Pitt of breath he was getting. He even asked for a break or 2 or maybe 5 before they arrived to they destination : the XXL Donuts shop. While he saw the name of the shop he looked at her and told her that that it was suppose to be some big donuts … she said « oh so you don’t want one, then we gonna walk with even get a bite of this good donut » and he said oh maybe we have to finally (while thinking of all the walk he has to do … and thought maybe I need some energy). They went in and yeah the shop hasn’t this name for nothing! They was selling really big donuts like the size of a medium pizza.
He was still out of breath so she ordered « Nutella with cream xxl donuts, with a big milkshake (cream, caramel, vanilla and lots of whipped cream with some chocolate sirup, and for me a bubble tea, thank you). He was too out of breath to talk but he wasn’t sure of what he heard (for me a bubble tea ?? ) so the first part of the command was for who ??
While it was ready she went to take the order and they went on a bench inside. It was a bit tight for him but he managed to squeezed there. She gave it his donut and his milkshake and he looked at him and said « I can’t eat all of that… » and she said « yeah you can and you going to eat it » (while giving to himself serious stare).
He started to eat and drink a bit … he did his best during 45min while he ate more than the half of it and after he started to say that it was impossible to finish all of it.
She told him « unbutton your Jean ! », he looked at her and said « I can’t do that we are in a public area », « unbutton your Jean! » he tried but his belly was in the way and he couldn’t touch the button. She said « don’t move I’ll do what I have to, continue to eat ! » then she went under the table and told him to (lever) his belly for her, then she tried her best to unbuttoned his Jean. She return to her place and looked at him, he was a bit red and shocked, she said « you have more room now, eat fatty! ». He was pretty surprised by how she called him and all the other stuff but get aroused and started to eat the rest of it till it was all in his belly. « Ugh …I… ate …too… much… *burp ». She get up and put her hand on his belly and push a bit on it then he let out s big loud burp and she said to his left ear « yeah it’s what I thought you are a good porky ».
She smiled and asked him how it was … and he said that he never did that before but even if it’s pretty hard to admit he loved it.
He wasn’t sure if he could ask if she had did that before because he don’t know how she would react and he was sure that he had eat too much for today.
So after 30min it was time and she said that maybe it’s time to go home, she took his phone number and told him that his taxi was outside. He was surprised and didn’t understand… while he managed to get up and go outside he saw the taxi, she told him that it was for him. He tried to get inside and while sitting he asked « why did you call me a cab ? », she smirked and told him in the ear « I can’t let a little porky walk too much ». He get red but didn’t have time to say anything because she closed the door.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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ThePatchwork... 2 years
Je veux plus de cela. J'ai également lu vos légendes de photos et j'aimerais voir quelles conversations pourraient avoir lieu. Intéressé, Mademoiselle ?
Built4com4t 2 years
Excellent start considering english may not be your first language. Please continue!
MiimiiBee 2 years
Thank you 🥰🥰
Haha yeah no it’s not 🤭