The Gainer Games

  By Pebb13  Premium

Chapter 1- Cynthia's Favorite Show

As the finale episode wrapped up, Cynthia was about to turn off the tv, satisfied with yet another season of her favorite show. Before she grabbed the remote, though, the tv flashed with a casting call. The Gainer Games was looking for 10 new contestants for the upcoming season 8. Cynthia couldn’t believe her eyes. This was finally her chance to get on the show. Eagerly watching the commercial, she wrote down the website link so she could go apply as soon as she could.

The Gainer Games is Cynthia’s favorite show. Having watched every single episode since the beginning, she knew all the ins and outs of how it worked. It’s a 3 month long game show in which the goal is to gain more weight, get fatter than all your fellow competitors. Episodes air every week, and contestants must gain as much as they can off camera, while also winning competitions on the air for advantages and boosts throughout the season. The contestants are competing for half a million dollars, and the most interesting piece of trivia, Cynthia thought, is that the most someone had ever gained on the show was 450 pounds. The Gainer Games are the perfect excuse to get as fat as possible.

Cynthia herself was pretty average. Mid-20s, only 125 pounds, fit, but she didn’t like it that way. Watching the Gainer Games made her want to be fat, to feel herself growing softer and rounder, all while millions at home watched her do it. She had dreams of appearing on the show and winning the damn thing. Now was her chance to do it. What does she have to lose? She never socialized much, so it’s not like anyone was around to discourage her from doing it.

Rushing to her computer, Cynthia went to the website to fill out the application. She submitted all her information, recorded an enthusiastic video, detailing how she’s been a superfan, has such a competitive spirit, and would love to appear on the show. She clicked the submit button with enthusiasm, filled with the hope that her application would be submitted. The only thing to do now was wait.


About 5 weeks passed, and Cynthia was beginning to think that her application had been glossed over. Was she not interesting enough? Did she not have something that the producers were looking for? No, she needed to stop thinking that way. There hasn’t been any news on the status of the next season, so she still needed to have hope. It was then that she got a notification on her email. It was from the Gainer Games. She got accepted. Excitement filled her as she started jumping around the room with joy. A few minutes passed before she calmed herself and read the details of the message. She was to be at the studio the next day to prepare for the premiere episode. Cynthia began to pack her bags almost immediately.
6 chapters, created 1 month , updated 2 months
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