Extra Motivation

  By Pebb13  

Chapter 1- Cassie's first binge

It's finally time. Cassie's officially a college freshman and moved out of her parent's house. There's no way around it now that she's on her own, she wants to get fat. During high school, she was forced to keep her desires to herself and stay skinny, otherwise she would face harsh criticism, especially from her parents. She would still have to make a little effort to hide it from her friends, but who were they to say anything. It's not like she was going to go overboard. She just had the goal of being around 350 pounds. What could go wrong?

For a few different reasons, Cassie chose culinary arts as her major. The most important reason to her of course is that she'll have easier access to more food.

The week before classes even started, though, Cassie wanted to get a head start. She went on her first binge. Every day, for every meal, she would order excessive amounts of food at all her favorite restaurants. Burgers, tacos, hot dogs, not one bite went to waste. She thought it pretty successful because by the weekend, her skinny 120 pound body had gained a busty frame with wider hips, and she sat at a more satisfying 170 pounds.

When classes did start, she didn't slow down. Any break she got, Cassie would search for any snack she could get her hands on. The only time she had to slow down was when she ate lunch with her friends, but that didn't stop them from noticing that something was up.

Lily, Cassie's closest friend was the first to say something. "Hey Cass, are you feeling alright? Not to be rude, but you've been looking a little bigger," she said.

"Oh, this?" Cassie responded, grabbing her slightly flabby belly. "Yeah, my parents always had the strictest diet for me back at home, so I might have gone a little overboard. Don't worry, though, I'll burn it back off."

Suddenly, Cassie heard a low, quiet voice. "Liar," it said to her. No one else seemed to hear anything, so she assumed it must have been nothing.

Over the next 2 or 3 months, Cassie would keep eating like no tomorrow, and keep making excuses every time her friends would ask about it. She wanted to see how fast she was going, so she started keeping track of her weight every week.

'August 20, 205 pounds. I officially have a belly, but it's still hard to see with these growing boobs in the way. I've had to buy new bras twice now.'

'August 28. 215 pounds. This week was slower, but that's because I had to spend the weekend helping Monica move a new dresser into her dorm. I'm glad I got a ground floor apartment on my own.'

'September 5. 240 pounds. It's getting a little harder to walk around, but that's a good sign. Plus I'm getting looks from guys around campus, may finally have a use for these huge tits.'

When Halloween came around, it was undeniable, especially to Cassie's friends, that she was doing this intentionally. They raised their concerns at a Halloween party, when she showed up with her belly hanging out of her jack-o-lantern shirt. She wrote down another journal entry before leaving, and the scale clocked her in at 305 pounds. She was officially considered obese.

"Cassie, we gotta talk," Lily said. "We know you say every time that you're fine and you'll burn it right off, but you're not. You keep getting bigger and now your clothes can't even fit. What's going on with you?"

"Yeah", Meena added, "We're worried about you. Living like...this...can't possibly be comfortable."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Cassie said, "You guys are just jealous that I'm getting attention. I mean look, everyone is gawking at me."

"Those aren't good stares, Cass," Lily said.

"Whatever," Lily responded, "It's not like I'm going to get much bigger. Just 50 more pounds, then I've had my fun."

"Sure you have, my greedy pig". It was the deep voice. It was back, and still, nobody except for Cassie heard it. "You don't understand, but you're just the start of something much ~bigger~. For now, you just keep eating. You must be getting pretty hungry right now."

Suddenly, Cassie felt an extreme hunger that needed to be satisfied, and fast.

"Uhhh, I gotta go, I'll see you guys later," she said, before wobbling out of the door, running as fast as a 300 pound girl could run.
8 chapters, created 9 months , updated 9 months
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Wk23 9 months
This is honestly kinda really good. I like what’s going on in your brain bro
Pebb13 7 months
Thank you. I wrote this on a sleep deprived brain, so stories I write in the future will definiteky be more thought out. I like how this one came out, but the pacing feels off.