The Libarian and the Greedy Spirit.

  By W0t In Inflati0n

chapter 1

Susan sat behind the help/return desk of the libary, bored out of her mind as always. The work was easy enough and pay was good, but it was mostly just sitting behind the desk waiting for someone to check out a book or return one. This job had also took its toll on her figure, starting off at a slim 130 a year ago, she was now a plump 170 at 5'1. The weight settled mostly in her butt and breast sure but she still had a tummy with rolls, she kept her sandy blonde hair short, just above her shoulder. Despite putting on 40lbs she kept a nice light tan. The added weight and the profession clothes she had to wear made her look like a blown up version of some teenage boy sexy teacher fantasy. Her boredom induced snacking wasn't helping nor did her only regular "customer" she saw waddling in.
Amy smiled with her stack of cook books she'd taken from here. "Hey there Susan, busy as usual right?" She ask the lilibrarian who sighed. "As you can see I'm swamped." Susan said chuckling a bit. Amy was nice and fun to chat with, but she always had some kinda rich, decadent dish for her to have. If she ever saw Amy often enough outside of her weekly visits to the libary, Susan was sure she'd blow up like a parade float. Amy stopped in regularly to look through the libary's vast selection of cooking and baking books to further her impressive culinary skills. "So what did you bring today for me?" Susan ask her. "Oh was looking into Greek food and made a whole bunch of baklava, heres some for you." Amy says placing a large disposalable contianer. "You leave any for Greece?" Susan ask chuckling at the large contianer feeling its pretty heavy. "What you looking for today?" She ask Amy. "Hm oh you know another cook book." She tell the plump librarian.
As Amy looked through the shelves, she whispered a summoning for a spirit of Adephagia, a glutton goddess. Suddenly a glowing blue translucent figure of a obese woman, weight focused on in her round belly. She stood nude before Amy. "Follower of Adephagia, I ask of you to share you're blessing of your goddess with a friend of mine." Amy says quietly. "Who shall be my worldly host to transend into gluttonous euphoria?" The spirit ask. "The young woman with the baklava, she has it as you're offering." Amy say. The spirit looks to see Susan organizing the books Amy dropped off with her. "Very well." She says and quickly flies over to the unsupecting librarian. The spirit lets her form saturate into Susan's body who freezes up for a moment as the follower embues her with her essence as well as the blessing of her goddess deeply latching into Susan's body and soul.
Susan shivers figuring it was all just a cold spell as she gets back to her mind numbing task. Suddenly her belly grumbles out in demand for food, the spirit wanting its offering. "Well guess Amy showed up in time.." She says to herself as she starts on the sweet and flaky baklava, suprising herself at the pace she eats the slices, nearly inhaling them. The spirit who's name she herself long since forgot, was already enjoying herself, this girl would be a grand vessel to indugle as she did in life again. Susan none the wiser of the gluttonous spirit using her ate away happily but still confused by her sudden need to eat. Even as she helped Amy checkout, she munched on the sweet Greek treat. Amy smiled proud of her latest project kicking off so well.
By the next week Susan was struggling to zip up her skirt for work, the spirit was far to eager to taste all the food of the modern world. Having Susan do take out whenever she could, pizza, burgers, tacos, pasta, ice cream, and so much more for her to try through the unwitting vessel. Poor Susan's figure had blown up rather fast in just a week, having to stuff herself into her black skirt and blue blouse. The top two buttons she couldn't do up, in fear that her expanding bust would make them go flying. She looked at herself in the mirror turning red. "Jeez...and I thought I looked like a fat stripper before..." She says tugging her skirt back down as it rides up. She's easily put in 10 or 15 pounds in the week. As she drove to work the spirit spotted a donut shop making Susan go toward it. Inside Susan looked over the seletion. "I need two dozen, each one a different flavor please." She says and frowns not sure why she ordered so much but still paid for it and took the two boxes. On the drive she ate a chocolate cake donut and a classic glaze before she got to the Libary. The spirit delighted by the pastries excited to have her vessel devour them all for her to enjoy.
Once Amy showed up for her weekly visit, Susan had stuffed down all two dozen donuts, now sitting back in her office chair bloated and stuffed, buttons of her blouse straining around her belly now with small gaps showing her tanned belly a bit. "How my favorite librarian?" She ask trying not to smirk at the fast results. "Oh you know..*urp* living the dream." She says blushing from the little burp she let slip."well heres your books back." She says handing the bloated librarian a book on creole cooking. "Brought you a big thing of seafood boil I made today." She tells Susan, the spirit perking up smelling the spices. "Three different sausages, crab, mussles, crawl dads, and corn on the cob." Amy says putting down a big thermos for soups. "Oh thank you! This will be a great lunch." Susan says frowning again, there was easily enough for 4 people in that thing yet she was excited to eat the whole thing during her lunch despite her woes about her ballooning figure, still oblivous to the greedy and gitty spirit. Amy was quick this time around so to leave Susan and her "guest" to their lunch. Susan closed up for her lunch opening up the thermos, the wonderful smells of the creole delicacy setting off her hungry belly and the spirits gluttony. She eagerly gluts herself on the still warm seafood, stuffing the large peices of sausage into her mouthm "Gawd *hmph* what ish *hmmph* happening to *urp* meh?" She ask herself mouthful. Once she's done she sits back with a loud burp making her ears ring a bit. She pats her belly and goes wide eyed feeling bare taunt skin. Her blouse had burst open only a couple bottons between her engorged belly and bust were struggling to hold on. "Oh god...I need to get home..." She panics, the spirit very contet. "Hm I need more of that woman's food." The spirit thinks.
Week pass into months and the spirit soon has Susan where she wants her, no longer having to be so direct in her influence beyond helping the librarian decide what to fill her belly with. Susan had blown up to a flabby 403lbs as of now as she waddled into the libary. She was no longer worried or ashamed of her eating habits. "Hm maybe I'll have tacos is Tuesday after all." She says to herself with a chuckle. The spirit agreed with this idea, found of these "taco Tuesdays". Susan looked at herself to make sure she was still decent, developing a love for snug clothes that showed off her figure. She still maintained a hourglass figure at her portly size though she now had a hefty belly her outrage G cup breast were perched on did dwarf it a bit, as did her meaty thighs, each thick around as her waist once was, butt that would swallow up a bar stool and required her to have the arms of her chair taken off to sit in it. Her cheeks round and double chin rounding her face. Arms jiggled as she placed books back on the shelf. "'re the Susan I've heard so much about from Amy?" She hears a woman's voice. She turned around to see a small yet fit woman before her dressed in dark washed jeans and dark red tube top showing off her modest breast and toned arms. "I'm Kim a friend of Amy's and soon to be very close friend of yours." She tells the portly librarian with a wicked grin. Susan and the Spirit gulped a bit blushing but felt excitement at what Kim had to offer for them both.
1 chapter, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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