Widening Lense

  By W0t In Inflati0n

chapter 1

Michael Held the old camera, giving it a look over. It was maybe the most interesting thing he'd found in this yard sale he'd stumbled across. A rather portly couple waddled over. "Oh! A shudder bug?" The wife ask smiling, her chubby cheeks dimpling.
"Oh um..kinda? Just caught my eye." He tell them heavy couple. The 6'0 blond looked over the camera more, it looked like a Ploariod style camera, the brand was faded and might have once read 'Widen'? He shrugged it off, long as it worked he'd buy it. "Does it work?" He ask about to try and snap a picture only for tbe husband to put a hand over it. "Yes...sorry; the flash bothers the Misses." He say worriedly. "I'll give it to you for five bucks, includes all the film." He tells Michael. The young man thinks for a moment before nodding. "Deal." He says grabbing his wallet. After paying he heads home with his find.
In his one room apartment he puts his things away and heads to his room, looking himself over in a mirror. He wasn't ripped but was pretty toned, going on runs most days. He smiles and snaps a picture of himself, the flash blinding. "Jeez... I see why they didn't want me to try it there." He grumbles rubbing his eyes. The camera made a faint mechanical hum as it spat out the picture. He pick it up and scoffs. "What is this?" He ask aloud. The photo was Michael but over twice his current size easily, cheeks round and puffy, jowls thick and sagging, thick double chin, neck nearly gone under the blubber. Arms were flabby and thick, handing over his elbows in a couple rolls, forearms thick and plump leading to sausage fingers and puffy palms. Chest now covered with swollen sagging man boobs that sat on a huge blubber gut that sagged down onto his thighs. His thighs in the photo were swaddled in a thick layer of lard, dimpled and rolled at the knees, calve thick around as he looked down. "Stupid joke camera? Really?!" He say tone laced with annoyance. He tosses the camera onto his dresser and goes to shower. The warm running water hides the gurgling and sloshing noices that bubbled from him though, his toned form softens up slowly, puffing out giving hints of doughness. As he dries off he grunts feeling a ting of push back as he bends to get his legs. He shakes it off and gets dressed for the night out with friends. He frowns as he tugs up his pants. "Did I shrink these in the wash?" He groans as he gets them up over his plumped rear. He pulls on a nice t-shirt that hugs his soften torso. He looks at himself in the mirror sighing, figuring he must be bloated from something.
As he gets into his car he hears the odd rumbling and gurgling from his body. He looks down feeling his clothes go from a bit more snug to tight. "What the..?!" He looks alarmed as he sees a proper little belly form now, his chest softens up a little more and the signs of budding moobs poke through his shirt, the seams of his jesns creak as his butt and thighs plump up more. "I..what is happening to me?!" He tries to push is new little belly in but it push pushes back out, even growing a bit more as if to retaliate for such a action. "I..this is just some bloating...to much water is all.." he tries to logic out and begins to head to the bar to meet some friends.
The drive there be it short still wasn't fun, his body gaining more bulk, making his clothes tightly hug his newly chubby frame. He keeps trying to brush it off but added girth wasn't the only thing new, as he felt his stomach growl out to be fed despite having a modest appitite normally. He walks into the bar awkwardly to where his friends our once he arrives. They all wave him over smiling. "Hey! Come on man, been waiting for you." One says. Michael sits down, feeling the waist of the once slightly loose jeans dig into his plumping belly. As another growth spurt hits, a couple seams of the inner thighs pop, his friends chuckle. "Man, you're really letting that post school weight roll on huh?" One ask. "I what? no!" Michael protest but his belly growls inciting more laughter from the group. "Always did have a big appitite man, lets order some food." Another jokes. Michael scowled, his friends never were like this...why weren't they freaking out, he was clearly a bigger and they'd all seen him recently yet they acted as if this was normal. The group chatted as they drank and decided on what to eat, things mostly normal now it seemed. But once a the waitress came over, there was that loud rumble and gurgle again. Michael tensed up as his frame expanded again, shirt now like a second skin, pants seams begining to split as his thighs labored his jeans. His friends laugh. "Just in time, big boy needs feeding." One of them jokes. The waitress giggles and looks to him. "Oh so the regular right? The double pattie, extra cheese and bacon, side of fries and onion rings right?" She ask him as she would if it was a regular order. He goes to tell her no, in discuss that she'd assume he'd eat such an amount but his mouth goes on its own. "Yes please, and a extra thing of fries this time." He say and goes wide eyed. The group snickers and the waitress just giggles more. "Coming right up...big boy." She say before heading off to put in the order. He sits there confusee and worried, why would he agree to so much food, he would eat that much in a day at best, not a whole meal in one sitting. The group looks at him and he can hear a.couple at the end of the table whisper. "He's really let himself go since high school...sad really, use to have the girls all over him, at least most guys wait till they get mairred to pork up." One whispered, the other snickers. The food arrives, the group shares a couple small things of appitizers but before Michael laid 4 plates, one for a huge greasy burger, and 3 more plates covered in his sides. His friends watch him smirking a bit. He tries to push the places away but his hands grab the burger and bring it to his face, making him take a greedy bite of it. He's screaming internally to stop but his body makes him eat with gusto. "Sure love your food big guy?" One of them laugh a bit and poke the side of his belly. Thats how the night goes, he makes a pig of himself as his friends make jokes, and even others in the bar watch with either mocking gaze or disgust as he glutted himself and his shirt rode up his bloating gut. Finally they call it a night. "Maybe next meet up we'll go to a buffet for you dude!" one of his friends call as he lumbers to his car, holding his stuffed middle. "Whats happening...I'm blowing up like a balloon and just ate like a hog.." he mumbles to himself. The drive home he didn't feel any oddities until he saw a Wendys. The rumbling and sloshing rang, followed by seams poppping and tearing. "Nononono.." he panics as he turns through into the drive through.
A couple days after that night with his friends, Michaels body had only further gone on its blubbery rebellion. He looked down at the scale over his pot belly. "I...how!? I can't be 302lbs!" He groans. He'd only been blowing up since that night, growth spurts would start with a rumbling and sloshing noise, and his appitite and stamina were changing to match that of his fattening frame. No more hints of his former toned figure could be found, all of his figure was now soft and plump if not down right fat. Dressed in some old sweats and a once loose running shirt that now clung to his very well fed looking body, he walked off the scale. He's belly growled out for food, so he grabbed a donut from one of the 4 boxes he had, ordered despite wanting to try and somehow stop his form from growing more. He ate it with a groan. "I'm becoming a hog! And no one is noticing...hell they're all acting like this is normal even!" He thought aload, mouthful. The last few days his friends, coworkers, or anyone he saw frequently just acted like he'd always been a total ***. Making jokes and even pushing food his way. He glared at the camera with the photo he'd snapped. He'd begun to suspect it was the cause to this and he worried if that was the case, he'd be a blimp like in that picture very soon. Suddenly the unsettlingly familar sloshes and rumbles filled his ears. "No, please no more!" He begged as his gut sagged down and pushed out further, man boobs swelling, ass straining the seat of his sweats. "Damn it..I need clothes now." He grumbled and got his things to head out. As he.drove to the store he his body took over and made him get more fast food to stuff into his expanding gut. He was bloated and stuffed by the time he arrived to where he'd normally shop for clothes, stretch mark covered lower belly peaking out as he waddled in with a burp, earning him some glares.
"Come on Michael..we've been over this." Said a man, an employee who once helped Michael often on his shopping trips here. "We don't have anything in your size man." He tells the poor expanding man. "You gotta lose this gut or start shopping at like big and tall places." He says patting Michaels stuffed belly, coaxing another loud belch out accidently, getting more annoyed and digusted looks from other shoppers. "Look get out of here and don't come back till you lose that weight man! Not like in highschool." He tells the disheartened Michael. As he waddles out the sloshing of another growth spurt come out and he hears a loud rip. People snicker as the seat of his sweat split open to reveal his dimpled fattened rear. He waddles faster, huffing and sweating the short rush to his car. He groans and looks down at his expanding blubberiness before driving to the big and tall store.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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