Chapter 1
Lisa drove quickly down the street in her Jeep. The leather stuck to the back of her small tanned thighs. Her long dyed red hair blew in the wind. She felt the seatbelt over her left breast, a creamy handful it was. Her right breast was identical, standing perkily beneath her shirt. She rarely wore a bra.The seatbelt continued to her flat, toned stomach, which was exposed by her croptop. It was tanned a light brown color, and the subtle outline of abs could be seen.
Her skinny arms were resting on her steering wheel, but her golden-hazel eyes were not on the road. She was texting. Upset about a recent breakup, she couldn't seem to put her phone down.
The unmistakable sound of metal striking metal, tires screeching to a halt.
An elderly couple had pulled out in front of the beautiful young woman, and now they were dead.
The police found her standing outside of her wrecked vehicles, staring speechlessly at the smoky scene.
They placed handcuffs over her wrists, the officer admiring her toned bottom. It was perfectly round, like a volleyball inside her jorts.
She sat her toned ass on the hard, cold plastic of the cop car. It spread out a little bit upon her doing so, giving her a more curvy, feminine appearance.
The guard forced her to strip down. She still didn't say a word, she had a thousand-yard stare. There, the 5'4 redhead stood, naked. Her tan skin glowed under the fluorescent lights. She was given a large orange jumpsuit to cover up her beautiful body, and even the guard was sad to see it disappear underneath such fabric.
She was placed in a cell with another woman, an old, methed out creature. "Whattare ya in fer?" the woman belched through wrinkled lips.
Lisa didn't answer.
"Come on, tell me! Hot tramp like yourself in jail, hah! I'da sucked my way out of this place by now. What's wrong with you??"
Lisa's forlorn stare broke for the first time in hours. She aimed her gaze at her wretched roommate. Anger overwhelmed her.
Lisa internally blamed the woman for all of her distress. No longer was Lisa to blame, it was the methhead beside her. Lisa attacked.
Her long, red nails tore into the old woman's wrinkled flesh. Deprived of meth for too long, the woman could not fight back. Lisa delved her nails deep into the woman's eye sockets, rendering her blind beyond repair.
"AHHHHH!!!!!!" the methhead cried in agony.
The guards rushed over and found Lisa with blood-soaked hands and arms, the same color as her hair. A maniacal grin was on her beautiful face, her beautiful white teeth showing.
And that's how Lisa ended up in Bedworth. A cozy yet maximum security mental institution, Lisa was sent here indefinitely and involuntarily. Lisa craved her freedom. The initial shock of her accident and the subsequent robbing of the methhead's vision had long since washed over her. She felt near normal again, though she was now forced to live inside of a box.
Lisa's first days were a sedative-induced blur. But now she was developing a tolerance to such strong psychotropic drugs. For the first time since arriving at Bedworth, she was able to sit up on her bunk. She felt heavier than usual, but after running her hands along her midsection, underneath her sweater, she saw that she was just as svelte as ever. She rubbed her thighs through the standard-issue beige slacks, and felt the muscles of her legs. 'Useless,' she thought, succumbing again to drousiness.
A knock at her door. It was a nurse. "Here are your pills, Miss Lisa." A hand with 2 white pills and a hand with a glass of water appeared through the door's small slot. She opted to not take the medicine.
"When can I get out of here?" Lisa inquired, placing the pills under her tongue.
The nurse looked at her with a look of lust. "I hate to say it, but I bet it will be at least a few years."
Lisa's mouth dropped, and the pills came crashing on the floor.
"What the- are you trying to avoid your medication? We'll have to put it in your food then, you know that right?"
"Well I just won't eat then!" Lisa screamed, her eyes wide with anger.
"Alright, you asked for it."
The nurse came back with 2 other men, and they grabbed Lisa by her arms. She did not put up a fight.
Lisa ended up strapped to a metal chair. Her arms and legs were cuffed to the arms and legs of the chair, and a rubber belt was fastened over her stomach and the back of the chair. She could barely move.
The feeding tube was turned on, and she felt the medication-filled slop pour down her throat and esophagus. After a few minutes, she felt her tight stomach swell against the rubber belt.
"Alright, all done," a nurse said. "Back to your cell."
Lisa was carried back, as she was nearly comatose. She had never been so full in her life.
The next morning, a nurse knocked on her door. "Breakfast!" he snapped. "You ready to eat, or back to the chair?"
Lisa opted to take the tray. She ate the beans and the bread, and then she placed it on her bedside table. She turned on her TV. She snacked on the piece of cake.
An hour went by, and the smell of the food was overwhelming. 'That's a lot of food for breakfast,' she thought. Bacon, toast eggs and pasta remained untouched.
"Lunch!" a nurse exclaimed, and her slot opened.
"What? Already?"
"Yeah, give me your breakfast tray, we'll trade."
Lisa swapped with the nurse. "Oh, I almost forgot your pills, here you go," the nurse handed Lisa pills and a cup of water. She stared blankly at them, reluctant to take them.
"What are these?" she asked.
"Seroquel and zoloft."
"Why do I need this?"
"Because, according to your sheet here, you attacked and permanently blinded your cellmate after killing a couple with your SUV."
Lisa stared at the nurse, feeling hopeless.
"You know, if you don't take them, you'll never get out of here. Take them, prove you're rehabilitated, and you can be out in five years or less."
Lisa swallowed her pills, and sat down to eat her lunch. She ate her chicken sandwich, watched her daytime television. Sunlight poured in through her small, barred window, but it didn't make any difference to her. It's not like she could go out and enjoy it. As the pills kicked in, she lost all desire to do anything except sit there, frozen in time.
Four hours dragged on by, and then her dinner was brought to her. She ate the spaghetti, and thankfully the portion was huge. She was starving, must be a side effect of the pills or possibly boredom.
Two hours later, as the sun set and orange light flooded her small room, the snack cart squeaked by, and it stopped at her door. Lisa opted for about 4 zebra cakes and a bag of chips, a large one, and she wanted more. She was beginning to be concerned about maintaining her figure. "No, that's it," she said to the snack-guy.
She spent the next ten minutes demolishing the food. She felt stuffed, and it was bliss.
An hour later, she was starving again. She decided to get some more snacks the following night.
One month Later.
The same routine had continued for a month now. Lisa was confined to her room every day. She only left to shower (every other day) and spend time in a caged area for "exercise" (3 times a week). But one couldn't even run laps properly there, as it was 12 by 12 foot. Before her accident, she'd begin almost every morning with a 3 mile jog. Now, she was wandering around in a daze, sitting on her ass in front of the TV all day every day, eating her zebra cakes and chips, twinkies and anything else she could get her hands on. She always ate every meal, never left a crumb behind.
And it showed. Her bubble butt had flattened. Though her bed was really soft, the act of sitting for entire days must have caused it to lose its muscle tone. It felt squishy to the touch. Her thighs now touched when she sat down, and they nearly touched up top when she stood up. Before, she was the queen of the thigh gap. Her face showed signs of weight gain as well, with a subtle puffy look around her cheeks and chin.
Her once flat stomach was now distended, she looked a bit pregnant from her constant eating. The outline of her abs were no longer visible. It still felt hard to the touch, but a layer of pudge had developed around her belly button area.
Her breasts were not noticeably larger after only a month, but they certainly added to her slightly plumped up look.
She had already lost her tan, all of her skin was now as pale and creamy as her breasts.
Her hair was beginning to return to its natural honey-brown color.
Lisa was oblivious to the changes in her appearance.
Lisa did not realize until it had already been over 3 months of incarceration. She was in the shower, singing in a dazed way, when she noticed that every time she turned her body, everything jiggled. Her stomach would follow her whichever way she turned, a moment later. It was as if she was encased in fat. Her stomach was still slightly distended, as it was after a month, but now you could not tell underneath the fleshy, soft pudge around her midsection.
Her fat had grown evenly. Her arms, shoulders, calves, thighs, all of her had received a few pounds of fresh fat from her new lifestyle and ravenous appetite.
Lisa freaked out. Tears streamed down her face, blending with the shower water. She laid on the floor, screaming. "How could this have happened to me?!! I'm so fat!!"
"We were going to move you to the general population where you have access to a day room and outdoor exercise every day, but given your outburst, I don't think that will happen for another 6 months," her doctor spoke calmly.
Lisa stared at him, speechless.
"I understand how hard it must be for a young attractive girl to gain 38 pounds in such a short time. But would you rather be crazy and hot or properly medicated?"
"Crazy and hot!"
2 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years