Chapter 1. The beginning
This is the story told from my experience of how I met three men who changed my life and have made me the happiest person in the world.It all begins in 2020 when Vivian, Francisco's mother dies from COVID, at that time Francisco was a 20-year-old boy, a basketball player, 185 tall and 52 kilograms, with an incredible body thanks to exercise which he did almost daily, with very strong arms and legs, a matching juicy behind, with an almost angelic face, sharp chin, big brown eyes like the earth, thick lips and a beautiful jet black, Francisco lived with his mother and His father, Mr. Javier, owned one of the best electronic equipment and operating systems companies in his city, with more than 30 years in the industry, he was a successful man and he did not need to be in the company every day, he visited her once in a while. twice a week, he was taller than his son, measuring 1.95 in height, he had been an athlete in his youth, so he had strong arms that were very marked as well as his legs, as well as a fairly substantial butt, but he had a little His belly weighed 98 kilograms, which was not much but it made him look like a small belly. At 50, his hair was almost completely white due to gray hair, but he was quite handsome, with penetrating blue eyes, full lips, and a well-groomed beard.
Or at least that's how they were before the hardest blow of their lives came due to the 2020 pandemic, they lived sick with COVID and couldn't resist, leaving father and son alone, they had to support each other by becoming more united, in that Over time father and son put aside their sports activities and stopped taking care of each other as much as they did when Vivian was with them, their habits changed, although it was not totally a drastic change, many of the things they did when she was alive stopped doing .
They began to buy more takeaway meals and not worry so much about their appearance, mainly Javier, he was a closet gainer, well at least with his son the little belly he had had not appeared by magic his wife knew about this taste of her husband and sometimes supported him, but Javier never fully revealed what his intentions were regarding that, and now that Vivian was not around, he was free to let himself go so he began to eat more, he justified himself with his son saying that it was because of the loss of his wife, but it was really a plan to gain weight and gradually satisfy his need for this fetish he had.
Although it is not something 100% verified, they say that many times fetishes can be hereditary or due to parental behavior, in this particular case if it was something like that, our dear Francisco had the same fetish as his father but Francisco was from A darker mind when it comes to that, he always dreamed of the possibility of becoming big and very fat at the same time that someone dominated him, but he never did it because he was afraid, now that his mother was gone and thanks to his father bought more take-out meals, little by little he began to experiment and reaffirm this taste he had for fat.
And so father and son became closer, both gaining weight. Javier had inadvertently started to be more liberal, walking around the house with fewer clothes, and telling his son that it was not necessary for him to cover himself up so much and that whenever he wants he could return to his normal life, return to basketball, and to the activities he wanted, although Francisco was about to finish university, what his father told him did not seem so far-fetched to him, and thus the time passed both at home, due to the pandemic, changing his life leading us to the wonderful present.
Contemporary Fiction
Friends/Family Reunion
Mutual gaining
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
2 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year