The Runaway Model

  By Runningsoft  Premium

Chapter 1: An Introduction

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If you’re seeing these words, then it means you’ve found my private diary. It’s not like it’s a secret from the world or anything. It’s just a little place I like to come to when I need to…get away from the world and all the craziness it comes with.

And boy is it crazy.

You probably already know me, though you might not know my name. It wouldn’t matter anyway, as we all change our names when we become famous. Whether we like it or not. You’ve seen my smile on billboards, my body in magazines and heard my voice on the radio. I’m everywhere, all the time. But I can also hide when I need to.

That’s the reason you’re reading this now. I’ve decided to go away for a while. Not ‘go away’ like that, of course. But, just to disappear from the spotlight for a while. I’m tired, but – well, we will get there.

God, have you ever encountered an experience where you are away from your normal life, perhaps travelling a broad where nobody knows your name or what you do, and you take up a conversation with a complete stranger?

It can be sometimes thrilling to just be honest with a stranger, can’t it? I mean, there they are and there you are. Each of you are a vessel with a past, a present and a future. Who knows if your paths will ever cross again? They probably won’t. But that’s the point. This could be your one chance to share a piece of yourself with someone in the world, who with a smile and a nod, can change the trajectory of your life in a way that you’ve been meaning to, but have been unable to do so on your own.

Further, a conversation with a stranger can let you be honest with yourself. Especially, when it comes to relationships. Relationships that last longer than they should. Like me and my boyfriend, Janek. A fashion photographer. It just seemed that neither of us had the courage to end it. But all that changed when I ran into someone. A stranger.

There can be comfort in talking with a stranger, but then, after a while. They cease to be a stranger and can become something more—if you let them…
14 chapters, created 6 days , updated 6 days
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