Chapter 1
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For whatever reason, for as long as I can remember, I have had a near-obsessive preoccupation with food, with eating as much as I could, making myself painfully full and getting as big and fat as possible. As a young man I had a naturally slender frame. I’d gain a few pounds here and there, but the weight never really stacked on me the way that I had wished.
In my dreams I was the size of a blimp, gorging on an endless stream of food. Stuffing my face and growing bigger and bigger, towering over cities and crushing buildings like a giant monster. People would scramble in fear, desperately bringing me more and more food to keep me from laying waste to all of civilization.
That was me in my dreams. In real life, I was just a shy kid from a small town whose idea of a good time was going home and reading comic books, listening to classical music while I stuffed myself full of junk food. It was a lonely life, but things would change for me when I got older.
After I finished high school I went to college in Boston. It was great to get out and meet new people, people of all walks of life from all over the world. I finally started breaking out of my shell and coming into my own, learning to be my own person and think for myself while also communing and connecting with others.
My roommate in college was this kid named James, a rich-brat from Australia who could be pretty dopey sometimes, but he was also super sweet and would give you the shirt off of his back if he thought you needed it. There was this cool kid named Jeremy in my writing class, we used to have lunch together almost everyday and eventually we started hanging out on the weekends.
Jeremy had this girlfriend named Gretchen, a petite little blonde who wore these big coke-bottle glasses and big baggy overalls everyday. I don’t think Gretchen liked me very much at first; she always seemed so cold and aloof. She kind of reminded me of some of the kids I went to high school with back home; I felt like she was judging me for my size, though it very well could have all been in my head. Either way, she seemed to warm up to me after a while.
Jeremy, James and I were like the Three Musketeers. We were virtually inseparable, and Gretchen, along with whatever girl James was flirting with at the time, were never far behind. We had a lot of fun, but I found myself longing to have a romantic relationship of my own.
“Jeff, I think you should meet my girlfriend Jolene,” Gretchen said me one day, kind of out of the blue. “I really think you’ll like her.”
“Well what’s she like?” I asked, not knowing what else to say. We had been hanging out at a local diner where the gang and I liked to congregate.
“Let’s just say I think you guys have a lot in common,” she responded with a devilish grin.
A couple of weeks later I would meet Jolene. Gretchen and Jeremy had a kind of stuffy dinner party at their apartment as a ruse to get her and I together. When I saw her, I knew exactly what Gretchen meant when she said she felt that Jolene and I had a lot in common.
To say that Jolene was fat would have been a massive understatement. She was huge, maybe the biggest girl I’d ever seen. She stood about five foot six, with wide rounded hips, a generous bust and a gargantuan belly that hung out way over her waistline.
To be totally honest, even though I myself enjoyed being fat and wanted to get fatter, it never really occurred to me at any point to actually try and date fat women. The few dates I’d been on with different ladies at this stage of my life were with slender or average sized women. Most of the women I found myself attracted to were the typical models and actresses, women I’d see on magazine covers or in movies.
But seeing Jolene face to face, being in her presence, there was something about her. I felt myself drawn to her. Of course, its always a little bit awkward meeting someone for the first time, especially when it’s someone that your friends are trying to set you up with. After dinner and a few drinks though, everyone was feeling comfortable and I was able to chat with Jolene and get to know her a bit.
Mutual gaining
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
First person
4 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 3 years