
  By Quiver

chapter 1

"Nothing below the waist" Yj instructed. She and her newest, most exciting online date, named Rq, were reclining back on Rq's couch and taking in an old 80's movie, cuddling under a blanket. Rq was very exciting in terms of her forward, fiery personality, and her large, busty build. Yj was modest and quiet by comparison, and also much smaller than her, and the contrast between them seemed to fit just right somehow. Rq was big in each sense- she was tall, with squarish shoulders, well-defined hips, and a generous bosom, which Yj now tentatively rested her head on as a natural pillow. Rq's stomach growled quietly under Yj's weight, presumably digesting their meal. She wasn't "overweight" per se, but she definitely had some well-defined curves going on. She had talked in their correspondence beforehand and once or twice the night of, about how proud she was of her size and how she sometimes experimented with different foods and diets to "add to it". Yj had never heard of someone doing something like that to their body before- well, besides a body builder, she supposed- but between Rq's confidence in her plans and her charisma, it was surprisingly easy to warm up to the topic when she wanted to talk about it. But she had once gone as far as to suggest that Yj be a part of her "journey" and that's where Yj had drawn the line. So, instead of going to a third establishment for more food like Rq had subtly suggested, here they were cuddled on the couch in her apartment. In her adventurous spirit, Rq had tried to initiate intimate touch pretty quickly, but again Yj was able to draw the boundary. Rq stayed respectful and gave Yj's shoulders a light massage. Once or twice, her long fingers dipped down towards her collar bone, and it was close enough to Yj's shoulders to make her blush a little. Yj felt some part of Rq's body adjust beneath her back in a way she couldn't figure out-- she told herself Rq was probably just repositioning to try to get more comfortable, but it didn't exactly make sense with the type of movement she felt against her. It wasn't an arm or leg shifting, just . . . her mid-section.
The sexual tension between them gradually melted into an easy level of comfort, with Rq moving on to give Yj comforting rubs along her arms and back. Yj was reminded once or twice of her own strong arousal when she felt the long fingers creep from around her back to just beneath the bottom of her breasts. It gave her a pulsing feeling down in her pelvis, and she relished the anticipation of it all. She had once been very bad at speaking up for herself, but she wanted Rq to know her only as someone who set boundaries in need of respecting, and as someone who would tease things out as long as possible. So far, Rq seemed to be enjoying it as much as Yj did.
All this heated, sleepy tension though, and they hadn't even kissed yet. Rq wanted to change that, and kissed the back of Yj's head. Again she was blushing, but instead of turn around to meet Rq's lips, she let her continue to gently kiss her along her hairline and her cheek. Rq's stomach growled again, more audibly, and Yj chuckled.
"Would you like something?" she asked, as an entendre to the sounds of Rq's stomach and her apparent "appetite" for Yj's cheek and ear. Rq chuckled too.
"Nah, ignore that, it's just my body making some adjustments."
"'Adjustments'?" It wasn't how Yj would have thought she would phrase it. "What do you mean?"
Rq giggled, perhaps a little nervously. "It's one of my . . .experiments." Yj shifted position so that her head no longer rested on Rq's chest, and looked up at her.
"You mean one of your attempts to make yourself . . . ?"
"Bigger?" finished Rq, "Yeah." With hesitance, Yj let her eyes drift from Rq's face to her stomach, which she'd just been resting on with her back. The only light they had was from the television, but as Yj squinted she could see shadows shifting across Rq's torso- even in a moment when the two of them weren't moving. She glanced around to check if anything else in the room or the window to the outside would cause the light to shift like that, with no explanation apparent. She looked back to her date.
"Are you okay?" she asked. Rq assured her with her usual confidence,
"I'm fine, I'm fine. I feel great, actually." But out of the corner of Yj's eye she caught another movement of a shadow, and this time it looked like some odd, long bulge in Rq's side, and subsided only partially. It was still there, and it was making her look a little deformed. As this happened, Rq's head went straight up and she took a deep breath in.
"You're not sick or anything, are you?" asked Yj.
"No, I feel really good," Rq replied sounding very relaxed. Yj didn't want to ask any more questions, but furrowed her brow very visibly as Rq's gaze fell back down to hers. Rq laughed. "I think I finally found something that will really work," she tried to explain. "I hope you'll like it. You do like big women, don't you?"
"Yes . . ." Yj said. It was not untrue, but Rq's arbitrary answers were confusing her. She opened her mouth to ask a follow-up question, but Rq's opened at the same time as she tilted her head back again and let out an uncomfortable moan and some more deep breaths. Yj bristled with surprise and a little arousal. Now that Yj's eyes were closely trained on her, she could see it more clearly as some large, foreign shape seemed to shift underneath Rq's clothing- it couldn't possibly be her arms because they were both still in plain sight after holding Yj, but the shapes that moved in a serpentine way under her clothes were just as big as limbs. And there were more than one of them moving simultaneously now. "What is that?!" she asked.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I wanted to avoid scaring you. It's okay-- really, it is," Rq told her.
"You've got something under your shirt!" said Yj. Rq chuckled self-consciously.
"It's not really 'under my shirt'," she said. She took the bottom hem of her shirt and lifted it up so that it showed her belly but still hid her breasts, and beyond any doubt Yj saw only skin- and under the skin itself, some foreign thing was moving independent of anything Rq did. "It's something I ate," Rq continued. "I honestly wasn't sure it would work. But it's doing better than I expected, honestly."
"What's it doing, then?! What is it?" Yj demanded. At first Rq could only chuckle and let her head sit against the top of the couch. The activity of whatever it was inside her body was only increasing, perhaps aware in some way that it was being discovered and examined, almost like it was performing. It seemed to just start to relax for a second, when suddenly Rq really stirred and gave a sudden, loud, "OOMF!" Her arms stretched out and her hands grabbed both sides of the couch, and her legs flung out a little as well. Yet she was still smiling. Yj startled and scooched away from her on the furniture, watching as whatever-it-was swelled in a swirling pattern across the undersides of her arms, and then "wrapped" around her elbow joints. Movement was also visible under the skin of her legs, but it was less visible beneath her pants. Movement in her chest below her shirt rotated in a strange way, very unattached to the big breaths she drew. Yj could even detect something slithering in the skin under her new partner's neck, up into a cheek.
" . . . W-what's happening to you?" she asked. All at once, Rq's entire body swelled outward in every direction, inching its way closer again to Yj, growing a little taut under her velvet dress shirt.
"It . . . it's working," Rq gasped. She had no fear or uncertainty about her; only sweet anticipation.
"What's working?!" Yj now stood and positioned herself directly above Rq's face, determined to make eye contact and connect with her directly. "Do you need to see a doctor?"
"Nnnoo . . ." Rq responded very slowly. Again there was a "boom" of movement, and Rq's body grew a little in each direction; height and width. She took Yj's face in her swelled-up hands, and with a kiss said, "this is what I've been wanting."
Her lips were soft and plush, and it got Yj's heart racing in a good sense again, relaxing her a bit. "You're letting this happen on purpose? . . . Why?"
"Because . . ." Rq said with a giggle. "I want to be . . . big!" A third "growth spurt" overtook her- she held fast to Yj's face, but she spasmed as each aspect of her body increased its size in one big flux again. Her hands now encompassed the entirety of both sides of Yj's hands; she rested her own hand on Rq's forearm, and Rq moved that arm to hold onto Yj's waist. She flexed a couple fingers back and forth, bunching up the material on Yj's shirt where they met. With a couple of hefting sounds, Rq stretched backwards a bit and Yj watched as Rq's stomach made a spurt of growth of its own. Suddenly it rose clear of being able to stay covered by the shirt, briefly growing tall enough to just touch Yj's hips. This happened twice more in a row, and soon it was high enough to rest comfortably against Yj.
2 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Built4com4t 3 years
That was wild, thanks!