
Chapter 1 - Effects of a swollen belly

I find it fascinating how much more a nice big belly gets in the way when it's swollen from hours of overeating and bloated from beer. How it bumps into furniture. How you have to spread your legs and arch your back when you sit down, to give its distended shape the space it needs. How it pushes and bulges out, not only forward, but all around, your elbows bumping awkwardly against the puffed-out sides, rockhard over the massively engorged stomach.

How much strength it takes to push your body against a wall, trying to flatten the round overstuffed mass enough for other parts of your body to reach the wall. Not succeeding. How it's packed so tight it immediately bounces back as soon as you lose tension, bouncing you off the wall like an overinflated medicine ball.

The hollow sound when you slap it, too tight to even wobble. The only comfortable way to sit is to recline way back, arch your back and push out your poor packed tummy. Folding your arms is too awkward, all you can do really, is rest your hands on the shelf of your swollen midsection, feeling it swell with each heaving breath, pushing against your lungs.

Looking down, it fills your field of vision, it's gotten so much bigger, a giant barrel of fat, packed tight as a drum. And you keep packing. As soon as there's an inch of room, you stuff more, wash it down with beer, no respite, you want your gut heavy and swollen, and so so round. The earlier feeds are half digested, blowing up your lower belly, but it's your upper belly that really balloons. There's a noticeable bulge where your full to bursting stomach sits. It can hold a lot, but this is pushing its limits. Your tubby tummy is turning into a potbelly, a beergut, a massive bloated keg.

You can't keep your hands off it.

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8 chapters, created 7 months , updated 5 months
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Built4com4t 7 months
Love the erotic vignettes…each one a gem.
Ododo 7 months
Wow what a potpourri of erotic fat fiction
Harnwald 7 months
Yeah, I have these little gluttony masterpieces in my library from DA times.Thriving for more!
Stuffytummyw... 7 months
Mmmh I love that name, gluttony masterpiece. Thank you!
Lbd4 7 months
“ How it pushes and bulges out, not only forward, but all around, your elbows bumping awkwardly against the puffed-out sides”
Exactly this. Perfect.
Stuffytummyw... 7 months
thank you
Built4com4t 7 months
Excellent snippets…ch 1 is a delicious little morsel.
Stuffytummyw... 7 months
thank you so much!