Chapter 1
Oh so stuffedOh she's full. Too full. It hurts a bit.
She loves the feeling of a full full tummy. Heavy and tight. Pushing out. Completely sated. That's why she keeps overdoing it. Overeating. Stuffing till she's about to burst. And then some.
She eats till she can't take any more. Bite after bite, fast and greedy. White bread with butter. Untoasted it slides down easy, she's discovered. Soft and fluffy, fat and salty and slightly sweet, packing into a condensed mass, filling up every inch of her ever-bigger belly. Perfect for forcing her tummy to swell and stretch to its limits. Two whole loaves she can devour before her belly revolts. It makes her bloat, keeps her overfed belly hard and swollen well after she's done eating.
Too full to move, yet she forces herself upright. She needs to see the effects of her gorging. Push up her shirt. It's struggling to stay down anyway. Admire her naked gut in the mirror. Push and prod it. Feel the strain of her stomach desperately trying to contain the feast she's shoved down her gullet. How massive it looks. Round and tight as a drum. So much fatter.
Maybe she'll take a pic, not to share, just for herself. Compare with one she took just a month ago. Also completely stuffed. Oh she's fattened up considerably. Greedy, greedy piglet. What'll her barrelgut look like next month? The thought makes her flush...
If she's feeling really bold, she'll take her swollen belly for a walk. A short one, and a very slow one. In a shirt that really emphasizes its roundness, a little too tight, riding up just a little to expose the taught skin and increasing overhang she's sporting. She'll push out her tummy, let it expand to its full distended girth. Exaggerate her laborious breathing, her slow waddle. It's not hard, she's stuffed to the gills, and any sudden movement rocks her packed gut uncomfortably. Maybe she'll give it a soothing rub, her chubby hands drawing attention to how ridiculously fat she's fed her tummy.
She wants people to see, to notice her massive protruding belly, notice how her fullness is making it swell, even fatter. She relishes their subtle and not-so-subtle stares. Imagines what they're thinking. Disgust, awe, pity? Greedy fat girl, can't stop eating till her belly's the size of a beachball, look at her, she's clearly stuffed full even now, probably never stops eating, how else did she get that giant butterball of fat she lugs around with her? Lazy, stuffing her fat face all day, no self-control. Does she even realize how grotesquely huge that gut looks? Look, her belly's so big her jacket won't close. God, look at the size of that thing! Her breasts look tiny compared to that tub. How does it stick out that far and not hang? (She's stuffed beyond reason, that's why.) She's too fat to even walk properly, see? Huffing and puffing like a beached whale...
Some circle back, pass her a second time, just to get a good eyeful of her overfed body. The stares and the shame and the illicit sense of arousal make her blush. She knows people just assume she's flushed from pushing her ballooning belly around.
To top it off, she'll stop at a take-away, order way too much food, clearly more than one person should eat. Despite visibly being too full to reasonably be hungry. If she really wants to make a spectacle of herself, she'll arch her back, stick out her tummy, rub it slowly and sensually as she orders. Maybe even lick her lips in anticipation. Oh the disapproving stares! The pursed lips, the judging glances to her swollen middle...
She'll hurry home (well, slowly waddle, cradling her still-too-full tummy), anxious to satisfy the feelings her little performance has aroused. And to test how soon her packed tummy will let her top it up with the delicious food she just got.
She'll collapse on the couch, her mound of a belly rising above her. Dream of a fatter, fuller tummy, and someone to poke it, tease it, and stuff it fuller than she ever imagined possible. Maybe one of those staring passers-by... Her fingers massage her swollen belly, sliding lower, past her belly button...
And then her poor abused tummy will finally get the rest it deserves, slowly digesting, adding to the thick layer of blubber already covering its round form. Not for long though…
College Fiction
No Transformation
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 1 year