Weight woe

Chapter 1 - the truth

Laura looked in the mirror and saw a stranger looking back. This woman had the same eyes and same hair as her, but her cheeks were so rounded with a second chin strapped on underneath it. She liked to remember herself with high cheek bones and a sharp chin, but that was someone no one who knew her now would even recognize as the same Laura. She couldn't live in denial anymore it was time to see the damage that she had done. The damage that she ignored letting herself become engulfed in thick dimpled cellulite.

357, there was no denying the number, even though Laura tried. She did everything she could to change the results. She weighed herself on an empty stomach, then again without heavy clothing, she even tried buying a new scale. Nothing worked of course, the scale wasn't the issue. It was silly of her to try, you'd imagine she would have accepted this news better seeing as she could hardly see anything past her large hanging belly. Laura rested a hand on the mound of her stomach which caused it to jiggle slightly.

"How did this happen? How could I have let it get so far?"

She only had herself to blame really. No one forced her to eat all of those extra doughnuts in the break room. Long nights at the office meant dinners had to be on the go and if she wanted any semblance of a social life that meant the gym was out too.

Four years ago Laura was 22, fresh out of college. She had escaped the dreaded freshman 15 by remaining her slender 120 lb self. Mostly bones, not much in the way of curves except her gravity defying DD breasts. She had to hold on to this memory, it was all she had left of a time she was the envy of every girl and the desire of every guy. As much as she loved how her breasts used to look on her toned flat figure, she honestly couldn't remember the last time they had been so perky and admired. It was almost a shame how they flopped on her stomach now.

Gravity caught up with them, most of Laura's extra weight had not. They looked so small as they sat on top of her round stomach that draped down like an apron. Her butt jiggled with every step she took, over the years it had molded from a tight muscle you could bounce a quarter off to her own personal beanbag chair. Her thighs slammed together like thunder as she tried to walked, these days all she could muster was a pathetic waddle. All this did was showcase how far gone the old Laura was. Back then she never need an elevator, 10+ flights of stairs was no problem, 5 mile jogs were a piece of cake. Nothing compared to the struggle it would take to get up the one flight of stairs to her office. It was so embarrassing, every day walking in out of breath . If that wasn't bad enough her forehead would always have beads of sweat and the backs of her shirt always would be outlined with sweat stains no matter how much deodorant she would attempt to apply to her back rolls. You would think starting her day like this would be a wake up call, but it was just too normal now.

She thought to herself as she rubbed her plump sausage fingers along her dimpled stomach. Every little movement was proof of her gain, if it wasn't the swaying her stomach made as she pressed her fingers into every roll and curve it was her arms rippling with every motion. Every rapid thought she had was a missed warning sign. The first sign was her skin tight stomach growing it's first layer of flab.

"It's no big deal. Once the project is finished I'll do over time at the gym."

That never happened, projects at work continued to pile. She had to make some tough choices in her personal life and dinner with a copious amount of drinks with friends sounded way more fun after a long day than busting her rounding ass in a gym. Slowly but surely this ensured the closing of her thigh gap. She can't recall the first time they touched, but Laura remembered how foreign a feeling it was. She didn't enjoy this swaying of flesh and the chaffing that would begin. She always swore to do something about it, but then she accepted it as a new normal.

As the days at work became longer her diet became poorer. Eating out for lunch became the norm, it was just so easy to pull up to a fast food drive thru and get enough food for lunch and a mid afternoon snack. This on top of the rich office pastries she's have every morning. There was no time to eat healthy anymore. Her clothes were the true victims of this. They were pushed to their limits by the continued rounding of her stomach, thighs, and butt. Every couple months it seemed she had to upgrade her wardrobe.

"It's fine I have so much extra money for clothes besides it's just temporary until I head back to the gym." Laura would always tell herself. Her outgrown clothes would sit in the back of her closet gathering dust. Every size she had gone through rushed through her head. So quickly it seemed 4 turned to 6 which turned to 8 which seemed to jump straight to 16. She could smack her past self for not taking her first trip to the plus size section seriously, it was never a big deal. Now at size 32 it was a big deal.

Every first came and went so fast before becoming normal. The first stretch mark, the first roll, the time her entire body jiggled as she walked. As soon as they became normal she forgot about it, or at least went back to focusing on work. Now she made sense of the 240 lbs that seemed to have snuck up on her. Now she saw the truth, she invited every pound in.

She took a close look at her body, every dimple and every stretch mark. She let this happen. That thin college girl was not swallowed up inside her, instead that girl was standing in the mirror expanded from the inside out, covered in deep long stretchmarks and shinny cellulite. Could she go back to the girl she used to be? The thoughts overwhelmed Laura. She didn't know what she could do, except sit on her bed and begin eating full the box of donuts she swiped from work.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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