Fattening karma

chapter 1

College had been going great for Ava. She had managed to avoid the dreaded freshman fifteen. Not only that it seemed like her body was just getting more attractive. Her hips and butt had grown in nicely giving her a curvy womanly appearance. This was on top of the large D cup breasts and slender waist she already had.

On the other hand there was Mandy, who was already a solid or more like soft 300 pounds when she started college almost four years ago. Ava had known Mandy since they were kids. They weren't friends quite the opposite, Ava bullied Mandy for her weight. While changing during gym class Ava was known to violently grab Mandy's stomach and shake it just to show off to everyone how much it jiggled. Sometimes if Ava saw Mandy snacking in the hall she would go up and pat the poor fat girl's second chin.
"Careful Mandy you're starting to get a third one of these." Ava would say while cackling.

The two girls ended up going to the same college and even pursuing the same major. Even though she saw Mandy often Ava kinda just ignored her. I guess you could say she out grew her bullying. That and she just felt bad for Mandy now. Mandy's weight hadn't stayed the same the past four years, instead she had gotten much bigger. Ava couldn't say but she had to be over 500 pounds maybe even close to 600. It disgusted Ava seeing how Mandy could barely fit in a door anymore, she was just so wide. The worst was the way Mandy's belly folded into her pants like a large crescent moon.

The two were forced to interact again. It was their final project, a group project. The professor assigned them at random. Ava was obviously disgusted when she heard she had to work with Mandy.
"Hey Mandy, when do you have time to work on the project." Ava would say after class her sugariest most fakest voice.

Mandy was always busy. Ava wasn't the type of person to do the work herself. It wasn't until one week before the project was due Mandy trusted a piece of paper at Ava. "Here it's my address come tonight at 8 and we can work on the project." Mandy said hostilely.

Ava was nervous, she knew why Mandy was so hostile. Sure Ava wasn't sorry, why would she be? In her heart Ava believed it was Mandy's fault for being so fat. It was even more surprising how nice Mandy was being. Mandy was all ready for her guest with food and drinks. She laughed at all of Ava's jokes. It was almost like they could be friends. Still something wasn't sitting right with Ava. She wan't so stuck up to think Mandy actually liked her now. They worked long into the night. Ava couldn't help but getting tired. She could barely stand up. This was not a normal tired. Everything was starting to go black.
"M-Mandy what, what's?" That's all she could say before Mandy hushed her calmly.
"Don't worry Ava." She said while stroking Ava's sharp chin. "I can't wait to see you with more of these." The last thing Mandy heard was a wild cackling.

Ava woke up groggy, she barely remembered what happened last night. She could feel a crushing weight on her chest, but couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. She was in a bed she didn't recognize. So many thoughts rushed in her mind, most important was "why was it so hard to get up." It was a struggle she never felt before, her body was pushing against every move she made. When she finally was able to sit up she was wheezing and felt drips of sweat forming in unfamiliar places such as her back. What really got her out of this haze was the feeling of something large pressing against her lap. That's when realized it was her stomach.

Her flat stomach was no where to be seen instead what she saw lumpy and covered in cellute with large creases and rolls. It spilled across her thighs, which also had widened and flopped out across the bed. She touched her thighs to make sure it was real. Even the slightest touch caused her body to ripple.
"What happened, this isn't right. I need a mirror." Ava thought. She struggled to stand, she wasn't used to this much weight. But she managed to get up and attempted to head toward the mirror in the corner of the bedroom. The pain she felt between her thighs as she walked was unbearable. The chaffing was instant and before she could realize what was happening her walk turned into a waddle.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing in the mirror. The woman was immensely fat and everything Ava hated. But she knew in her heart somehow this was her. She could still see her eyes even if they were now surrounded by chubby cheeks. Her sharp chin was gone, instead there was just hanging flesh surrounding it and there was even flesh hanging off that flesh making three wobbly chins. Her arms looked like someone had stuffed bags full of pudding and they moved just like it. The massive fat swayed with every move she made. Even her slender fingers had been covered in a layer of fat.

She examined her breasts, once beautifully round and perky had sunken down. Sure they were larger but not large enough. Compared to her stomach they seemed so small. Her stomach hung down so low she couldn't even see her vagina anymore. There were also so many deep creases folding into itself. This was not a standard potbelly, but a misshapen one where rolls had taken over.

The worst was her hips and thighs. They had widened considerably. She was as wide as a door frame. They were certainly not one smooth shape either. Cellulite bubbled everywhere making her legs look disgustingly lumpy. Her butt was the same way. There was no double a regular chair would be handle a bottom like hers. Lumpy disgusting fat would be forced to spill over everywhere.

"Bahaha look at you you pathetic ***." The voice struck Ava sharply, she knew immediately it was Mandy. She didn't see Mandy though. What she saw was a beautifully thin woman. Not quite as curvy as Ava's body once was. It was still strikingly thin but large bouncing breasts and a nice rounded firm but and hips. She saw the woman laugh again and knew somehow this was Mandy.

"What did you do to me you bitch!" Ava yelled.

Mandy rolled her eyes. "It was time for you to pay. You humiliated me every day for years. The isolation you caused me made me turn to other outlets like witchcraft. That's where I found it. A spell where you could give someone all of your excess weight. So I began to get as fat as possible just for you. It worked great look at me so this and look at you with that disgusting stomach. God you lose something in those rolls. And I knew your chins would be huge. I think I see a fourth one forming."

"This isn't fair Mandy. You were already fat, it was gross you can't be surprised that people made fun of you."

"No Ava you're wrong it wasn't people just you." Mandy walked closer to Ava, but Ava was too winded from walking up to the mirror with her new weight to do anything.

Mandy stuck her hands as deep into Ava's stomach has she could and yanked it all around. This cause Ava's whole body to shake wildly. Every bit of fat jiggled, even down the rolls of her back she hadn't realized was there yet.

Mandy smirked her plan was a success. "I do hope you enjoy your new body. All 564 pound of it. It's all yours now and forever. Don't worry I'm not as mean as you. All of my old clothes should fit you perfectly. And you really should get dressed, all of that cellulite will make everyone barf. I hope you don't mind I took your clothes too, a size six fits so well. I can only imagine a size 48 will fit you perfectly too."

At that Mandy turned and walked away strutting her beautiful new body. Ava couldn't believe these numbers. Size 48 pants. They did fit. Even dressed Ava hated her body, especially the way she had to tuck her stomach into Mandy's pants. Everyone would be able to see it as a large over size crescent moon. Humiliated she sat back down and began to cry softly.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 4 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
I liked it. short and kinda mean.