What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

For me, it was drinking whole bottles of soft drink and feeling/watching my belly swell with the bubbling liquid. I must have been 7 or 8 years old when I first started doing it.

I would also drink as much as I could manage from the shower head whilst having a bath. That was my definition of 'play time' as a kid in those days lol
6 years

How to expand my stomach capacity

Hello everyone

I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice on how to expand my stomach capacity for liquid, mainly for chugging/inflation purposes. I want to be able to chug as much fluid as I can possibly manage with a stomach stretchy enough to hold it all.

Any hints, tips and advice are more than welcome. Also, advice on chugging quicker would be appreciated.

Thank you and have a great day! smiley
6 years

New inflation method omg

Can you stick the air pump down your throat?

Sticking it up ur bum doesn't sound right

I've done that in the past, you need to train your gag reflex to prevent vomiting but after that it's very easy to grow huge smiley
6 years

New inflation method omg

How can you 'exhale' air into your stomach? It doesn't seem physically possible. The only way I can sort of do this is to wrap my lips around my thumb or finger, fill my cheeks with air and force the air down my throat.

For those having trouble doing what OP described, try this method. You can still get very big.
6 years

Ways to make fat go to belly?

My recommendation is to eat trans fats, they redistribute fat from other areas of the body to the belly, as well as creating fat there also. Don't eat too much though as trans fats are notoriously bad for your heart if consumed in large quantities.

Also cut down on salt and sugar as they cause water retention in other areas of the body. Combine trans fats with wholesome food to balance your diet.

Lastly, If you have the money invest in laser lipo sessions at your nearest clinic, targeting the parts of your body you don't want to gain fat.

As anyone will tell you the body is very selective about where it stores weight but it's far from impossible to attain the body shape you desire. It just takes a bit of strategy, combined with external assistance.

Good luck and happy gaining! smiley
6 years

Childhood experiences turn dream body type

Purposeful bloating was something I did very often as a kid, seeing how big I could get. I remember wondrously watching the size of my belly increase, my t-shirts getting tighter, hearing the sloshing noises and just loving the whole experience as I downed all sorts of fluids, from soft drinks to cordial drinks and milk. smiley
6 years

Fastest and easyest way to inflate

For me it's an aquarium pump set to the lowest setting, you'll have to pump yourself frequently so your belly can get used to being inflated.
6 years

Target the fat

lovely_plumper wrote
It's my understanding that carbs go to the belly and boobs while sweets will go to hips and lower body...

But I do agree with Elementry_Penguin that you may be looking for a breast enlargement because surgery is the only way to increase your breast size without increasing anywhere else...


I`m assuming you mean to refer to complex carbohydrates when you say carbs, and simple carbohydrates when you say sweets.

The only area I know can be targeted for weight is the belly, but everything that is done to target the belly is rediculously unhealthy, so just stick with the simple answer of "no, you can't spot gain."

I'd personally love to know how, no matter the health implications smiley
7 years
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