I cant gain weight!! smh

The "Recipes" section of this forum has some pretty fattening dishes/concoctions. Here's a thread specifically dedicated to extremely fattening weight gain shakes though:


Hope it helps!
7 years

Potato flake bloat

Hi! I only tried this once back in my teen years after seeing people talk about it in the now-gone inflation forum here, so I don't have much advice.

I did manage to find this thread though from about 2 years ago in which other people were giving techniques about using mashed potato flakes smiley.

7 years

Apple or pear shape?

Pear shape for me personally, but like Handwritten said, any look is awesome smiley.
7 years

Ff people are getting bigger with time

I've noticed WAAAY back that there were still a lot of really fat people on FF, but many of them looked to be around 250-350 or so. Since then, it seems like a lot of 400+ people are starting to pop up, so it seems like FF is doing a good job at encouraging gluttony haha.
7 years

Do feeders ever feel guilty??

I've never truly been in a feeder relationship with someone sadly, but I could see myself feeling guilty/worrisome every once in great awhile with someone I care about.

However, as long as they're perfectly fine with it, happy, and understand the possible risks, that would probably pass and I would be supportive/encourageful! smiley
7 years

Target the fat

lovely_plumper wrote
It's my understanding that carbs go to the belly and boobs while sweets will go to hips and lower body...

But I do agree with Elementry_Penguin that you may be looking for a breast enlargement because surgery is the only way to increase your breast size without increasing anywhere else...


I`m assuming you mean to refer to complex carbohydrates when you say carbs, and simple carbohydrates when you say sweets.

The only area I know can be targeted for weight is the belly, but everything that is done to target the belly is rediculously unhealthy, so just stick with the simple answer of "no, you can't spot gain."

I'd personally love to know how, no matter the health implications smiley

Uhhh, not sure if you're going to get a reply from any of the people before you lol. The last post was from 8 years ago.

But the only way I could think of actually making your belly fatter would be to drink lots of beer to get that "beer belly." Other than that, I don't think you can target where fat goes, it's up to genetics.
7 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hey everyone! I'm a 19 year-old transgender woman from Pennsylvania. My interests are mainly Superheroes, Video Games, and 80's cartoons. Oh, and of course gaining. smiley

Welcome! I love the Undyne profile pic, I've been really into Undertale myself lately (along with its music)!
7 years

Video games?

The Metro: Redux games are pretty amazing.

Also, if you have a buddy, you could try Octodad: Dadliest Catch for some pretty damn hilarious times (only works for local coop though).

DOOM is amazing as well, been having lots of fun with that.

Also, if you're up to the challenge, the Dark Souls games are supposedly really good (I've only played parts of the first one though).
7 years

Question for fas

I love rolls and muffin tops! But I love any fat on a belly haha.
7 years

New chat (beta)


With the limited number of things to do on FF, I feel very strongly that the chat should not be going down nearly as often as it does. It needs improvement, badly. I'm not a techie person so I'm not sure how difficult it is to fix or how to go about it but it's simply not ok for it to have this much downtime.

I really hope that the chat fix is very near the top of the list of site improvements.

Thanks for listening.

Agreed. It seems like 60% of the time when I try to go on, chat is offline/down. The other chats are kind of dead, so it doesn't really provide that many chances for social activities when the main chat is down.
7 years
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