
I'd say most the profiles are fakes since they have 1 pic and are looking for "generous feeders"

Same red flags on any dating or social sites, "generous" being one of the biggest tells for me.
1 year

How many pounds do you put on during a stuffing session?

I’d typically go up around 5 lbs, but after experimenting with a few things to increase my appetite, I recently saw an increase of 9 lbs over the course of a day.

What kind of things have you found that help stimulate the appetite?
2 years

Getting over being full

I'll be sure to try that!

Seems the reply got deleted. I'm curious to know what the posted advice was?
3 years

All-day stuffing help

Thanks for the input! Flavor fatigue is definitely what I had in mind when I mentioned losing interest. I get hungry fairly quickly after meals, and with the weed enhancing my munchies, staying hungry should be no problem. I have a list of different snacks and foods that I'll have throughout the day. As a rough outline, the menu is as follows:

Pre-game: Cake shake
Breakfast: pancakes, omelette, hash browns, bacon, grits
Morning snacking: watermelon and mixed nuts
Lunch: seafood buffet
Mid-afternoon meal: Still choosing between a pizza, a Panda Express plate, or a pulled pork sandwich with garlic bread
Evening snacking: tuna salad and watermelon
Dinner: mashed potatoes and ground beef
Throughout the day drinks: water, ginger ale/sprite, beer

My main filter when selecting food was to avoid unnecessarily greasy foods in order to avoid that "bleh" feeling, with the potential pizza having the highest amount. As this is my first time doing this I'm looking to make it as "comfortable" and pleasurable as possible.
4 years

All-day stuffing help

I have my first dedicated all-day stuffing planned for Friday, with meals and snacks all laid out, including a visit to an all-you-can-eat buffet for lunch. I've been training myself with liquid bloats the past few days to prepare. I'll be starting the day with a cake shake, then big meals and constant grazing throughout the day, all fueled by marijuana and motivation from my partner. The goal isn't weight gain, though it's inevitable, but rather to be as absolutely packed to the brim as I can get. Does anyone who's done similar have any foods to try or avoid, tips, advice, or tricks to eat as much as possible and avoid any nausea or lose interest? I'm vastly under-experienced in using food to bloat/stuff, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
4 years

Cake shake variations?

Posting in what I feel is the more appropriate section of the forums. I had the idea to blend oats into a cake shake, resulting in a more intense and/or longer bloat. Has anyone else tried something like this?
5 years

Food that inflates you

I had the idea to blend raw oats into a cake shake to see if it adds more intensity to the bloat, or at least makes it last longer. Anyone done anything similar?
5 years

First time getting stuffed/bloated by someone else

I finally came out to my girlfriend about my fetish for stuffing, bloating, and inflating, and she's willing to bloat or stuff me (inflating is still a bit out there for her). This is my first time having anyone else help me or even be present while I do it, so I'm a lil nervous on how I can setup a situation or scenario where she can stuff me with food or liquids until I can't possibly take more. Any tips or ideas, especially from others that have been the stuffer or stuffee?
5 years

Alone time...time to get big!

I have some time alone next week with the house to myself, so I'm able to do a full-day inflate/bloat/stuffing fest. I don't do too well with stuffing unfortunately, as I seem to hit my max in that aspect a lot sooner and with smaller size than bloating or inflating with liquid or air. However, I did manage to acquire from MJ that will inspire the munchies and relaxation I might need to hit a new plateau. Any tips on hitting my max with food, preferably stuff that doesn't lead to massive weight gain? I have pretty good metabolism still and can polish off a pizza by myself, but food seems to get me almost nauseous long before I hit what I know to be my physical limits. Barring the food route, I may just bloat it up the night before, then spend the next day pumping in air until I have to waddle around the house. I'm excited to test my limits and see how big I can get again, as I haven't had a full day to myself for quite a while. Any input or tips would be awesome!
5 years

Most you've stuffed

The most food I've been able to get down in a couple hours is an XXL Burrito from Taco Bell, a 3-side plate of different kinds of chicken with chow mein from Panda Express, and half a Little Caesar's Deep Dish. Unfortunately I seem to have a much smaller capacity for food than for liquid ):
5 years
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