Gainers:does nagging diminish?

For me, the comments came in several waves. Even though we gain weight one pound at a time, it seems like the most noticeable changes in body shape tend to happen relatively quickly at certain threshold points, and it was around these points when I really got comments from family. The first was in high school when I crossed from "big-boned" to "chubby" around the 170 pound mark. The second was in my second year of college when I crossed from "chubby" to "fat", around 220. And the last time was in my early 20s when I hit the 260s and suddenly went from "fat" to "really fat".

Even so, I was never bombarded with comments the way some of you guys seem to be or have been, and the ones I got were quite tame and non-confrontational.

Since then I've dropped back down into the 220's, mainly for health reasons; so of course everyone is being super supportive. (For a while everyone asked what my secret was. I felt the need to come up with something more acceptable than "I stopped intentionally gaining weight by stuffing thousands of extra calories every week." Diet and exercise. Yeah.)
9 years

What did university do to you?

I actually lost weight my first semester due to stress/anxiety, but I gained it back plus 20 pounds in the spring.

That said, the cafeterias at my university were all pay-per-item, and everything was terrible and overpriced. On the other hand, that meant that a trip to the on-campus fast food court was almost a daily event.
10 years

Comfort foods

I'd say Mexican food as well, but I'm not sure it's comfort food so much as that I just really, really love Mexican. smiley

As for real comfort food, when the weather sucks and I've had a rough week... mac and cheese, Hamburger Helper, cheap cardboard pizza, tall stacks of sourdough toast dripping in butter - pretty much the things I loved as a kid.
10 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I'm actually trying to lose weight at the moment, but if some wealthy FFA offered to "sponsor" me, I'd go for it without a second's hesitation.
10 years

Lost hypnosis files!

Tbh, I don't really disagree with your assessment OmgWow. Still, though, it's the best wg hypnosis file I've encountered so far, and the only one I have saved.
10 years

Favourite movie watched - 2013

Don't think I can pick a favorite. Catching Fire and The Desolation of Smaug were both huge improvements over their previous movies, and Man of Steel, Pacific Rim, and The World's End were all much more enjoyable than I expected them to be.

I generally rank movies by how likely I'll be to rewatch them, so by that standard I'd have to go with The World's End.
10 years

Lost hypnosis files!

Wow, way more interest in this than I was expecting, lol. I've hit my message limit again, so if I haven't gotten to you yet you can either wait or try messaging one of the earlier requesters. I believe I've gotten everyone through softblubber.
10 years

Calorie counting question.

As far as weight gain is concerned, it's the total calories that matter, not just fat calories.
10 years

What causes a fat fetish?

Fetishism is probably one of the most complex aspects of human psychology. Pretty much anything that creates a sexual or emotional connection to food or fat can lead to developing a fat-related fetish, from being scolded as a child for overeating to simply having had a fat sexual partner.

In my case, I think it started with a childhood attraction to pregnant women, which evolved to include fat women who looked pregnant. Sometime in my teens fat supplanted pregnancy as my primary fetish and grew to include many aspects of fat and weight gain, both in women and men/myself.
10 years

Lost hypnosis files!

Hit my message limit for the day; I'll try to get the rest of you tomorrow.

@biggirlsok: it's a ~20min mp3 - about 15 minutes of induction and 5 minutes of suggestion. A female voice tells you that you will get fat, your metabolism will slow down, you will eat more junk food, you will constantly weigh yourself to see how much you've gained, and that there's nothing you can do about it because you know it's what you want.
10 years
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