My first experience as a feedee

Chapter 3

Gary sat on the pale, ivory sofa and I sat on the floor, my back to the sofa, my legs stretched out in front of me. We watched a movie for about an hour or so before he broke into the snacks he had purchased.

“I’m still satiated from earlier, Gary,” I told him. “We’re going out soon. I don’t want to fill up.”

With some gentile persuasion on Gary’s part, I gave into my gluttony. He moved next to me on the floor and began to kiss my neck. When my top button finally gave way to the strain with a resounding BOING, he dove into my breast and began fondling me. Slowly but surely, his hands and lips ended up at my ballooning middle.

This was my chance. “If I didn’t know you better, I would have thought you’re deliberately trying to fatten me up.”

He suddenly pulled away from me and became very serious. He blushed.

“I must confess something to you, Lizzy,” he began slowly. “As you can see from looking at me, I’m really turned on by food. I love everything about it. I’ve taken cooking and wine classes. I enjoy having someone feed me and I love feeding others. It’s just that you’re so sexy and I think some weight would make you even sexier. You’ve shown me pictures of what you used to look like, and you were lovely with all your curves. I’d like to help you get there again. That is if you want to.”

I thought for a moment. I kept thinking is this guy really offering to feed me and actually doesn’t mind me putting on weight. It’s been such a struggle for me to try to maintain this weight actually starving myself. I couldn’t believe the opportunity I was being given.

“Well, how much weight are we talking about?” I asked him.

“Maybe another 20 pounds or so,” Gary said. “That would be up to you. And, I don’t always have to stuff you, you could stuff me. But, I’d really like to make this day perfect for you. Forget about everything, lay back, and let me treat you like a princess,” he answered. “I want to spoil you like you’ve never been spoiled.”

What could a girl say to that? So, I said nothing. I just let him begin feeding me the pastries, as he suckled at my breast. I ate enjoying the richness of the dessert until I could barely move. We lay there for a few hours and then it was time for our night out to celebrate New Years.

I dressed in the new dress Gary bought me. I now knew why he favoured the dress. The fabric gently stretched across my now rotund belly. I guess he thought there would be room for expansion. I laughed to myself. He came out in a suit, white shirt barely getting across his wide girth. We walked about 10 blocks until we came to a restaurant. I should have realized that the last surprise would also involve food.

The dinner was one price, which included an appetizer, salad, main course, and dessert. The funny thing was that I was a bit hungry again. I guess my stomach was already stretched. But I also knew that with so many months of self-deprivation, I was ready to let go, put myself into Gary’s ample hands, and fattening up for him and myself.

The salad and fresh baked bread came out first. Both of us, dug into our meal with gusto. Then came out that seafood risotto – heavy and thick. Oh, so good. By the time my steak with truffle-mashed potatoes came out, I could hardly eat another bite. Gary had successfully stuffed me and I was slowly losing ground. I was slightly embarrassed at my inability to eat, so I kept hiding my cut meat under the mashed potatoes. But, Gary was too slick for a trick like that. He leaned across the table revealing my hidden stash and began to feed me my dinner one spoonful after the next. I didn’t protest since it would only bring unwanted attention to us. He even feed me some of the lobster off of his plate. My belly no longer had rolls, but was one big swelling sphere. By the time the last glob of chocolate mousse passed my lips, I looked and felt as if I were about to give birth. I had never been so stuffed in my life!

Gary had to help me up from the table and walk me very slowly back towards his apartment. My hands reached under my open coat, holding my enormous tummy so that the walking wouldn’t jar it. I thought I would explode any minute. Gary continued to chuckle and give me a rub here and there until we were safely at his place.

Once there, he prepared a bubble bath for me. I was laid out in the tub surrounded by lit candles. Gary bathed me, paying special attention to my belly and of course, feeding me Godiva Chocolates until my belly was stretched tighter than I could have ever imagined.
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DiapeeBaybee 1 year
Why does every other story keep redirecting me to this one?????
Lightburgundy 1 year
Getting the same error here too, surely something can be done about this?
Ptoot 11 months
same error
Elcorpusmigues 10 months
same problem here
Psycho 10 months
Still happening
Jkins89 1 year
The same thing is happening to me. 😔
Akwolfgrl13 3 years
Dandydon57 4 years
Enjoyed this story !
15 years
I love this story!
Chubbybellygirl 15 years
I love this story. I've read it many times and it always rewards me with it's sweetness.