
How common is this fetish?

I've wondered about this before, like just how much about a fetish/ sexual preferences in general are defined by a genetic factor, or an environmental factor
As with most things tho,
It's probably a mixture of the two.
In the case of Americans
One'd think they are proportionality more into feedism because their culture simply exposes them to overt gluttony more often
If they had the predisposition pre-wired the exposure at the right age would set the fetish in for life.
But it's really hard to work any science with feedists populations because there is marginally no data
Like what is the actual proportion of feedist in the general population vs that of the US?
no one fucking knows!!
One more thing, the English language is the most prevalent on the internet, and US population is the biggest anglophone in numbers and afflunce
So they are over-represented on the internet in all topics, feedism being merely one of them.
BTW I'm from Brazil, and down here both feedism and just any non fetish preferences for fatter people are a major non-spoken taboo.
To the point I actually thought I was the only person into weight gain before I learned English and saw the English internet.
It is that bad

I myself am lucky that I happen to live in Finland were every child starts to learn english in third or fourth grade, and we don’t dup any movies of shows to finnish but those meant to really young children, so I was able to learn about this stuff from a pretty young age. There is basically nothing in internet about feederism/ belly stuffing in finnish

Glad that you’ve found the community even though threre is a language barrier!
1 year

How common is this fetish?

Casually Walking:
Technically everyone has it, let me explain

It is widely believed that every single person will develop a want for a bigger partner under stress, because eons ago, when humans didn’t have an abundance of resources, stress usually came with a drought or a bad harvest, which meant someone larger had food

In the sense of the people who’s preference never “turns off”, well, that’s more difficult to gage, someone would have to go around asking everyone if they like fat, being fat, or any other relation to the fetish. And I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t admit it due to the stigma surrounding beauty

So perhaps fat fetishism is based on stress in childhood

The theory that when under stress you desire a larger partner on a primal level is, as mentioned, widely held. It's not only an indication that they likely have access to more food, but also seen as an indication they are stronger and more likley to be able to protect you, and also likely healthier and able to produce and care for offspring. It's a survival thing.

However, I think stress in childhood is less likely to be the reason for becoming a chubby chaser or gainer, and more likely a cause for eating disorders developing, and eating disorders aren't the same as feederism and fat fetishism. They are very different and separate things that for some people may have an overlap, but I think it's a stertch to say that all cases of feederism and fat appreciation/admiration/fetishism stemmed from childhood stress.

Not every person that is into feederism or weight gain has an eating disorder, and there are an awful lot of people with an eating disorder that are not into feederism or weight gain at all and hate what their eating habits do to their body.

I think it's more likely that the kinds and sizes of bodies we are attracted to is just part of who we are, in much the same way that whatever gender we are attracted to is just part of who we are, and it's social conditioning that makes it taboo and in turn makes people feel ashamed of their attraction. I've no doubt there are swathes of people out there that hide and suppress their attractions and desires because they are terrified of being judged and ridiculed if anyone were to find out.
1 year

How common is this fetish?

... I have noticed that there are a lot less users from anywhere else than USA. I myself am a Finn.

You're not wrong. I've been on this site for a long time, and it used to be almost exclusively Americans. Although I don't think feedism/FA culture is an extremely widespread thing, I'd bet there are a lot of people throughout the world that would be interested if they knew about it.

That being said, I think the community is growing (pun intended), and I feel it'll continue to expand internationally in the future (again, pun intended).
1 year

How common is this fetish?

... I have noticed that there are a lot less users from anywhere else than USA. I myself am a Finn.

You're not wrong. I've been on this site for a long time, and it used to be almost exclusively Americans. Although I don't think feedism/FA culture is an extremely widespread thing, I'd bet there are a lot of people throughout the world that would be interested if they knew about it.

That being said, I think the community is growing (pun intended), and I feel it'll continue to expand internationally in the future (again, pun intended).

The fact that there are so many Americans on a British site just sends me. Hilarious, really.
1 year

How common is this fetish?

From what I have seen, it has grown (no pun intended) expoentially in the recent years. I think it always was a major fetish, thus why mukbang and such were so popular, i think it is in fact one of THE more popular fetishes.

This is not only judging by the subreddit activities, the sites centered around it, etc. It sincerely is not an "underground" fetish.
1 year

How common is this fetish?

A while back porn hub released this, I would love to a comparison on it. Maybe someone could message them and ask to update it they do this stuff all time.
1 year

How common is this fetish?

A while back porn hub released this, I would love to a comparison on it. Maybe someone could message them and ask to update it they do this stuff all time.

I took a look at the statistic and I'm astonished how Austria is among the top 3 countries searching for feederism related porn. Where are all the Austrian feedees then??
1 year

How common is this fetish?

The growth in Americans’ waistlines in recent years is sure bringing it out of the shadows :-) Especially with womens’ butts and bellies, which have never been fatter than they are now!
1 year

How common is this fetish?

A while back porn hub released this, I would love to a comparison on it. Maybe someone could message them and ask to update it they do this stuff all time.

Interesting stat at the end, if Finland really searches the second most feederism stuff from Pornhub, we are criminally under represented here 😅
1 year

How common is this fetish?

According to the old stats, Russia is in the top 1, but why am I still without a feeder? smiley
10 months
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