Busty guys

When I started to gain weight it immediately went to my chest. As I got really fat and my chest grew larger, it really made me self conscious and uncomfortable, though my wife was happy with them.

Long story short, I consulted my doctor, we looked at options. Surgery was one of them but I just couldn't (and still can't) bring myself to do that. As my doctor advised, when it effects your life enough, you will know the time to act.

To those that want large moobs: Hormones are nothing to fool around with, mucking with them can lead to different forms of cancer - it's not worth it, so please be sure to consult your physician before trying to augment breast growth with chemicals.

In the last couple years I lost about 60 lbs and my chest shrank noticeably which I thought was good. I've since gained 20 lbs of that back (I am about 460 lbs now) and I've noticed it's going right back... so the body is going to do what it wants to do, unfortunately.
2 months

The contrast

My wife and I have experienced body contrast from both sides - when we met many years ago she was the BBW and I was the fit guy. Then things changed and now I am the SSBHM and she is an athlete. I feel so fortunate to have experienced both with the same person.
2 months

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I have had this very same condition my entire life so I have always had bigger than average moobs and the fatter that I got; the pronounced they moved and I would wear compression shirts because I was self conscious of how they moved and I didn't want to get teased because of them but after years of women actually giving me compliments for them. I have now championed mine.

I have gotten used to them over time, but I wouldn't say I champion them. They are a nuisance, they get in the way, more so than my stomach because they get in the way of my reach frequently. Compression clothes help but are also a nuisance. So if I could get them reduced I would. I have considered surgery, but honestly I am chicken to go through any kind of operation. The fact that my wife likes them makes me accept them a lot easier, but I would reduce them if I could through non-invasive means.
2 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I have a condition (gynecomastia) which has resulted in large breasts when I gained. I normally wear binding undershirts to try and flatten them out and keep them in place. These would work better than a jogging bra, too, if their movement was a problem for you.
2 years

Toronto meet-up post covid19?

Who knew the pandemic would still be going on so much later?

After multiple bouts of stir-craziness over the last year, my wife and I are really ready to go out and see people again!

A group used to host BBW/BHM parties in Toronto - I don't know if they are still around? I think the last one we went to was at the Eton House? Even if they're not still planning those events it would be great to just pick a place and a date to have an informal meetup.

Maybe this Fall when we're all vaccinated?
3 years

Quarantine weight gain

I had lost some weight over the last few years, but quarantine has brought it almost all back. It's kind of like the return of an old friend, lol!

My wife has been in really good shape for years, aside from one injury a couple of years ago that she has since recovered from. But because the gyms have been mostly closed she has put on 30-40 lbs and is looking delightfully plump at the moment. smiley
3 years

Toronto meet-up post covid19?

It looks like our plans to visit friends in Montreal for the Jazz Festival are probably going to be scuttled by this Corona virus, so we are trying to figure out how to make the most of the 2nd half of the year.

It has been years since my wife and I have attended a BBW/BHM meetup. is there a group that still runs these? Or would anyone be interested in a FF one?
4 years

You know you're fat when:

You know you are fat when you start a little countdown every time you need to stand up from a seat!
5 years

New chat


I see the same screen as MotoBelly's, blank with 0 users. I used the main menu bar at the top of the FF main page.

Is there another link to another chat?
5 years

Warnings gaining maybe addicting

For me, whenever you get used to the portions and stretching your stomach out. Its hard to not eat like that anymore.

When you go past that point, you hit a kind of "point of no return." I eat so much, because my capacity is so large, that even if I scaled it back, I think my metabolism would just slow down to compensate. And at my size, any physical activity is a work out! So I don't know how I could cut my food intake and increase my metabolism without being totally miserable...
5 years
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