Mac & cheese hack

Using standard boxed mac & cheese (avoid Kraft, as that can be gummy - I recommend Annie's):

1) Prepare Mac & Cheese
2) Put in blender with some whole milk
3) Drink!

It allows you to take in about 1300 calories of real food (ie, not too hard on the stomach) in minutes, no chewing and no chance to get sick of the flavor.
9 years

Gaining with 'ensure'

I gained between 15-20 pounds in two months by using Boost Plus, which is a lot like Ensure. It works pretty well and is mellow on the stomach but also heavy, so drinking three at once is a bad move, especially before bed. Your best bet if you want to gain is to up your caloric intake through solid food and then sneak the Ensures in during times of the day when you wouldn't be eating anyway or aren't hungry. Start at 2-3 a day and once your body's used to them you can go as high as 5 every day in addition to your normal solid food intake. And that's fat central.

Good luck!
11 years

Fatter bf

Usually people who eat junk and don't gain weight are inconsistent eaters. Do some major stuffings, have him drink a lot of beverage (even water) between meals to keep his stomach stretched, and have him carry shakes, trail mix, and snacks around at all times. He's gotta consciously eat and eat for a few weeks (maybe even more than a month) so that he gets used to eating a lot consistently. After that training, he should be able to eat a few big meals a day plus snacks.

And then you can get him as fat as your heart desires. Good luck!
11 years

Fat by virus

Yeah. Fetish aside, I find it really fascinating that so many people responded to this discovery of a health-improving virus that also caused weight gain with requests for a vaccination - as if being fatter were worse than diabetes and all the other facets of metabolic syndrome.

Regardless, I can't imagine that it's too difficult to get ahold of AD-36, provided you know where to get it from.
11 years

Fat by virus

I recognize that a previous thread about this from awhile back was closed, so I'll start by disclaiming that nobody should be putting untested viruses into their bodies to get fat. This topic is just for fun and speculation.

So, obesity has been linked - it seems causally - to two viruses, the human AD-36 and also an avian virus that is communicable to humans. Both seem to be associated with higher obesity - a trait that many of us like - and lower cholesterol triglycerides, and diabetes. AKA, greater health, and greater girth at the same time.

Jury's still out on everything else.

So, questions:
1) Does anyone have further information on this they can contribute - research journals, self-administered research (for those of you with home bio-labs), etc
2) Would you ever purposefully infect yourself with a virus that could cause weight gain?

For me, if I could make sure that weight gain was the only likely "bad" cause, and ensure that the weight gain wouldn't be too severe, I think I'd absolutely take it, as significant weight gain (20+ lbs) in my case is only possible through unhealthy habits.
11 years

Experimental gain?

I did a 15 pound gain last year, it was wonderful and I was looking forward to the next 15 but I slowly lost it. Now I'm in a good place to gain it all back, though!
11 years

Is this too fast?

Most likely water weight + actual weight gains. Inflammation can accompany a fast weight gain, making it seem greater than it is.
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

Scenario One, I'd probably eat four of them immediately and space another 4-6 over the next few months.

Then I'd hold onto a bunch of them just in case I lost any, or in case I wanted even more poundage.
11 years

Advice for rapid weight gain?

I have a very fast metabolism and put on about fifteen pounds in a month using this formula:

First off, Clif bars and trail mixes (with chocolate and dried, sugared fruits) on person at all times. You can't really get full from trail mix so it's good to be eating constantly, and Clif bars are the best bang for your buck for carb-heavy, jam-packed food before you get to candy (for which I'd recommend snickers and other candy bars with a good amount of nuts or "real" food). Add about 1-2k calories per day this way.

Buy some Boost Plus online, a large box can run much cheaper than an equivalent protein shake. Over three hundred calories per serving and can be had in one gulp. Unlike protein shakes, they represent a balanced dietary intake (only liquid), so it won't be tough on the body and will store more quickly. I used to keep them on the go with me so that every other hour during the day (except after large meals) I could drink one. Add 1k calories per day doing this.

Finally, get a gallon tub of ice cream, heavy cream, whole milk, and crumbled cookie (with banana and peanut butter and/or nutella) makes a great morning and evening shake. The cookie crumbs are essential (IMO) so that the body feels like it's taking in some "real" food. Eating a lot can be tiresome, so you want to make it easy.

On top of all this, eat normally but push a little harder. This can easily add a LOT of calories, and with the right encouragement from you I'm sure he'll blow up in no time.

Oh! One more thing. Sleeping sitting up with one of those cushions called a Husband Pillow will reduce stomach flare-ups for when he goes to sleep full. Fewer stomach flare-ups = more eating the next day = well, you know.
11 years
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