What is it like…

For me, The weight of my belly pushes my legs open. I have to make an effort to sit down with my knees together, and It's constrictive.
My belly is starting to spread my legs apart.
8 months

Best and worst things about being fat/getting fat

The best part of being fat/fatter is you can eat whatever you want and watching yourself grown into the fat person that you are. The worst part of being fat is when you outgrow your clothes. I recently outgrew a size 22/24 and into a size 26/28.
8 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

It means life experience to me. Been through a lot and you’re earned the right to stuff yourself however much you want, even if it means bursting through your clothes :-)

It means the freedom of eating whatever you want and gaining weight.
9 months

Barely fitting in booth.

Fitting in a booth is something I no longer do. When I was at a restaurant with my mother and sister, we had a booth and I barely fit into it. No more booths for me.
9 months

Losing weight to gain it back?

I yo-yo diet in the past; only to regain the weight back. I told myself enough with the diets and embrace being fat.
9 months


Audrey Beauregarde:
You can do it! Just keep eating and eating and eating!

I’ve done the same thing. Eat a little this; eat a little that. Before you know it you’re fat. The more you eat; the fatter you’ll be.
9 months

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I sit at the desk the majority of the day at the library. At my desk in the backroom, I keep tons of snacks; in which I graze on during the day.
9 months

How to gain more weight?

You’ve got to consistently hit a calorie surplus, and if you do that, you’ll gain eventually. If you like to eat, it shouldn’t be very hard, and you can do it with healthy food or junk food, or both together. If you don’t like to eat or if eating alone isn’t bringing you a fast enough gain, heavy cream works wonders. I like it mixed 50/50 with chocolate milk.

Eat a lot and don't exercise.
9 months

Urges to fatten

I gave up fighting it a while ago. It's just too satisfying to give in!😁

I given up with the dieting. You lose some weight but only to gain more weight.
1 year

Diet coke or regular coke

I never liked the taste of a diet soda. I prefer a regular soda.
1 year
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