New piggy

I am 37 yo female who has always had the fantasy of being a submissive. I have tried play in the bedroom before but my now partner and I are really getting into the dynamic.

He wants me to be his piggy and feed me. We talked about it and my weight. I agreed to increase a set weight and he is fine with that. As this is new to us we are still learning. He makes me feel loved and beautiful now and continues as I put on the weight. We have also talked about him collaring me.

My question or discuss is how does this work in the sense of play and real world. We have been together for 2 years and have a future planned but we are stepping up the dynamic. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to use this site as a safe place to discuss our adventures as we navigate this new world.

It works pretty much the same as anything else you could consensually decide to do with your partner. You communicate regularly, be open with your needs and wants, and listen to each other.

If you're new to feedism I recommend taking things slowly. Try a small weight gain goal and see how you feel. Then you can step it up.

If you're asking about how weight gain can affect your daily life -- it all depends on how much you're gaining and what sort of lifestyle you want to live. Weight gain is not permanent, but it does take effort to reverse course later on.

Your boyfriend sounds like a safe person to go on this journey with. If done with someone you love, feedism can be a wonderfully arousing and intimate experience. Give it a shot, and best of luck!
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

I don't get this thread.

I've dated, fed, and fattened multiple women -- one to quite a large size, and one who thought of herself as a feeder but ended up with me turning those desires around on her (which was very satisfying). It's never been an issue for me to have my own separate diet and remain fit and active. You just have to be your own person and have your partner understand that.

In your case, OP, it sounds like you genuinely enjoy gaining with your boyfriend. And he sounds like quite a feeder himself.

It also sounds to me like neither you nor your boyfriend have ever actually been honest with each other about your specific desires, and to what extent you want to take those desires. It's a boundaries issue.

You can't "hope" that things work out the way you want them to in relationships, particularly not when feedism and weight gain are involved. You need to be specific and honest.

If you really hated gaining, you probably wouldn't have done it so much thus far. But you also shouldn't do it just because you think it will help him gain. I'd argue that's manipulative and will result in both of you being unhappy.
1 year

Death feedists

I've always been conflicted on this topic.

I get aroused by the thought of making a woman humongous, but I don't know if I could do it IRL in good conscience.

Only situation in which I might be willing is if she had a terminal diagnosis and had always dreamed of being enormous. At that point it's easier to justify.
1 year

Belly rub techniques

Thanks for the responses! These are great ideas. I'll try them out!
1 year

Belly rub techniques

Sorry if this isnt the right place for this topic, or if it's already been posted. I was just curious if anyone has tips for ways to do belly rubs that can help with digestion, stuffing, etc.

For context: my girlfriend wants to gain and stuff much more, but she often feels like her food gets "stuck" at the top of her stomach instead of settling into it and filling it. So she doesn't get a chance to eat nearly as much as she can, and her capacity isnt maximized. My belly rubs help her a bit, but I was just wondering if there might be some better way to do it.

Any tips are appreciated.
1 year

Is there a way to get rid of this fetish?

Might also be worth asking yourself if feedism is just a "fetish" for you, as opposed to a fundamental part of your sexuality.

In my mind the term "fetish" implies a take-it-or-leave-it attitude towards it. Idk, just a thought.
1 year

Legally qualifying for disability

Always good to have various perspectives.

I'd be able to support her if she got too fat to work, I was just curious about the student loan aspect.

She has another long-term health issue which may result in her qualifying for disability at some point anyways.

I guess if it was easy to get out from under student loans by becoming 700 lbs we'd see more people doing it 🤣
1 year

Is there a way to get rid of this fetish?

Why would you want to? It's way more fun than vanilla sex
1 year

Legally qualifying for disability

Hi folks,

My girlfriend and I are discussing goals for her long-term weight gain. She's willing to meet my needs up to a certain point, but she's a bit unsure about how legal disability might work if she becomes too fat to do most jobs. Its not the financial aspect we're wondering about, it's the legal aspect. She has a large amount of student loans, and as I understand it, she can be legally absolved of those if she goes on permanent disability.

Does anyone here have experience with qualifying for long-term disability once they reach a certain weight? Could you shed some light on how that worked for you?

If my gf could qualify as permanently disabled and get out from under her student loans by growing extremely fat, she'd be much more willing to do it. (Which I think is totally understandable).

Thanks in advance for any input.
1 year

What do you think caused you to develop this kink?

I don't think anything in particular caused me to develop it.

I think it's totally normal and healthy for people to be attracted to fat bodies, and I just happen to be one of those who was born with those desires. Human sexuality is a pretty broad spectrum, much more so than our society would like us to believe.
1 year
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