How do you eat your pizza?

I got a side job at the best pizza place in town so I get a 50% discount, so I bring home pizza about three nights a week. The 2XL shirts I was given a couple of months ago when I started are getting short so the pizza and pasta have been helping me continue to fatten up.
8 months

Why do you want to get fat?

First off, I love to eat and I love to cook.

I've also always wanted to look soft, round, and very well-fed. I deliberately limit my activity to achieve a thick doughboy look; I want people to think I do little but sit and stuff myself.

I also love the feeling of my clothes getting tighter and smaller on me. Now that I'm fat, more often than not I wear my clothes a bit snug so that my fat is obvious to others. I love looking like I'm growing out of my clothes.
9 months

Has anyone really met their better half here?

No, virtually everyone I've met on here to talk to either through chat or messaging is a flake. One minute they're telling me how hot my pix are or how they totally agree with my views on gaining and the next, they're gone and you never hear from them again.

Then you have the ones that can't carry on a conversation. Every chat message gets a response of "ok" or "cool" or "why don't you go eat some more". If you're lucky, they won't then either give you a sob story and ask you for money or send you links to clothes they want to buy and how if you pay for them, they'll model them for you.

The only people here who have much of a chance are women or gay guys.
11 months

Male boobs

Getting male boobs (I hate the term "moobs"smiley is different than female boobs. Instead of sticking out, the fat tends to go more to the side. When my boobs finally began to grow, the first thing I noticed was fat under my arms.

This means that bras do not fit guys the same way they do women. I've never tried a pushup bra, so maybe that would help redistribute the fat. However, I can fill out a bikini top well now and I'm surprised how comfortable a bikini is.

I wouldn't consider myself a true porker until I had a nice set of boobs.
11 months

Feedism in movies

I remember an early turn-on for me was the scene in "National Lampoon's European Vacation" where Audrey dreams of being served an enormous banquet and then her stomach expands until the buttons pop on her shirt.
11 months

What is the sexiest outfit to outgrow?

To me, nothing shows off a fat body better than a bikini. Mine is just starting to get a little smaller on me. My boobs are filling out the top very well and finally my bottom is starting to widen out so the bikini bottom doesn't cover it completely anymore.
11 months

Wanting to gain weight but not wanting to eat a lot

What about gainer shakes or even just some heavy cream and/or ice cream before bed?
11 months

Taking the first step

When I decided to gain, I had a clear picture in my head of what I wanted my body to look like. When I first started to fatten up, all my weight went to my belly, so I had to revise my weight goal and keep gaining until I got boobs and a double chin and the other things I envisioned when I saw my ultimate self.
11 months

Should you get fat?

85% You Should Get Fat
11 months

Too fat for feeders but too fit for feeders?

It's funny how perceptions of fat can change. To the normal world, I'm fat enough to get comments and even have strangers prod my belly in public. But on FF, I've had people disappointed that, at 6'3", I'm "only" a little over 300 lbs with a 4 and a half foot belly.
11 months
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