At what point does a bbw becomes a ssbbw?

When she starts to get to a size where the world is no longer designed to accommodate such a size.

Being impossible, or at least very difficult, to fit into smaller cars, booths, doors, etc.
1 year

What is the hottest cause for someone who's been maintaining weight, to suddenly start gaining?

For me it's if she's already considerably fat, and loves eating, but she can manage (even if only barely) to hold herself back from stuffing herself all the time, because of being afraid of not being accepted.

Showing her affection and acceptance, as well as she gradually learning that I not only tolerate her size but love it, might make her to abandon her restraints, and start indulging herself completely.
I would feel somewhat guilty (even though I neither forced nor tricked her into it), but it is such a hot fantasy.
1 year

Had to block my first person today

I noticed the trend when a new (almost always female) member joins, opens up about her kink the first time in her life, finally finds herself accepted, posts about her experiences, gets more and more engaged in the community... and then suddenly disappears without a trace. It happens very often. It seems obvious that they were scared away by such creeps.

I would guess it's always the same, demands for NSFW pics and then harassment if refused.

The correct way to handle them would be to notice that among the many thousands of registered users there are only probably dozens of such idiots, and idiots will be idiots no matter the system, so just block, report, and move on. But for someone new and still fragile about her self-image, I can understand that such an experience must really hurt, and that she is not yet self-confident enough to just block-report-forget.
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

Wow. Okay. So, you have not researched the issue as well as you think you have. And, to be frank, you sound pretty accusatory and angry.

So, I am going to post the laws I'm referring to. And then I'm going to end the conversation here. Because I can see you are not looking to listen and understand. You are looking to be right. And if I continue to engage with you, this thread is going to be locked.

I wasn't angry about you mentioning those laws, I seriously wanted to know what laws you are referring to. And I know about Roe vs Wade (and that's a complex enough topic where this is indeed not the place to go too deep into), but that was not what I was asking. I was asking about what you referred to as anti-LGBT laws and laws against teaching about black people in history classes.

(and please note that it was you who started personal attacks, and started making assumptions about me without knowing me, and started throwing accusations)
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

Mind you, I'm speaking as a cis-het woman. So some rights (such as the massive amount of anti-LGBTQIA+ laws being passed in my country) do not pertain to me.

But of those that do? Anti-abortion laws, laws against protesting, and laws against teaching black history in a meaningful way, for example.

And, again, as a woman of color, there isn't a better time in the past for me. That's not how this works. You are assuming that the present is the best. While I agree that things are better than they were, it's still not good.

Could you please cite those exact laws you refer to? I've heard your claims in sensationalist media articles, but when I looked up the exact laws... they weren't quite what those activists claimed.

For example, "anti-LGBTQIA+ laws", has some sexual orientation been made illegal by a law again, as they were illegal in the past? Or does the law say that if you have a certain sexual orientation you are not allowed to do X Y? Was there something LGBT people were legally allowed to do and now due to these laws they no longer are?

And even "laws against teaching black history in a meaningful way"? I've never seen any law against teaching the history of black people in the USA, including slavery, the Civil War, the civil rights movement, etc. The only concrete events I've found weren't even laws, they were issues when a teacher taught children to judge each other by the color of each other's skin, teaching racists views like for example whites being born oppressors by their very nature, etc. and then angry parents pressured the school administration to put a stop to that.

So which exact law are you referring to? Unless you'd just point to a general proposition against enticing racial hatred, please tell me which law you mean, maybe I missed it.
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

As a woman of color, I'm not sure I agree with your statement concerning Western societies being the best form of civilization. Especially since, in my country, my rights are being stripped away. I don't want to live somewhere else, but I know that my living situation is not the best.

Which rights did you previously have that are now being "stripped away"?

And please tell me one other time period or other civilization which you would rather have at your location, instead of the current one.

I never claimed there is nothing to improve. I was only against the idea of demolishing everything and being so conceited as to believe to be able to build a better one.
1 year

Dear ladies of ff

Social structures foster sexism.

Lack of social structure fosters warlordism.

Check out any place and time on the planet where a region had no effective government. Would you want to live there?

Humans are flawed. But many humans also try to be good. No matter what kind of social structure you have or don't have, a certain percentage of humans will be assholes. If someone promised you that by breaking society apart and implementing their idea of a new system will bring out perfect utopia where every single human being will cooperate with everyone in everything without any issues, then you've been led on and you might unknowingly be serving an upstart dictatorship which will make things worse, much much worse. Several infamous systems in the past century started this way, which such promises...

Our current society (it seems almost every commenter here is from a country belonging to the "Western civilization" ), despite having some flaws we could work on to make it better, is still the civilization which gives the best quality of life and the most personal freedom to common people, across the entire human history, and it has been built up gradually over many many centuries. Anyone who denies that, denies basic reality, and shows an utter lack of knowledge about history.

If you want to completely demolish it and build something completely new out of the ashes, chances are the result will be much worse than what we have now.
1 year

This is wrong

Just another opportunity to intervene medically and have the state foot the bill.

The battle between the body acceptance people and those who say it should be altered will be epic.

What if Obese becomes and identity, a protected characteristic. They say that deaf people are very proud of their deaf identity having learned sign language and ways of living well as a deaf person. I read a New Scientist article about this. The last thing they want is someone curing them of their identity.

Once someone has incorporated corpulence into their person then it's a direct attack on them to offer to resolve that problem.

Heck it's a direct attack on them if they're still struggling with the fact that they are fat and the mixed messages they are getting about it.

Why do you have to be such an extremist about it? The vast majority of fat people would like to lose weight. The vast majority of deaf people would love to be able to hear. The vast majority of blind people would love to be able to see. Why do you want to force them to "embrace" it? Why do you want to forbid people from helping them?

Sure, if someone doesn't want that help, that choice should be available too. But don't take away that choice from those who want to use it.
1 year

Thinking about transitioning to a female and becoming a bbw

For the record, this is what you said. There are trans people in this community who hear things like this all the time.

Again, there's no problem with you telling OP to figure himself out. It's the best piece of advice to give him. It's all the extra things you said that creates the problem.

If a guy who has never even suffered from gender dysphoria says he wants to be a woman and asks for advice, then it's a logical question to ask what exactly it even means to him to be a "woman", and what qualities of a woman is he really after, because people are different and answers might widely differ. (hey, that's a meaningful question to ask regardless of the antecedents). Without that, there can be no meaningful answer or advice.

It's much more despicable to just cheer such people up without thinking and peer pressure them to just go ahead (while name-calling everyone who doesn't do so), as a form of virtue signaling. We often see similar things around here when someone announces of thinking about becoming immobile. There is a crowd cheering them to go for it, because doing so satisfies their kink and that's more important for them than what happens to the other person. Thankfully, in the topic of immobility, now there are some reasoned voices, but in the trans case, there isn't. As soon as someone has even 1% doubt about their gender identity, a crowd shows up cheering for transitioning, as if they were a cult and applying peer pressure. And me not joining that cult doesn't make me a transphobe. Just like not cheering someone for becoming immobile doesn't make me fatphobic.

And I don't care about who has used what talking points (as long as they contain no expletives or otherwise highly offensive language). For example, if I believe that 2+2=4, then just because someone who I don't like also says it, be it even freaking Hitler himself, doesn't make it false. And if I know for a fact that surgical procedures carry a risk, I won't lie and pretend out of ideological reasons that they don't.
1 year

Thinking about transitioning to a female and becoming a bbw

Please ignore the transphobe.

Trying to understand what one really wants is "transphobia"? Not instantly and blindly recommending full-on transitioning when the first thoughts appear about the topic is "transphobia"? Recommending people to first study themselves and their desires a little deeper before they make changes to themselves they later can't undo is "phobia"? Do you even know what that word means?
Don't be a such a jerk!
1 year
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