First feeding experience

Ahhh the first time is like crack! You just want more and more feeding and fattening experiences! It's the intimacy that really makes it so sensual; the sharing and letting go together. Making it fun and humorous and accepting some of the awkwardness of the newness helps. With pudding, I suggest making a super fattening version (with heavy cream) and using a pastry piping bag. Funneling with just a plain kitchen funnel can be fun, but I found a hiker's hydration bag even sexier because the person can control the flow by biting the tube. That way you can see how gluttonous and aroused they are you encourage and whisper while rubbing, fondling, squeezing their fatness. The key is making a gain shake that flows easily through the tube when sucked on. I suggest a pint of melted vanilla ice cream mixed with Scandishake gain powder and enough half and half to make it flow easily. Just make it fun and giggle a lot and the pounds will follow.
3 years

Ozeri scale users...(zb15)

The plastic feet keep coming off... Was wondering if there was anything else that can be used instead???

Do they make bumpers (feet) that will screw in as a replacement?
3 years

Fat and healthy, possible?

Another words, of the many different fattening foods, are they all more or less equally unhealthy?

I want to gain surface fat not abdominal
3 years

Ozeri scale users...(zb15)

I like the scale, but has anyone had issues with the little black feet coming out???

One by one, all except one of mine are missing now. I’m assuming that this will effect its accuracy. How can I prevent this???

Signed.... footless scale
3 years

R.i.p. berta. from two and half men

I just heard where Berta passed away....

I’m kinda in shock over this news.
3 years

Anyone else enjoy the “unhealthy” aspect of gaining?

There are a lot of posts about being “fit and fat” or “how to gain while being healthy”. That’s probably the smartest way to do this but I love the idea of getting increasingly unhealthy. Out of breath all the time, higher BP, higher cholesterol. Going to the Dr and hearing how much “unhealthier” I’ve become is exceptionally hot to me

It is mostly in fantasy to me, but yessss...out of breath, lazy, sore back from carrying a tremendous amount of weight out front, sleepy a lot, and the works.

Wouldn't want anyone to suffer in real life, but yup, super hot.

I'll share this from a few years ago, received from an ex-BBW model who deliberately gained a tremendous amount of weight in a very short time:

". eventually after having been so enormous for a while, i started getting a lot of back pain and knee pain and didn't have the energy or drive i used to have to 'get up and go'.

I just preferred to stuff myself and lay on the couch and just get fatter lol.... the liver readings and the diabetes thankfully reversed once i lost some of the weight, but i still struggle with chronic back pain which i never had before i gained over 130 pounds, having been pretty athletic as a teenager; my chiropractor explains that it's the result of the combination of the natural curve in my spine, which is now exaggerated from carrying so much weight on my abdomen. My weight gain having forced everything to stretch so much and so quickly that now the vertebrae can arch up and touch each other with the looseness now created."

And there you go.

3 years

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

I've done as high as 10 in a week. So I guess it might be possible, but you'd spend the week painfully full.

I’ve never been really stuffed and pushed to my limit. Does it actually hurt to be feed to the extreme?
Enlighten me, please.
4 years

When did your belly stop just pushing out, and start drooping down?

How to gain and avoid fatty liver? Do the two have to go hand in hand? I love to gain with heavy cream, wish is very high (if not the highest saturated fat content), just want to gain as safe as I can. If that is possable.
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

How long will heavy cream keep in the refrigerator? It seems to last a long time, just not sure how long?
4 years