Curious question.

Bile is an emulsifier. It should aid digesting fats. Other emulsifiers like lethicin are used in gain shakes (ie Maus Mix) that include vegetable oils.
1 year

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

Yep. I've always been a socially awkward nerd, even before I got fat.
1 year

Code word to identify people in the community?

How about we do a vote for a keyword starting 2023?

Ill toss in one myself just for the fun of it:
Happy avacados?
Or something related to avacado for the “healthy” fat

Ooh I actually like this. Very subtle. Let's go with that for sure.

What does everyone else think?

I'd say "no" on account of that mukbang guy on youtube with "avocado" in his name. When the press does a story on him, it's with derision and ridicule. I believe using "avocado" would cause any press to amplify that negativity - hurting both him and us.
1 year

Ever get envious of other peoples sizes?

All the time, though as I've gotten fatter, there are fewer people who are fatter than me. One instance in particular, I noticed someone around 600 pounds waiting in the lobby of a cinema. That was major fat envy.
1 year

Does anyone else like looking at websites for people who need special clothes?

I'm almost to the point of needing to get underwear from those sites. My size is the biggest I can find at any brick-and-mortar shop anywhere near me. But I still have quite a bit to go for shirt and pants sizes.
1 year

Hate the latest changes to the website

Agreed, I absolutely hate it. No question. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the navigation at the top. The fact it's now on the left and so incredibly IN YOUR FACE is specifically annoying. I don't need to stare at my profile and certainly don't need all these obtrusive drop downs. It's not even like they're all over there either, there are still navigation options at the top. Worse yet, I can' minimize the hide the menu and now I have to stare at my f-ing face on EVERY page?

100% absolutely terrible update. Makes me not want to come back here. There wasn't anything wrong with the old navigation bar at the top. And like fatiluvr says, the forums are almost impossible to use now. It's so large and gaudy. Why are the previews so big? Why are there any previews on the main forum page at all? I'm really struggling to understand these changes are supposed to make my experience here better.

Thanks for the effort, but I hate it.

1 year

Blocking people in chat

I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to ditch the existing code for the chatroom and use something else. This one seems to have been modified from something starting way before mobile phones or tablets existed because of how frequently people appear and disappear. I've seen that sort of thing happen with other programs.
1 year

Comfortable chairs

As I have gone past 500 lbs I find normal straight fronted chairs uncomfortable. This is mainly due to the weight of my belly pushing the fat on the underneath my legs into the front edge of the chair.

I was seated on the corner edge of my bed like a saddle I guess and wow that was comfortable. With my legs open to the left and right my belly could sag down onto the front corner of the bed and be supported with out pushing on my legs.

In away it’s a square seat with no back that sit on the corners, you could design in a back. Now to find some.

See image in my pics.

How do you envision the back on such a chair?
1 year

New weight loss drug

I can't help but wonder if there will come a day when fat people are forced to take such drugs.

Never going happen. The sad truth is that fat people that don't want to be fat are way too easy to make money off with gimmicks and false promises for anyone to want to get rid of all fat people.

In other words, a sucker born every minute?
1 year

New weight loss drug

I can't help but wonder if there will come a day when fat people are forced to take such drugs.


What kind of dystopian novels have you been reading lately? We don't do that for any other medical condition. So why would we do this for obesity?

There are so many amazing medications variety of things. However, we do not force people to take these medications as a blanket thing to do. Why? Because it would be unwise.

Often, whatever medical condition a person has can be resolved with lifestyle changes. However, if that doesn't work, then the doctor may supplement other things as well. Sometimes, it's medication. Sometimes it's something else. However, since not all patients are created equally, they may not be candidates for specific treatments for a variety of reasons. Adding to that, you can refuse the treatment.

This doesn't even consider the economic, legal, and ethical reasons why no one is going to force every fat person to take medication and lose weight. Yet, Y'all are worrying over nothing.

Over the past two years, people have been fired and so on for refusing to take Covid vaccine. I myself took it, but there you go -- people being forced to take a particular drug.

Are you comparing obesity to a global pandemic? Because that's what that sounds like.

I'm not comparing anything. I just pointed out a drug people have been forced to take. Obesity is often hyped as a global pandemic. I'm afraid of busybodies making sloppy comparisons with epidemics and forcing weight loss on people. You've most certainly heard the proposals now and then to do that. I've known several people who were told to lose weight or be fired. Some took phen-fen because no other measure worked. So there's being forced, but not so publicly visible.
1 year