How to help s/o

Too many men think that all they have to do is make their SO know that they love their weight. But that is not the issue. The issue is, if she likes her weight. No matter how much you like her weight, that is not what counts. If you really love HER, and not her weight, all you can do is support any decision she makes. It's frustrating, because if you know enough fat people, you know that dieting causes weight gain in the long run, which can make her uphappier.
3 years

How did you found out that you like fat people?

Around 14 when I got interested in guys.
The buffed out muscle bound boys were jerks and the fat boys were much nicer and more honest.

The "down to earth" quality is a big factor for me too.
3 years

How to define a ssbbw?

Size 28W or higher. As defined by the clothing industry.
4 years

Has anyone here been in a relationship involving feedism where their partner remained healthy

You are looking for a very simple answer to a very complex issue. There are 3 factors in remaining healthy. One is lifestyle, such as weight and smoking, another is age, and the third is plain luck (including genetics.) A person can be young and 600 pounds and be quite healthy. Another person can be thin (or fat) and suffer a slew of age related problems, especially orthopedic mobility issues. Or a person can develop issues over the years that can be complicated by weight. So gaining now may have no consequences, but if you get older or hit bad luck there is no guarantee you will remain healthy.
4 years

Do you think fat girls/women are more open to dating fatter men?

No. What someone is, and what they prefer are two different things. Some large people don't like to call attention to their weight by dating another large person. Some large people grew up learning not to like themselves or other large people. Some feedees want all of the food and attention.
4 years

Prednisone and gaining

Does anyone know if this will give you manboobs?
4 years

Becoming obese and then lose it all

There is no guarantee that anyone can get up to a higher weight, and even less of a chance that someone can get back to their old weight. Yoyo dieting is unhealthy, and people who continue to do it, end up getting less muscles and more fat as they do it.
4 years

Losing weight and still feeling huge

You lose fat and muscle, but gain only fat.
4 years

Fake spouse gaining posts

That is true in all kinds of websites. People confuse fantasy with reality.
4 years