Fat dreams

I had a dream that I was a famous fatty, for my size and eating. In the dream I am guest to a bhm/bbw social event dinner. I am introduced as the fattest man in Australia and every one gasping as I waddle into the room with my enormous belly hovering just above the floor.

Everyone is seated at one table that is a square shape with a opening in the middle that server’s accessed from the kitchen below.

I soon learn that my challenge is to eat what ever one else orders all 100 other guests.

I take my huge custom seat as I do my belly already resting on the cold floor. My bulk resting close to those seated to my left and right. I think they will have to move soon during this meal, I can’t wait to eat ….

That’s all I can recall , you can complete as a story if you like?

I often have a similar dream. In those dreams, I repeatedly skip forward in time, getting significantly fatter each time, outgrowing clothes as I eat. The dreams usually end with me weighing between 1000 to 1500 pounds.
1 year

Good, informative gainer/kink books to read

Casually Walking:
I would also like to know of any books

I decided to do a quick search on Amazon before posting and found a book called “the ultimate weight gain guide” by Barbara T. Davis, no idea how informative this one would be

This seems interesting enough... pity it's not likely available in a brick-and-mortar store for anonymity.
1 year

I'm a hypnotist who especially loves forcing people to stuff... ask your questions!

How would an actual hypnotism session be done to break a plateau and encourage steady weight gain of around 5 to 10 pounds a month?
1 year

Would it be okay if i post food recipes and calorie counts with it?

Hey guys, I'm kinda new here and I just wanted to contribute something back to the site. Otherwise I just feel like I'm dragging down the site being on it. I myself am not a gainer nor a feedee/feeder, but I do cook a lot of really good food that isn't super difficult to make. I was thinking maybe make some posts with the food, recipes attached with it, as well as a calorie and price attachment. That way feeders and gainers can fill their grumbling tummies with food that actually tastes good. Just a thought, but you guys let me know.

That would be very helpful.
1 year

New medication

I took it as an add on to Prozac and it was quite helpful for depression.

I'll have to check that out. I want the depression to end. Inducing weight gain when I want to get a lot fatter would be a welcome side effect.

FWIW, Prozac made me somewhat detached from everything.
1 year

What's the most amount of weight you've put on in the shortest about of time?

I’ve recent gained about 40 lbs in a month. I think I ought to pace it out more but it’s nice to feel huge quickly.

How much money was it to eat that much?
1 year

New medication

Indeed it did. There was no amount of food I could eat that filled me up. I blew up.

How did it help with the depression? Welbutrin isn't working for me and so I need something else.
1 year

What's the most amount of weight you've put on in the shortest about of time?

You guys are way better at this than me. I put on 20lbs in 2 months. Would love to top that someday.

I would love to be able to keep a steady gain like that; 10lbs per month.
1 year

Pissed off gaining

Today I was mostly pissed off about stuff stupid people were doing that were making messes of my work. This seemed to drive me to eat maybe 5000 to 6000 calories today - something I haven't been able to get myself to do for a long time. I might have broken through my plateau of about 330 pounds. I want to swell up enormously to 500 or 600 pounds, but not this way. I don't want to grow to my dream size by being pissed off all the time.
1 year

Button popping

330 pounds or whatever and I haven't yet popped a button...
1 year