What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

This was at least 15 years ago... I was a member of a weightlifting forum and made a post “I wanna get fat”. I remember saying I was tired of dieting and busting my ass to lose weight. I said I wanted to eat anything and everything and actually become obese. I don’t think it was just frustration, but rather a real desire to get fat. I saw so many good looking fat guys... how bad can it be for so many good looking guys to be so fat? It was a turn on. I toyed with the idea on and off for years, but I found myself getting turned on by it and fantasizing about it and fat guys when I masturbated. Of course, afterwards I lost the desire to get fat until I started getting turned on again. So around May 2015 I gave in, let go and started gaining. I found this site and joined for the first time (I quit, then came back a few times), and found the Gainer’s Pledge. So yeah, around 2005-2006 is when I had my first inkling of wanting to get fat.
3 years

How many people know about your fetish?

I don’t know if my husband suspects. I make comments that I got tired of worrying about getting fat, or if I do so what, that’s why they make bigger size clothes, I joke about my belly and call myself Fatboy, and things like that, but I never came right out and said it.
3 years

Which do you prefer - round belly or belly rolls?

I’m going to say round belly with a nice layer of soft blubber. Mine tends towards round and hard.
3 years

The joy of being fat

I also tighten my belt and let it slide under my belly to show it off. I consciously fight the urge to hold it in, letting it protrude. Whether people notice, because so many people are overweight, and I’m just another fat guy, I don’t know. But I do like to draw attention to my belly. In the shower I cradle it with one hand and let it hang out while I ... y’know, which makes it all the more erotic. At night in bed, lying on my side I sort of cradle it.
3 years

Theory: how did we end up in feedism?

SweetestFeedstress:For me, I believe it came from a mixture of innate inclination, then it was amplified by internalized fatphobia.

Y’know, I think about this a lot too and I think you nailed it at least as far as I’m concerned.

I always had a “weight problem”, dieting and exercising it away. I wanted to get the (natural) bodybuilder physique. I never achieved it though I got in pretty good shape running, mountain biking and weight lifting.

I worked at a school as the IT admin. where there was a custodian named Hector. He was the sweetest politest guy you could meet.. and he was fat. I thought he was attractive as hell, though I wasn’t into fat guys then. I still maintained my dislike and fear of getting/being fat. But I fantasized about him... I still think about him 30 years later.

I discovered Xtube and kept stumbling on the fat guy videos. It was a guilty pleasure to see guys that I thought were really obese... which it turns out that relatively speaking they weren’t... turned me on.

When I saw I wasn’t going to achieve the body image and goals I was going for, realizing that I’m basically lazy and it was more work than I wanted to continue with, I let go and started gaining. I let the historically fat guy in me out of his cage. I’ve wavered over gaining, maintaining or losing. I unintentionally lost 35 lbs last year (I moved, doing most of the work myself). I recently put back 5 lbs and am trying to get back up somewhat. I’m 215 at 5’6” but don’t know if I’ll ever hit 245 again, much less the 260-270 I hoped.

For someone who was fat phobic to the nth degree it’s amazing how much I like being fat, and how I’m attracted to fat guys. And it seems I keep raising the bar.
3 years

Autistic folk

I’m also self-diagnosed mildly Asperger’s. I have the signs for it as well as OCPD. The Asperger’s runs in my family. It’s funny (odd, not comical) that when I was about 18 someone asked me if I knew what autism was. Apparently he detected it in me from my behavior. I’ve embraced it, but it’s hard for people to understand, with many thinking the things I say and do are worthy of mockery, being treated or talked to like I’m stupid, or just downright disrespectful. I even got it from my family at times smiley despite two nephews being formally diagnosed.
3 years

Muscles going soft

It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who’s done an about face from being somewhat athletic to wanting to get fat and blubbery. I was a runner, mountain biker and weight lifter for many years, the last stage was weight training power lifting style. I came to love fat padded muscle on guys, with a round belly, and switched my attention to that. I saw a shore town cop in his summer uniform of tight white polo shirt and tight blue shorts. He had massive traps, arms, legs, and a big round belly. I still think about him and um... fantasize.

After a couple of surgeries on my shoulder and back I realized my weightlifting days were over. I started getting fat and liked it. I’m getting soft; my chest is becoming squishy moobs (a definite turn on); my belly, which was the round and hard type seems to be getting softer; I’m getting soft rolls under my armpits. I don’t really have much of a fupa yet, but I’m waiting. I want to see my belly get to ripple when I move, and hang over my belt rather than just protrude.

Watching a former athlete go fat is definitely erotic. smiley
3 years

Movement problems

I’m reluctant to mention it at the risk of TMI and it’s somewhat graphic nature, but... personal toilet hygiene.

When I was up to 245 lbs. I dreaded going to the bathroom anywhere but home, where I have a handheld shower head and can get in the shower. Contorting to reach back and around was a nightmare. It doesn’t help that I have two rods and four screws in my lumbar that reduces my flexibility to that of an iron bar.

I often went back to my desk fearing I was not entirely fresh. I lost 30 lbs. unintentionally... increased activity which has slowed to a crawl. I’m beginning to creep back up ... initial goal is 225-230 and take it from there... but I’m beginning to experience the same hygiene issue. I’m retired now and home most of the time, so it’s not a fear I’ll be at work less than completely fresh.

I don’t know what other people, who are even bigger, do to address the issue. Ideas, tips?
3 years

Start gain

Around May 2015. I was wavering about gaining and losing for a while. I was attracted to fat guys for a very long time and secretly wanted to look like them. So I finally decided to just let go.
3 years

At what weight do you feel fat?

I’m just about 5’6”. I was down to 210 and up to 245. I’m beginning to feel fat again at 215. So I guess I feel officially fat at about 225.
3 years