Happy pride month, ff!

amazingem mentioned off-hand that there wasn't any activity on ff related to june's pride month, and she's right! so here's a happy #pride post!

pride is a big deal here in toronto - and this is toronto pride's 40th anniversary! unfortunately due to the pandemic (again!) most of the events are virtual - but that means anyone in the world can check them out! there is stuff happening all month, much of it by zoom, and you can see it here:


the toronto pride parade is one of the biggest in the world. it's no new york or san francisco, but it is pretty incredible. hopefully next year it will be a real parade again!

have an amazing pride month, fantasy feeders and feedees! smiley
3 years

Do chubby guys just refuse to put themselves out there due to insecurity?

I've had encouraging results on WooPlus and Bumble.

i met my girlfriend on wooplus, so i can attest that it works, at least some of the time! but i didn't get as much "traffic" as i am sure many others do, but some of that may just be due to my age (i suspect the apps are just more popular with people under 40, or people looking for someone under 40, from a numbers-game perspective).

the way i always look at relationships is, i don't need to see a *lot* of people, i was need to see the one, right (for me) person. so patience is important. as they say, good things come to those who wait!
3 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

Aspects of weight gain like getting out of breath, being limited in activities, etc are exciting in theory, but do you actually enjoy dealing with them 24/7?

when i started gaining weight to the point that i really noticed it in a way that really impacted my day-to-day, i was probably 220 or 250 lbs. up until then the 'inconvenience' was pretty minor.

the difficult parts like walking slower, not being able to stand for a long time, etc. are something that initially i kind of struggled against, thinking that hey i should still be able to do what i did before... life got much, much easier once i got past that and just "went with it" and listened to my body. i don't mind asking people i am walking with if we can slow down, etc.

do i enjoy them? on some rare occasions, usually in the right setting. do i enjoy how challenging stairs have become? no.

but is it worth it? yes! there are no activities (the gym, sports, etc.) that i miss enough to make me think i took the wrong path. the good at this point really outweighs (ha ha!) the bad.
3 years

Wendy's coming to uk

In my humble experience, UK food in recent years far surpassed North American in choices and quality. I am of course talking only about London and Oxfordshire as I haven't been anywhere else, but every time I went there it was almost shocking how great the food choices were. Chains like Pret a manger were a head and shoulder above NA sorry sandwich shops. And you get a proper coffee. I always judge places by how they make cappuccinos smiley I hate fish, but in London, you can stuff me on fish and chips and London Pride until I can't walk. My 2 schillings.

wow, that made me hungry, lol! fish n' chips and london pride sounds like a good combination right now.

we've had wendy's forever in canada, and i never thought it was anything special. what i wish we'd get here is white castle, that would be really different from the chains that are prevalent here.
3 years

Falling down as a fat guy

The only thing keeping me from becoming a big blob at this point is my work which much keep me much more in shape than I realize cause it seems to me like you’re really our of shape! smiley

yeah, i initially got out of shape back when i stopped going to the gym, a few years ago...

but since the pandemic i have been working at home, and that has made me really, really out of shape - i totally underestimated how much exercise i got going to work.
3 years

Falling down as a fat guy

Also you were tired. Being out of shape and fatter probably had you more drained than you had realized, at which point you are clumsier, your reactions are slower, etc. Something to think about in the future, be a bit extra careful any time you've had to exert yourself for a while.

good points, and i think that is accurate.

after a week of being laid-up i don't think my stamina has increased much, lol, but i am up and about again. it seems like the bruise is going to take its time fading.

funny side effect of laying around all week - my t-shirts seem to be riding up my belly. hmmm, wonder why? smiley must have shrunk in the wash!
3 years

Thoughts on heavy cream

So I’ve been starting actively gaining over the past week and it’s been pretty fun. I’m taking it slow for now but thought about trying heavy cream bloat and was wondering anyone’s opinions on it. Is it fun? What does the bloat feel like? Does it really help? Or good ways to drink it, by itself or with flavorings.

a lot of people on here like to use cream - personally, i can't stand the taste/texture and after i've had a little my gag reflex will kick in.

ymmv so get a little, try it out, see if it is for you.

personally, i have gotten fat just eating regular old normal food. you can feel bloated on anything, you just have to eat lots of it. smiley
3 years

Falling down as a fat guy

Luckily no one had you on facebook live or social media as it would be an instant meme.
Slip on shoes and grabbers have been a way to go to avoid falling.

good point! i am lucky my buddy didn't have his phone out, lol! smiley

i have no excuse, i wasn't paying attention toward the end of the day. it was a stupid mistake on my part. i will like, although i have a hell of a bruise right now!
3 years

When do we stop gaining? and how do we do it?

william keay:
This is by far the million calorie question asked by so many of you.

This is my situation

I'm almost 18 stone (248 pounds) and I'm 5"6 so not so tall but that's ok, being shorter makes it easier to look fat and round but anyway.

In my life the people who know about my big fat fetish (which is most of my friends and family) have often asked "when will you be big enough" and "when will you be happy with yourself" and when you get there and wish to stop gaining "what if you have problems because of your weight what then"

Well it's a damn hard question but at the moment I'd like to reach 20 stone (280 pounds) and at that weight I know I'd be the most confident and sexiest' I ever felt

But what happens after I finally get there?

Well I guess I'll just hope I don't get any bigger because I don't want problems with my back and legs or anything else weight related but If I did get bigger I'd probably like it even more and be ever more confident and sexy

So the chance of me doing a hard diet to lose the weight is out of the question because that's a shit way to live lets be honest lol

But what if I end up with weight related problems what then?

My older brother had this problem last year when he got to 26 and a half stone but he never wanted to be fat in the first place (or did he? I'll never know he never talks about anything to anyone)

As high as my IQ is I honestly don't know smiley

I hate being in pain but to lose my fat and power that makes me so happy well I'd never live it down so I guess I'd just drink more alcohol and carry on xx

lol, your last comment sums up my strategy pretty much. smiley

once you get to a certain size, and become accustomed to the larger appetite, it can be hard to slow down or stop - that is what i am experiencing right now. i think it has more to do with lifestyle than anything, and if you can maintain a healthy lifestyle of staying active, that should balance out the extra calories you are consuming. for me, working from home for the last 14 months has taken a big toll on my physical fitness, but i am still normally not experiencing any significant pain or discomfort from my increased size.

words of wisdom from my gf (who is much smarter than i): "why worry about something that hasn't happened yet?" smiley
3 years