Too fat to masturbate

I read about someone who let his FUPA do it for him. It would rub so much, he got hard and ejaculated right in his pants as he was walking. Now THAT’S a fantasy I could live with!
3 years

Feeling hungry but physically full?

Remember it takes about 20 mins. for the stomach to tell the brain it’s full. Eat fast to eat more.

I have a related problem in being hungry but not able to eat, especially when I’m stressed or pissed off... just can’t eat even though my stomach is making all kinds of noises and demands.
3 years

Anyone else want to be kidnapped and fattened?

Yep, sometimes I fantasize about being with someone in a restaurant or at home, who orders a humongous amount of food and forces me to eat it, either encouraging, demanding, or actually feeding me.
3 years

Curious but worried

Like everyone else is saying, think about it. Hold this weight for a while. If you’re still not sure, gain another 5-10 lbs and hold. Five to 10 lbs should be easy enough to lose if you decide gaining and getting fat is not for you.

Keep in mind that wavering is very common. You may find that when you’re sexually aroused the desire to gain is stronger. For some reason it’s a turn-on. After climaxing the desire to gain often goes away.

For many people, however, and especially for me, the desire to gain and get fatter is just as strong after I orgasm. But I t took a while to get to this point.

I’m at a point that when I look in a mirror, especially dressed and if my clothes are loose, I say to myself “damn, I need to gain weight”. But it took a lot of wavering to get here, and it’s not for everyone. Just don’t beat yourself up.
3 years

What made you decide to get fat?

I was an avid weightlifter, dieter and exerciser. I had a serious fatphobia for myself but I always found fat guys attractive. Paradoxically to the fatphobia, in the back of my mind I wanted to look like them. After I had shoulder surgery, and later on, back surgery, I couldn’t work out the way I liked to and started gaining.

As I was gaining I liked the way I looked. I remember being in a dept. store, seeing myself in a mirror and noticing my belly stretching the polo shirt I was wearing. I actually liked how I looked rocking a belly.

Long story short, I wavered many times about gaining. I’m 5’6” and eventually got up to 245 lbs. My goal was 250-260, maybe more. But I unintentionally lost about 30 lbs last year and am trying to gain again, but I’m stuck at 215-220.

What’s probably holding me back is I can’t afford new clothes. I’m in loose 42 waist pants, my shirts are roomy, so I do have room to grow.

I just got to like being fat.
3 years

Clothing as you grow

Even though I’m not working anymore (lost my job due to covid, decided to retire) I still like to wear my business casual clothes even just staying home. I don’t very often wear sweats. I bought pants that have the “magic waistband”, as I call it. Even if they’re too snug I like when my belly hangs over. Shirts are another story. I don’t like it when I outgrow my shirts. I definitely don’t like the look of buttons pulling. Fortunately I have some room to grow into them so they fit just right.
3 years

Have you ever wanted to backtrack on your weight gain out of shock

A couple of times in the beginning. I got a good look at myself in the mirror before going to work one day. I was wearing a snug polo shirt that really showed off how fat I was getting. I was horrified because I wasn’t trying to gain. But later I just began to like it. This happened several times. Now about 6-7 years later I’m not as fat as I really want to be.
3 years

Who was thin and got fat

I was once 137 lbs, I’m just about 5’6”. I wore a 32 waist and 38-39 jacket. I got up as high as 245 lbs, 44 waist and 50 jacket. My goal was 260-270 but I fell short.
3 years

Favorite foods?

Pizza, pasta, rice, rice and beans, potatoes. See a pattern? Lol Hot Pockets, Hungry Man dinners, eggs and grits w/ Scrapple.
3 years


Height 5’6”
Weight 215
Belly 46”
Pants 40-42
Shirts XL
BF% 39.9

I unintentionally lost weight last year (a lot of activity), and am trying to regain.

Weight was 245
Belly was 53”
Pants were 44
3 years