Tight clothing

It's always exciting and satisfying to watch his clothes get tighter as he gets fatter, watching him trying to squeeze into them. I see tight clothes as a job well done.
5 years

Best foods and schedule for a three day stuffing weekend?

Chipotle has become on of the little butterball's favourite things to stuff with recently. It's loaded with caloric foods, as well as the sacred triumvirate of weight gain - carbs, dairy, and meat. Might be worth checking out.
5 years

Out of breath (detail)

I think the level of resistance one can sustain plays a small part. After a couple years of being able to give up at the slightest feeling of strain, resting on benches even if we haven't walked that much, and generally having softened up, it could be hard to endure any resistance. He has a hard time getting up one set of stairs that are steep, and pretty much only uses them if he has to.
5 years

Decadent week

I did scold him for spending so much money, but I can see the temptation. Also, the results weren't so bad. Over the week-end a friend of mine called him a "fat little plum" and he was praised warmly by a few people, so I'm quite satisfied.
5 years

Decadent week

I got home from a business trip this afternoon and...wow. My fat little husband has gotten noticeably fatter. When I came home it looked like he definitely indulged. I looked for the signs and found them on my bank statements. After totalling them up - assuming he ate everything all in one sitting - he consumed around 6000-10000 calories every day I was gone.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

Working from home will help. The little husband fattened up nicely when he stopped going into the office and had a nice sedentary job. Now that he's not working he has more time for cooking.
5 years

Sleeping a lot more?

It sounds like it could be many things, but I can attest to sleeping changes. Whenever I have taken a day off I notice the little husband has a little nap after lunch.
Part of my fattening him was to get him used to taking naps, and as he's gotten fatter he gets tired more easily. I have seen him eat a big lunch and then take a short nap before finishing up the chores.
5 years

Weight gain and weddings

Glad to hear your hubby give you verbal confirmation that he doesn't mind getting fattened by you. You should make him even bigger for the next event. It shouldn't be too hard seeing as his appetite has skyrocketed since you've turned him into a butterball. Well done!

On another note, I can vouch for married folks ballooning up pretty quickly after the wedding. I've put on an easy 25 pounds and am up two pants sizes since our wedding last May. She's added 40 pounds since we've met, but another 10 after the wedding.

We have to buy new clothes every time someone else gets married because we keep growing out of our suits and dresses. : )

Yes, lifting him in the chair was quite the challenge, but we made it happen. There's every possibility of him getting fatter - he tries to avoid going up and down the stairs frequently, and he can eat a large meal and five or ten minutes later be hungry again.
5 years

Weight gain and weddings

I got married once. Would gladly do it again once I'm financially stable enough.

That's a huge amount of people. Did you have that many people at the reception?

Yes it was pretty big. We finally finished our thank you cards. But it was lovely.
5 years

Weight gain and weddings

Was the wedding last month, or still most of a year away? If the former, congratulations and I hope the happy day went down well, and that he could button every thing up. If the latter, it sure sounds like any fitting would be way too early with the way you describe his progress.

Thank you. Yes, the wedding was 10 June. Everything was appropriately magical and part of me is relieved to have it done lol. 215 guests all told. *whew*
5 years