A loving relationship

Having been with the same partner for over a decade, I can also say that the relationship has to be a lot more than a single interest or preference. And if you are lucky enough to have someone that you are generally compatible with, and who you share a great trust with, you will find that the paths of your lives will stay more or less entwined that much more easily, as I have.
While I have always been an FA, and my partner is too, the role of the "fetish" has changed over the course of our relationship. Now I am the feedee, which I never would have expected. But tastes and relationships do change over time, and if you're open to new experiences and ideas, hopefully you will as well!
8 years

Weight gain since being a member ff

Wow.... well, you have to understand I have been a member a long time, and I was skinny then. Since then I've transitioned from being the feeder to the feedee...

I think my gain as about 225 or so! smiley
8 years

Sell me on it...

I was fit like you (see my pics for the before afters), and like you, was convinced by my partner to start gaining. Here's what I like about it...

First of all, soft flesh feels better. It feels sensual, not only to the touch (ie: someone else's fat) but the sensation of being touched. I suspect there's a relationship between hormones & fat, because as I've gotten fatter my sex drive & lust has grown. smiley

The act of being fed, and gaining, with a partner becomes a shared, very personal experience. And as you see their lust grow, it will become a cycle of incentive that will push you forward.

There's something amazing about physical transformation - I suspect it's similar for people who lose a lot of weight - in that feeling your body change (in my case, filling up more space, getting bigger, and as I got really big, restricting some movements) is just an incredible journey. When you separate it from the societal pressures to be thin (ie: getting thinner is good, getting fatter is bad), and just boil it down to what it physically is, it is a fascinating and incredible experience. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

I could probably go on and on, but suffice to say: it's a journey I took and recommend. smiley My only additional advice is to try and be healthy about it (you can get really fat without going to McDonald's every day!).
8 years

Falling in love with fit person?

When I met my wife, I was fit and she was a BBW. We knew we were both FAs, and when she started to grow, it was fantastic!

Fast forward a couple years - she has to lose weight for her health. I was really concerned about how this would impact my attraction to her, and our sex lives... but as others have said on here, our relationship transcended that change. Sure, I still fantasized about her being bigger, but you know what they say: the biggest erogenous zone in human beings is our brains. smiley

Fast forward even more years (I am old, lol), and she is super-fit and now I'm the gainer who has doubled his weight... so you never know how things will go, and how your preferences will evolve. Because we live in the "now" all the time, it's hard to imagine how your outlook and interests (and what you find attractive) will change over time, but it will. It's part of what keep life interesting, actually . smiley
8 years

Officially overweight

According to online BMI indexes I've officially crossed over into being overweight in the past few months

According to the Mayo Clinic website, a BMI of 30 or more is obese...

I have a score of 60.2. What does that make me? Is there a prize for doubling that score?

8 years

When people start noticing...

A colleague pointed out that I have a a big gut and that men shouldn't look like that. No one has ever said before but it turned me on so much I went home and bought a 2xxl pizzas and stuffed myself.

I loved that kind of attention when I was growing from 200-280 or so, and it excited me, too. smiley

Now that I am quite big (400), I find people don't tease me as frequently - not sure why? Maybe they're just used to it, and frankly to an average person, it's harder to see 20 or 30 lbs added to a frame like mine. (But I notice! smiley )
8 years

People with big bellies, how do you wear your bathrobe?

My robe doesn't reach around me anymore. I will probably need to order one online to get one large enough!
8 years

Stuffing with "healthy" food?

My feeder is a nutrition nut, and became very fit herself as a result of having to overcome some health issues, so eating healthy has been a key requirement while I've gained.

That's not to say I haven't have my fair share of pizza, fried chicken, pies of all kinds, and a dump truck full of french fries (and poutine - mmm!), but she tries to ensure I am getting a reasonable balance.

Initially she stuffed me very, very aggressively for about a month. This increased my stomach capacity noticeably. After that I was eating such a quantity of food, it almost didn't matter what I ate, my body could never burn that many calories, and that's when I had my biggest gaining months.

Her sage advice is: watch out for salt, minimize trans-fats, and beware of going too heavy on processed sugars.

If only fast food joints menus didn't TASTE so good! smiley
8 years

Weight gain on-line

There used to be (eons ago in Internet time, maybe 10 years ago? 15?) a wonderful little site focused on weight gain in comic books.

I really wish there was a resource like this now, that collected the works of interest to those who enjoy feedism/wg.
8 years

Weight gain reminders

I was wondering if anyone had post-holiday reminders. Maybe someone at the dinner table made a comment or there was a raised eyebrow when you reached for a third helping of mashed potatoes. Or, maybe someone gave you clothes for Christmas that would have fit 6 months ago.

My brother in law, who is pretty sympathetic to the roles my wife & I have taken on as feeder/feedee (even if he doesn't "get it"smiley got me a nice shirt for Christmas.... But it's 3X size, which I've recently outgrown. smiley Firmly into 4X territory now, and some 5X fits pretty comfy!

Also, as a family gathering, I overheard my aunt talking about me to a couple of my cousins. She clearly didn't know I was in earshot. She was saying, "It's no wonder how FAT he's gotten, did you see him eat? He eats like a PIG!"


It was a delightful Christmas! smiley
8 years