What type of belly do you want/prefer?

At 51-52” around it’s mostly a round ball belly but I’d like it to become a soft blubbery one that hangs over my belt and ripples. .
5 years

Clothes are getting smaller!!

I’m 5’6” and 240 lbs. My shirts are snug 17 1/2s. There’s no way I can even consider buttoning the collars. My neck actually measures 20”. My belly is 51-52” around. By rights I need size 19 1/2 - 20. My pants are 44 waist. I’m sure I need 50-52 in suit jacket. T-shirts are snug XL. I could do with XXL. I love how my shirts fit like this (I don’t know if the pic will display).

5 years

Ordering take out

It took me by surprise the first time I was chowing down and got majorly aroused. I couldn’t wait to finish eating so I could address the issue. Lol
5 years

Fat men in speedos

Sunday morning speedos

Wow! I love it!
5 years


I’ve always been prone to sweating but it got worse when I got fat and out of shape. It’s even more embarrassing because I’m shaved bald and the sweat just runs down my head. I have a pretty substantial full beard that gets wet. I sometimes shake my head like a dog to get the sweat out.

I almost always wear an undershirt, especially with a light colored shirt. If I don’t wear an undershirt the sweat will soak my shirt and look horrible. It’s bad enough the sweat runs down my neck.. It’s worse now because my shirts are tight(er) and right on my skin.
5 years

Intentional gaining philosophies

Between 1 & 2. I’ve “ratcheted” up over the past few years.

I remember when my belly was around 42-43”, my pants were size 40, I weighed 210 lbs.

People asked what size I was aiming for. I’d say oh maybe 220-230, 46-48” belly. They’d say oh you’ll look so hot bigger! Nah, I’d say.

Then I got to be 220, then 230, 48” belly, 42 waist pants. Hey this isn’t that big.

Then 235, 44 waist pants, 50” belly. Now 240, 44 pants, 52” belly. Goal I’ll probably stop at and maintain for a while... 245-250, 53-54” belly, maybe 46 pants, or snug 44s. Oh yeah, and I’m 5’6”.
5 years

Outgrowing a fetish

We all change in our tastes and what arouses us. When I was seriously weightlifting I had an absolute dislike of gaining fat. Then as I got more into power lifting the idea of padded muscle became a huge turn on.

As I got away from the gym due to some injuries I wavered about just getting fat. Now that I am fatter I’m so turned on by getting fat enough to go up maybe another size. I’m already in size 44 pants at 5’6”.

So yeah, I wouldn’t call it outgrowing, changing or evolving in another direction.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

It was quite a few years ago. I always liked fat guys. About 12-15 years ago I had my first flirtation with the desire to get fat. I put it aside for a while and continued to workout and diet. About 4 years ago I actively started gaining. I’ve put on about 40-50 lbs and may keep going.
5 years


I love this idea. It�s even better if the cum turns into fat as it�s inside them. It�s great

5 years


I've often fantasized about having the ability to fill a woman so much her belly bulged massively, so I know where you're coming from!

Mine’s a different perspective. I fantasize a guy mounting me and pumping so much in my belly swells.
5 years