
Usually at night, after I get home from work. He definitely won't go out when I don't tell him to. He was even quite stubborn when we had to go out in the rain. I thought I was going to have to correct him.
But, I think a night walk is nice, especially as the weather gets better.
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

We have some acrivities already. They all center around making our feedees aware of how little control they have, how much space they take up, and of course, how dependent they are on food.
The winner will eat a large meal and be able to simply shuffle off to rest, but we can't decide on how to begin. Do we start them off with a big breakfast, or do we start them off hungry and wanting food?
6 years

Your stuffing fantasy

I have seen a fantasy of mine in a friend's house. He has a room called the Dessert room - at least, that's what he calls it. It's a room in the house, slightly on the warm side, with two round tables. Around each table is furniture with soft, stuffed cushions.
After dinner parties the feedees are taken there, to rest but more importantly to eat the desserts he has laid out along the table. He takes his own feedee there to stuff her. Sometimes there are plates but my butterball says sometimes there are only utensils. I've asked him and he says he thinks the feedees eat more when they don't have to worry about the "manners" of plates.
The only rule is that the feedee / feedees can't leave until all the food is gone. He s said his feedee has fallen asleep in there, as it is designed so that the feedee wants to rest, stay, and eat, that they don't feel rushed, but feel relaxed and calm.
Quite the fantasy room.
6 years

Recognizing feedees/gainers in real world

It is indeed hard to tell. The only thing that has ever tipped me off is the person's joy in endless eating. In my experience, feedees tend to be more conscious of their bodies and that they're fattening up, and seem sometimes downright joyful about it.
My instinct is to encourage an eater, whether they consciously like to eat or not. I thought my friend was a feedee when I teased her playfully about her weight after I had taken her for desserts. She lovingly patted her belly and had an expression of contentment that I have never seen on someone who doesn't want to gain weight.
So, in my experience, it's awareness that one is getting fatter and doesn't care of deliberately eats excessively that can give it away.
6 years


Yesterday he told me he doesn't fit in the chair in his office anymore, which has become a reason he avoids going. Mostly he works from home but every now and then he has to put in a couple hours at an office. Also his waddle is getting increasingly obvious.
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

Well, we were talking about it, and we finally got around to procuring a space where we could torment our little porkers in peace. So now we're narrowing down challenges, and measuring our piggies to see how fat they are. We'll continue monitoring them in case they get fatter before the big day. It was enjoyable to randomly walk up to the little butterball with a tape measure and, when he asked what I was doing, I just said, "Just measuring how fat you've grown."
6 years


There have been some significant developments lately.
The little butterball has mostly felt ambivalent up to now about his weight gain. Lately, he's been so into it. I weighed him a few days ago - he weighs 269. I teased him mercilessly about his weight, but this seemed to delight him. To stop him from getting too fat, I've been taking him for a walk around the block once a day. He now hates exercise more than anyone I know, complaining of being tired and, yes, hungry.
It's just a change I have noticed. Last night he asked if I was going to make him walk again, and I almost had to punish him for whining. He's seemed happier about being fat than he's ever been lately. It's just something I noticed and wanted to share. Ironic that now I have to keep him around a certain weight.
6 years

How about fat chins?

As he gained, watching his once almost angular face soften and fatten, feeling that thick little double chin form as it first peaked out under his first chin, and then spread until it now rests visibly under his first, was a true joy. Also, his cheeks are rosier now. It was so nice to feel how soft and fat his face was getting as he fattened up.
6 years

Feeder turned mutual gainer?

When a friend of mine met her dominant feeder, she gained 100 lbs. Her feeder and I became friends. Recently when out to coffee I noticed he was heavier than usual. I've seen him a couple times, and he's definitely getting fatter. I made a joke about his sudden gain, and all he did was smile and shrug. It's not surprising that after a while a feeder wither decides or happens to start gaining themselves.
6 years

Button popping pants/shorts

What is it about Asian tailors/dry cleaners?! LOL. I've had lots of pants let out lately and my Korean tailor always touches my round belly and says in her broken English, "You get fat!" Wonder what she'll say if I have to have suspender buttons added because my gut hangs over the waistband, making belts passe?

As a German I have felt some similarities when working with my Japanese or Chinese colleagues, that saying the blunt truth tends to be the trend in many situations. Then, there are other situations where saving someone's face is the most important. Very fascinating culture differences, I think.

But, back on the subject of popping, when my butterball went to his last feedee and feeder dinner, I could feel that he was sucking in just slightly. He had outdone himself that night, I was so pleased. When we came home he went into the bathroom and I heard all the buttons popping off.
When I weighed him a couple days later he had gained more than I had required him to gain. But hearing those little buttons pop, I felt so happy.
6 years