Family and relatives opinion about your weight

I hadn't seen my family in 4 years and when I did get to visit them, I was pretty fat. Yeah, I got the stares and "You better start losing weight before it's too late." All I could say was " I don't have the time anymore to work out."

My workout amounts to couch eating and junk food after dinner. I am happy with the size I am now.

Update: just visited my brother and sis after 3 years and they have gained about 60 lbs each. I teased them but they love their new bodies.
8 years

Self control

I know I have no self control. Seems like after most dinner meals, I would sit on the couch and snack on something until bedtime. I am told that I am getting fat if I continue this trend. I don't see any change in behavior in the near future.
8 years

How young did you realize?

When I was in my early teens, I became fascinated with wanting to gain weight or others gaining weight. As I grew older, the desire was still there. It was until later in life, I decided to let myself go and see what happens. I have yet to be disappointed.
8 years

Being changed by domination?

I use to be very controlling about most things about me but when it comes to food, I become so submissive. When I am being fed, I lose all control about who I am and submit to anybody who feeds me.
8 years

Public thrills ;)

Best experience I had was shopping a Walmart in a t-shirt that kept riding up and exposing my belly. I pretended not to notice at times. Loved the stares and wondered if people were thinking how fat I was.
8 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

My fantasy is my girlfriend who is 300+ lbs telling me that I was to skinny for her and if I wanted to remain her boyfriend, I needed to get fatter.

I sure didn't want to let her go so she fed me like I was a pig every three hours til I could burst.
8 years


Ha. In my younger days, I would be the one giving out the humiliation to the piggies. I loved to ask everyone how much more do you think you can stuff yourself or save so food for us skinny guys.

Now I am fatter than some of the people I teased and must say I didn't like it much. After a while it became such fun to hear people say the things to me as I said to them. Lovin' it.
8 years

Gaining: from 'fetish' to "need"?

I would like to say that for me, gaining was more of a fantasy in the beginning. I loved seeing others gain and wondering what it was like to be fat over time. This was how I felt for year.

But does time for the fetish to become a need for me. I understand the psychological part of wanting to get fat or not.
I always enjoyed food but combine it with my laziness to exercise, I found I enjoyed my growth and never looked back.
8 years

Ever regret gaining? how do you come to terms with it?

Growing up in my teens, twenties and thirties, I always had to desire to gain weight but had my doubts when I attempted to gain. As time went by, I began to accept what little weight I gained until I noticed (as well as other) I was getting fat. I thought about losing it but the desire to gain was greater than wanting to exercise. There were a lot of people who were wondering about my gain, but as I grew, they were accepting of my gain
9 years

Converting a feeder

I fantasize about this all the time
10 years
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