Anyone switch from feeder to feedee?

As I got bigger I always thought wouldn't it be wild if I was 200 then 225 then 250 then I wondered 300 then I hit 350 in 2018 and am now around 360 wanting to push to 400.

it does have an addictive element, doesn't it?
3 years

Anyone switch from feeder to feedee?

i fell into this trap, too.

it was while i was dating a woman who was already a ssbbw and who was not trying to gain any more. so technically i wasn't actively "being" a feeder.... but over the course of that relationship, it was almost like her lifestyle rubbed off on me. she really turned me into a "foodie," and made me appreciate (and desire) food in a new way.

prior to that i was normally 150-160 lbs, a fit guy who went to the gym consistently - now, even though that relationship has ended, i still can't shake the lifestyle. i am over 300 now and i can't see myself going back into a gym again, lol.
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

so last night i went on my first "real" date as a fat guy, with someone who considers themself a fat admirer...

dating is weird right now because of the pandemic, so it wasn't what i would consider a normal date (dinner at a restaurant, or drinks at a bar, etc.), but we did get to spend some time in close proximity to one another, after a few weeks of voice/video chatting. it went really well, and i am looking forward to spending more time with her.

it has been such a weird year, in every way for me. i started the year in a great relationship, feeling like i had "arrived" as a fat guy. i would never have predicted how this year has gone - ending that relationship, moving cities during a pandemic, gaining a bunch more weight... and now dating again for the first time in a few years.

i guess the important thing is making it thru 2020 healthy & well. and there's still a little time to finishing off the year with some celebratory feasting!

cheers everyone!
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

Wow Canuck, you met that pretty nurse and thought you were introducing her to fat admiration and maybe even a bit of feederism, but it was in fact, her who had a thing or two to teach you about the art of feederism! Schooled smiley

i know! in talking with friends over the last few months, since i split with my ex (that pretty nurse), i have been asked, "so when are you going to start eating right, and get back into exercise, etc.?"

i have written in this tread before about how i just can't face going to the gym and facing the embarrassment of that, compared to how i used to be, so that is one thing.

the other thing i have been reflecting on is how my ex really did "school" me on the joy of food and eating. i used to eat as a perfunctory task, making sure i got the right protein, not too many carbs, etc... but she taught me how to really enjoy and delight in the flavours, scents and textures of food. honestly she turned me into a foodie, throwing aside caloric concerns for the sheer enjoyment of eating, regardless of the consequences.

so yeah... that is how she trained me, and made me a slave to my tummy, lol!
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

Sorry you split with your girlfriend. What happened? If that isn’t too personal. Has the split changed your eating habits any?

I am happy you could reconnect with your ex, even briefly. You seem such a hedonist that you need physical relations. I could be wrong about that, and I hope you find happiness.

no, it is ok - we split because i had to move for work. we tried to figure out something, but opted to split rather than suffer thru a long-distance relationship. so it was amicable, and we are still friendly - we have even shared dating stories, lol. so it's ok, but i do miss the closeness that we shared (not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, etc.).

your comment about being a hedonist surprised me a little bit, and then i sat back and thought about it for a bit... and yes, i think you are right, there is a strong aspect of that in me! not in that extreme sense of "pleasure at the expense of all other things," but definitely at this point of my life i regularly consider the effort vs enjoyment equation. it's one of the reasons i keep getting fatter, i am sure! smiley
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

not sure if this belongs in the same thread, but i thought i would post it here since it is basically an update to the story i've already told here...

it's been four months since i moved & split with my girlfriend... and in that time i hit 300 lbs. officially double my original weight.

out of desperation to socialize in some way, i reconnected with an old ex-boyfriend of mine. we were together about six years ago, not for long, maybe 4-6 months? we were gym buddies, both fit at that time. i told him i had put on a bunch of weight. eventually i invited him over for dinner.

he was pretty shocked when he saw me - clearly what he had seen on our calls did not give him a good indication of my actual fattness, lol. he looked exactly the same - maybe leaner.

we had drinks, caught up. he offered to help me work off the weight at his home gym, but i declined and told him i wasn't interested in the gym anymore. dinner arrived, indian food with lots of naan (my favorite). i got quite a bit of selection because i didn't know what he would like. he ate hardly anything, mostly protein, in stark contrast to my orgy of gobbling! he didn't touch the naan, big flatbread twice the size of a dinner plate... i used them to soak up the sauces.

he said, "well i can see how you got so fat," lol! and about the "mmmm" sounds i made while eating, he said "it sounds like you are making love" which probably made me blush.

after dinner we had more drinks and opened up more. we have both had tough times during the pandemic, and it was nice for us both to share i think.

i asked to see his stomach - he had visible abs so he was in even better shape than when we were together before. to reciprocate, i took off my shirt and showed him my "one giant ab" lol. he felt how soft it was, and even reached underneath to heft it and feel how heavy it was.

it was actually a really wonderful experience. we got together one more time after that, and it was nice to be physical with someone (i'll spare you the details!). he clearly isn't a fat admirer so we probably won't hook up again, which is fine (he is an ex for a reason after all) but honestly, it was nice just to have that experience. especially knowing that it could be a long time before i get to experience something like that again.

just typing this has made me hungry... time for something to eat! smiley
3 years

Anyone went from super fit to fat?

Two years ago I was 142 and could walk ten miles a day, run without getting winded, and walked everywhere. I’m now 200 and get tired climbing a flight of stairs, won’t run because everything jiggles and it’ll leave me panting, and drive everywhere, even the grocery store a block away. Started heavy cream three days ago to see if I can gain a bit more before the year ends and I don’t plan on dieting again, even when I occasionally have my doubts about gaining. I just enjoy the lifestyle too much now.

this was the same for me... as i got fatter i got worried, and attempted to go back to the gym to "get it under control." but by that point i had fallen so out of shape, the act of failing at the exercises i used to perform easily was so humiliating, i just couldn't face it anymore. all the jiggling and bouncing on the treadmill was just too much, and having to quit a few minutes into it... ugh.
then you compare that to the lifestyle of eating delicious food, not concerning yourself with calories, or how healthy it is - just enjoying it and allowing yourself to indulge... mmm, it is an easy lifestyle to fall in love with!
3 years

If you had a switch, would you turn it off?

I've always wondered this for myself.

I think in many ways, I'd be better off. I would probably live longer, be more satisfied having my body where it's at (instead of pursuing a goal that's 50, 100+ lbs in the future), able to have normal relationships, and be more focused on my other interests.

But part of me would feel weird---it would feel like a part of who I am is missing. I think a part of me would still like bellies, even if I had an off switch, it feels like a part of who I am.

I think if there was an off switch, something would fill the vacuum. What if it were a weirder kink? Or something just as distracting?

What if there was a switch to make people be able to relate with this fetish? Men would be expected to have bellies, women would be expected to have curves. Perhaps the reason this fetish seems so rare is not because there are few people who have it, but instead the way our culture treats fat.

Getting fat seems to be a natural part of getting older, so why is it so villainized? The majority of Americans (and much of the rest of the world) are overweight... The average male american has a 40 inch waist. I would think people's tastes would be shaped by the people they see around them, not so distracted by what they see on tv.

If I had a switch, would I flip it? It depends on the day.

same... it depends on the day.

sometimes i wish i flipped the switch back when i was 250, sometimes i feel like i really need to switch it now... mostly when i am doing something that reminds me how much more difficult things are compared to when i was thin. whether it's walking, or stairs, or just getting up off the floor, lol!

but other times, particularly when i am gorging myself, getting stuffed, and i start feeling aroused, i just want to feel that much bigger...
3 years

Anybody else feel shame/embarrassment?

The fatter I get, the more I feel embarrassed. I feel so embarrassed that my belly sticks out, and everybody at the store can see how fat I am. And when my family comment on how I'm getting fatter, I get so embarrassed, my face turns red.

What's weird, is that something strange happens - when I get embarrassed about my weight, I get turned on, too. Every time someone comments that they noticed I'm getting bigger, I get really embarrassed, and then my dick starts getting hard.

Some of my best orgasms have been when I'm embarrassed about being fat. I think the shame/embarrassment of getting fat is part of the fetish. The fact that as I get bigger, the fat around my cock starts growing and makes my dick look smaller - and for some reason that turns me on.

i was surprised by this, too. as someone who spent most of his adult life thin & fit, the arousing thrill of being called out as a fatty, or teased for my growing gut was really a surprise.

i have felt the same way about the growth of my fupa around my penis.

this was all totally a surprise to me, i thought i was a born feeder/fa, and now i am experiencing something really new (and honestly exciting).
3 years

Want to submit (gay)

i am bisexual (pansexual perhaps?) and have had partners of various genders... my most recent partner was a fat woman - i was fit when we met and got fat myself while with her.

now i am back on my own, basically single for the first time as a fat man.

in my past with other men i was a very fit dom and feeder to submissive fat men. now, as a fatty myself, i really have a desire to be dominated by a fit, strong man - to basically have the tables turned on me. smiley
3 years