Share your dark fantasies


Once I finally get chubby, like maybe around 160 pounds, not quite fat but big enough for people to notice and start making negative comments, I would tell everybody that I was going to go on the keto diet and lose all the weight. Any time I was in public or near other people, I would carefully follow the diet requirements, avoiding all carbs but still eating many calories of the fatty foods that you eat on that diet. It would be easy to have more calories without it seeming like much since fatty food is so dense. No one would question the presence of heavy cream in a keto fridge. If I could figure out a way to secretly put lots of carbs into my fatty diet food, like maybe weight gain powder or pure sugar, I might do that, but otherwise I really would eat the diet things.

Then, any time I was alone, especially at night, I would binge on as many carbs as possible, preferably thousands of calories worth. When I was too full to eat any more food I’d chug heavy gainer shakes until right before the limit of being too full to keep it down. Because of all these binges, I’d not only never go into ketosis, I’d gain a huge amount of weight from all the stuffing and increase my capacity over time until I could shovel things down like a competitive eater.

Any time people asked why I was rapidly gaining more weight instead of losing, I’d tearfully insist I had no idea why the weight wouldn’t melt off even though I was following my diet completely perfectly. I’d maybe try saying things like maybe my metabolism was just completely destroyed by my years dealing with my eating disorder and now I’m stuck fat. I’d wear too-small clothes until I could no longer squeeze into them at all, and claim that I didn’t want to buy new, bigger clothes because I was totally going to lose all the weight, because the diet had to start working sometime, right? People would ask me about it all the time because I’d be gaining so fast for seemingly no reason, and they’d want to try to find out why, find out what was happening to cause me to blimp up despite eating such a seemingly small amount.

The goal would be to stay on this fake diet, insisting to everyone that I was following its requirements religiously, until I went from a little chubby to obese. Then, once I got really and truly fat, I’d “give up on the diet,” and no one would ever know I hadn’t ever actually been dieting in the first place. When I stopped pretending to be on the diet, I’d start stuffing with anything available all the time without hiding it, telling everyone that after depriving myself for so long I just couldn’t control myself around food. Since my capacity would have increase so much, I’d be able to eat massive amounts of food. I’d pretend to be upset about that for a little while, too, before “accepting it.”

In addition to how humiliating this would be, I think it might have the side effect of discouraging bystanders who witnessed it from trying to lose weight. I mean, would you want to starve yourself for months to lose weight if you’d just watched somebody else do it “rigorously,” “following all the rules,” and balloon dozens of pounds in a matter of months instead of getting thinner, and then watched them quit the diet only to discover their appetite had permanently increased so much they were never satisfied unless they ate thousands of calories in every meal, dooming them to never be skinny or even normal ever again?

this is a wonderful idea, i love it! those keto people drive me crazy sometimes, lol
4 years

Anyone gain weight with the intention of losing it, but never ended up not losing it?

about a year ago i was 150-160. i started dating someone, and as things got more serious, it really started to impact my gym time.
my weight started to climb a little, and my partner was supportive and suggested i let it go for a bit. i thought, "ok, i will see what maybe 180 feels like, and then i can hit the gym hard and get back to normal."
so i tried to start going to the gym a couple of times, but each time i failed, and put on a little more weight.
when i hit 200, i thought, ok, january 1st i am definitely going to the gym!!! every day!
now it is january 26 and i am getting close to 230, and i have not yet exercised this year...
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

Sounds to me like had she of said "jump off the bridge" rather than refusing, you would be the kind to have said "How high"?

it is funny that you mention this, because she used exactly that same example when i teasingly suggested she was trying to make me get fatter.
she knows i will do pretty much anything she asks me to, so yeah, the "tricking" isn't very hard, lol!
4 years

Skinny guy (with fat wife) starts to gain

i loved reading it, too. my fat gal seems to have really taken to fattening me up, too - so i don't think this is terribly uncommon.
i mean, hey, getting fat is pretty easy, right? smiley just sit back, relax, enjoy the ride (and the snacks!)
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

You are now a feedee who will soon have put on 100 pounds for your feeder girlfriend who will continue fattening you. Soon you will be too big to easily lose weight and ever be fit again. Prepare to become as fat as your girlfriend or even bigger.

wow, that is quite a prophesy!
and i can kind of already seeing parts of it come true... i am getting closer to that 100 lb mark, and i already am feeling the ability to lose weight is diminishing quickly... no road to go but forward? smiley
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

So awesome -- near perfect scenario. It's almost like she used your fetish against you. Perhaps she realized your fat fetish was for real and she had captured you with her soft charms. She knew you wouldn't be going anywhere. Maybe she was a bit shy about her attractions before or didn't even let herself dwell on them. But when she realized how smitten you were, her confidence soared and her true self came out -- subconsciously at first and then more and more consciously. Turns out she likes fat guys ... so guess what's in store for you smiley

i asked her to read this response, and her answer was just an evil laugh, lol!

something about that line "used your fetish against you" is just very, very exciting, and i am not even sure why?
4 years

Shaving fupa

Hey, so I’m finally noticing that I’m gaining weight and really starting to grow! Anyone else start having trouble shaving their pubic area once they start getting a rounder figure, especially a fupa. Mines the tiniest, if I even have one but I find it way more difficult to shave down there, I can’t see and there’s a lot more crevices then I remember

my girlfriend likes me clean shaven, so i do it every so often (usually when we're going to have some amount of time to be together, like a trip or something). since growing this gut, i have noticed the same issue. not a lot of fun. hand-held mirrors help!
4 years

Does your weight decrease/go down before you gain? especially with heavy cream?

I’ve been eating 4-5000 calories every single day, with 1500 of them being from heavy cream. I’ve noticed my weight actually went DOWN to 175 instead of staying at 180 or increasing. Is this normal? Have you guys seen your weight go down before going back up? I’m frustrated!

there are soooo many factors. how much activity you perform, hormones, what is happening with your metabolism at any point in time... i wouldn't stress about it too much.

my gains happened over several months, so slowly that they literally snuck up on me. i was not paying attention, and it took me a little bit by surprise.

if i eat significantly more over the period of, say, a weekend, i can definitely feel it - but within another week, it may have evened out, depending on what i am doing, how physical work is, how much i am sleeping, etc.
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

i thought i would share my story of the last year here. i don't have any friends in my rl aside from my girlfriend, di, but i know others here have had similar experiences...

about a year ago i met di, my current girlfriend, a ssbbw. at the time i was a very fit, athletically-built guy. we hit it off immediately, really connected well,and several months later she moved in with me.

in all my past relationships, i have been pretty much the dominant feeder. i liked staying in shape to highlight that contrast with my feedee, whether an man or a woman (i am bisexual, or pansexual). di was already very large when i met her, and had no familiarity with the feedist scene. when i introduced her to the concept, she didn't find it very interesting. that was ok, we had lots of other things and kinks in common (bondage, etc.).

dating has never been a more fun and positive experience, i think. we spent as much time together as we could, juggling our schedules. most of our time together involved going out to restaurants and bars, eating out (di is very much a foodie), or hanging out at home, watching movies, and of course, more eating and drinking.

i started to make less and less time for the gym, opting to stay in with di... snacking, drinking. playing! eventually i noticed my pants getting tighter, and made an effort to work out more. when i would get dressed to go, she would often tempt me to stay with her abundant charms... she denies trying to sabotage my efforts, but i am not so sure, lol!

weeks away from the gym turned into months away. my clothes were no longer fitting properly, so i got larger sizes. i tried to work out again, with the plan of shrinking back down into my smaller sizes again. but it was getting harder and harder to stick with it, and just easier to hang out on the couch and snack!

eventually it got to the point that my gut was impossible to hide. my family teased me, my co-workers mocked me, and even di started to call me names. she clearly liked the bigger me, though. and to be honest, i started to like the teasing.

when i passed 200 lbs (50 lbs heavier than my first pic here on ff!!!) it was a shock to me. it caused me to reflect on where i was now... i had a bulging tummy that bounced and jiggled with my movements. sitting up in bed was noticeably more difficult.
i felt like i was on a precipice - i went to the gym to do something about it. i was so embarrassed to see my reflection in the mirrors - an unavoidable belly poking out. my cardio had deteriorated significantly, i just died on the treadmill, and my strength had diminished to an embarrassing degree. i used to actively weight train, but all of those muscles seemed to have vanished.

i felt disheartened, and to be honest, a little humiliated in that last attempt at working out. when i talked to di about it, she lavished attention on my flabby parts, and surprised me - she didn't want me to lose the weight. she wanted me to put on another 50 lbs, instead!

i felt mixed emotions at that. i loved her support and affection, and tbh, the idea that she was coming around to some of the ideals of a feedist was kind of enticing! but i already felt like i had turned from a stallion into a pig, i wasn't crazy about getting even fatter.

...but then... i did get fatter! in the weeks since that conversation, i have put on another 20 lbs. she delights in tempting and teasing me, and she is so gorgeous, really, she is hard to resist! smiley she is also taking on a far more dominant role in our sex life, which has been fun. my ego is getting less sensitive to her name calling, and her teasing me, and showing that she can easily dominate the fatter, weaker me, having her way with me.

at the moment, heading into the holidays, i don't know where this is going to lead. i am definitely enjoying myself in the moment, but in at other times i sometimes find myself reflecting on my new, bloated, sqeezable body, still dumbfounded by how this has happened to me? di has told me that she is calling the shots over the holidays, and i am ok with that, and look forward to time off work with her, doing (and eating) as she pleases!

i suggested to her that i could start working out in the new year, try to trim down. she smiled a sneaky smile and said, "you can try... but what makes you think you won't have passed the point of no return by then?"

what have i gotten myself into? smiley
4 years

Sucking it in

my girlfriend recently slapped me in the stomach and told me, "stop trying to suck in your gut - it's not working."

i didn't even realize i was sucking it in, it was totally unconscious! lol
4 years